Brad Pitt didn't have the greatest 2012. Oh sure, he bagged a role in Ridley Scott's "The Counselor," and a small part in Steve McQueen's "Twelve Years A Slave," but Andrew Dominik's "Killing Them Softly" bombed hard, while his big budget zombie movie "World War Z" endured a release date delay, reshoots, and the worst buzz of the year. So, for his next move, he's going to play the lead in "Pontius Pilate"?
布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)的2012年过得不算太好。虽然他在雷德利·斯科特(Ridley Scott)的《法律顾问》(The Counselor)中演得游刃有余、十分出彩,也在史蒂夫·麦奎因(Steve McQueen)的《黑奴十二年》(Twelve Years a Slave)里客串了一下;但由皮特主演、由安德鲁·多米尼克(Andrew Dominik)执导的《温柔的杀戮》(Killing Them Softly)票房惨淡,他那大成本制作的僵尸电影《僵尸世界大战》(World War Z)先是推迟上映,又经历重拍风波,最后还获得了去年的“电影恶评第一名”。然后,他下一步打算出演电影《庞提乌斯·彼拉多》(Pontius Pilate,又译本丢·彼拉多)的同名主角,那个历史上下令处死耶稣的大恶人?
Well, we admire the swagger we guess. The actor is circling the project that was first announced last summer, and described as a kind of "Braveheart" or "Gladiator" epic-sized movie that tells the story of Pontius' rise from battlefield warrior to cog in the political machine, who is assigned to Judea which just happens to be a seething well of religious tension, and he gets in way over his head, and winds up in control of the fate of this guy named Jesus. And stopping by for apperances? Caligula, Tiberius, John the Baptist, King Herod, Salome, Mary Magdalene and Caiaphas. Your preacher is gonna flip.
好吧,人有多大胆,地有多大产啊。皮特正在考虑的这个电影项目于去年夏天公布,被描述为一部类似于《勇敢的心》(Braveheart)、《角斗士》(Gladiator)的史诗电影。它讲述的是这样一个故事:庞提乌斯从一个普通战士转变为政治机器的棋子,他被派往当时宗教局势剑拔弩张的朱迪亚城后,深陷泥足、难以自拔,最终掌控一个名叫耶稣(Jesus)的人的命运。都有谁会在电影里露脸呢?卡里古拉(Caligula,罗马暴君)、台比留(Tiberius,罗马皇帝)、施洗者约翰(John the Baptist)、以色列的希律王(King Herod)、莎乐美(Salome,希律王女儿)、抹大拉的玛丽亚(Mary Magdalene)以及该亚法(Caiaphas,主审耶稣的大祭师)。传教者们看到一定会气疯的。
Of couse, nothing is confirmed and Pitt circles lots of stuff, all the time, without committing, so we'll see. And also, there's no director attached yet and who that winds up being will probably be a big part of getting Pitt involved or not. But we'll go ahead and say he currently has the hair for the job, and if anyone could make the masses care for a "Pontius Pilate" movie, he could.