Another woman who left the City after a career of 15 years, says: “Everything you do when working in the City is based on an annual cycle and around what you get paid. You are forbidden to discuss what that amount is, so you display your success by what you buy – watches, handbags, cars – whether you are male or female.”
In 2011, ILM published research on Ambition and Gender At Work, which found that women are less confident in their own abilities compared to men and have lower career expectations, with only 42 per cent of female middle managers expecting to reach senior manager level in 10 years, compared to 70 per cent of men.
2011年,领导与管理学院发表了名为《工作中的抱负与性别》(Ambition and Gender At Work)的研究报告。研究发现,与男性相比,女性对于自己的能力不那么自信,职业预期较低,只有42%的女性中级管理者预计自己会在10年后升到高管级别,而有这种想法的男性占到了70%。
But when they do get to “the top” they seem to find it a very lonely place, making it difficult to reach any conclusions on whether their behaviour “converges” with that of men at the same level.
Louise Ashley, a research fellow at Cass Business School who works with professional services firms, speaks regularly with young lawyers at entry level with the largest law firms. She says most men talk about aiming to become a partner, whereas women tend not to.
卡斯商学院(Cass Business School)的研究员路易丝·阿什利(Louise Ashley)在专业服务机构工作,她经常与大律师事务所的初级年轻律师交谈。她表示,多数男性会谈到自己的目标是成为合伙人,而女性往往不会谈到这个。
A female partner at a large law firm says the ones who do get there “are not going to admit to weakness or a need for internal lines of communication in a male-dominated environment”. In some cases, gender differences can be magnified at senior levels, as women find themselves isolated: “Men can leave their weekend at home or share the anecdotes of ‘what a witch the wife was this weekend’ with other male partners at work or over a game of golf, while a senior woman may have no one to talk to except her female junior associate who mistakenly thinks she has everything,” says the law firm partner.
Being in a minority can mean that, even at the top, there is no natural network. Some law firms, including Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, are working to address this by setting up formal networks at all levels, including the most senior. Freshfields partner Avril Martindale says: “I feel quite passionately about this. I have found as I got more senior that it is very important that I have a network of senior women who face the same issues as I do.”
身为少数群体可能意味着,即便在高层,也不存在一个自然而然的人际网络。包括富而德律师事务所(Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer)在内的一些律师事务所正通过在所有级别(包括最高级别)当中创建正式的网络,来努力解决这一问题。富而德律师事务所合伙人埃夫丽尔·马丁代尔(Avril Martindale)表示:“我对此热情很高。我发现当我升至更高级别时,拥有一个由和我有着同样问题的女高管组成的人际网络非常重要。”
Children are another significant determinant of workplace behaviours and attitudes. Women say that at junior levels it is fine to “all go out to the pub and have a drink together” but pressing issues surrounding childcare and bringing up children can form a divide between the sexes at more senior levels.
The extent to which women adopt male traits in the workplace should be of great concern to all employers, according to Charles Elvin, chief executive of ILM. “It would be very bad for any organisation to have the sexes converge in what they want. Cognitive diversity is very important – you don’t want women to become like men or men becoming like women. Both depth and breadth of perception is needed to innovate, change and drive an organisation forward.
领导与管理学院首席执行官查尔斯·埃尔文(Charles Elvin)表示,女性在工作时在多大程度上表现出男性特征应引起所有雇主的重视。埃尔文表示:“对于任何一家公司而言,男女在愿望方面趋同都是非常糟糕的事情。认知多元化非常重要,你不希望女人变得像男人一样,或者男人变得像女人一样。为了创新、改革并推动企业前进,观念的深度和广度都是必需的。
“Large organisations are losing a major portion of their talent as women are filtered out all the way through the career process. But it is not ultimately a ‘woman’s issue’ – we need to be innovative about how to manage the workplace for both men and women,” says Mr Elvin.
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