For a long time, the American workforce has been becoming increasingly specialized, which means that an increasing amount of education and preparation is required for many careers. A high school diploma was once a guarantee of a person's ability to handle most job skills, but this is no longer the case. In many instances, a person with only a high school diploma faces difficulties finding well-paying positions with job security. A few years of college, and preferably a degree, are now almost necessary qualifications.
The Facts
As the cost of a college education goes up, many begin to question whether the expense is worth the reward. Simply examining the financial differential between those with a college degree and those without one reveals that the more educated a person is, the more, on average, he will earn in his lifetime. It is estimated that people with a college degree earn almost twice as much as those with only a high school diploma; even those with only a few years of college or an associate's degree earn close to a quarter more. Though the burden of tuition and loans can seem heavy, the cost of remaining uneducated is obvious.
Obtaining a college degree makes more than just a financial difference for the individual; rather, it can make the difference for an entire family. Those with more education are generally qualified for jobs with better benefits, including health, life, and retirement. Their jobs are, in general, more secure. Parents who make more money are also better able to provide for their children's education, increasing the likelihood that they will go to college and get good jobs. Getting a college education is one of the best ways to escape the cycle of poverty, for both yourself and your descendants.