It's good to be Joseph Gordon-Levitt right now. The former child star is set to premiere his directorial debut, "Don Jon's Addiction," a film he wrote and stars in with Scarlett Johansson, at this month's Sundance Film Festival. Plus, it seems like everyone wants him in their movie. In the past week, Gordon-Levitt's name has been attached to high-profile project like Marvel's "Guardians of the Galaxy," but it's a different kind of comic-book movie that has caught his eye.
囧瑟夫实在太受欢迎了!从小在舞台上长大的囧瑟夫本月即将携导演处女作《唐璜之瘾》(Don Jon's Addiction)赴圣丹斯电影节。人人都想邀请他参演自己的电影,据最近发布的消息,囧瑟夫将出演一部备受瞩目的大片,声势浩大的程度就像漫威的《银河系守卫者》(Guardians of the Galaxy)——但他决定接演的是另一部完全不同的漫画改编电影。
Deadline is reporting that Gordon-Levitt will make Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller's sequel "Sin City: A Dame to Kill For" his next movie. The long-awaited follow-up to the 2005 hyper-literal adaptation of Miller's comic book series started filming this past October after fans waited years for the promised sequel.
日前终于有确定消息称囧瑟夫参演导演罗伯特·罗德里格兹(Robert Rodriguez)与弗兰克·米勒(Frank Miller)的新作《罪恶之城2》(Sin City: A Dame to Kill For),本片已于去年10月开拍,预计今年10月上映。经过7年漫长的等待,《罪恶之城》粉丝们总算要等到当初说好的续集了。
Gordon-Levitt has signed on to play a character named Johnny, a character created specifically for "A Dame to Kill For," who, as described in a press release, is "a cocky gambler who disguises a darker mission to destroy his most foul enemy at his best game." Deadline reports that he'll be joining returning cast members Mickey Rourke, Clive Owen, and Bruce Willis, whose involvement had not been confirmed until this latest report.
据报道,囧瑟夫在片中扮演约翰尼(Johnny),该角色是个骄傲自信的赌徒,他将设局摧毁最邪恶的敌人。演出过第一部的米基·洛克(Mickey Rourke)、克里夫·欧文(Clive Owen)布鲁斯·威利斯(Bruce Willis)也都将回归本片。
The actor took to his Twitter feed to enthusiastically confirm the news. "This one's no mere rumor," he wrote, "and it's gonna be fun as f---."
The news of Gordon-Levitt's casting in "Sin City," of course, comes with some bad news for Marvel fans. After recently being added to the long short-list of actors be considered for the lead role of Peter Quill a.k.a. Star-Lord in James Gunn's "Guardians of the Galaxy," Gordon-Levitt has officially turned down a spot in the space epic. That role is now up for grabs for a handful of actors including Jim Sturgess, Lee Pace, Eddie Redmayne, and many others.
总是有人欢乐有人愁,不少漫威的粉丝可不那么高兴。日前有消息称导演詹姆斯·冈(James Gunn)的新作《银河守卫者》主角之一“星爵”彼得·奎尔(Peter Quill,Star-Lord)将囧瑟夫列入了候选人名单,而囧瑟夫已经明确表示无法参演。该角色目前的候选人名单上还有吉姆·斯特吉斯(Jim Sturgess)、李·裴斯(Lee Pace)、艾迪·雷德梅恩(Eddie Redmayne)等几位演员。
Earlier this week, The Hollywood Reporter revealed that Gordon-Levitt had also been considered to lead Gareth Edwards' "Godzilla" reboot, which begins filming in March.
Gareth Edwards)导演的新版《哥斯拉》,据报道该片将于3月开拍。