Hernandez is proud of his extra digits and calls them a blessing, saying they set him apart and enable him to make a living by scrambling up palm trees to cut coconuts and posing for photographs in this eastern Cuban city popular with tourists.
oandri Hernandez Garrido以自己的指头为荣,认为这是上天赐给他的礼物,因为有了它们,他才会靠爬棕榈树卖椰子和允许来古巴的摄影师为其拍照为生 。
Known as polydactyly, Hernandez's condition is relatively common, but it's rare for the extra digits to be so perfect.
作为多指趾畸形患者,Hernandez的情况相对来说比较普遍,但多余的指头长得这么完美,他还是头一个 。