3. Different Is Good 与众不同很不错
“A different or unique outfit reflects a confident woman who is sure of herself,” says Andrew Schrage, Editor of the Money Crashers personal finance blog. “Even if it's not the most physically attractive outfit, the thought behind it can be mentally stimulating,” Awesome, we love this! Is this outfit too different?
“一套特别或者与众不同的衣服会表现出女人对自己的笃定自信。”个人理财博客《金钱傲客》的编辑安德鲁这样表示。“即使这件衣服没有展现出女性最强大的身体吸引力,男人也会从心理上认可并认为很不错。” 女人应该都喜欢特别的尝试,不过这件衣服该不会太过了吧?