Beanie Babies
Who could resist those cute, bean-filled animals? Beanie Babieswere lots of fun; they came with their own tags containing theirname, birthday, and a poem. The TY company was the most popular forbeanie babies which originated in 1993. Then, other companiesstarted to make their own and become part of this Beanie Babycraze. Even McDonalds and TY partnered up in order to provide minibeanie babies as the prize in Happy Meals. They're still aroundtoday, but they aren't as popular。
Although there are plenty of other fads from the 1990's, thislist was made with the purpose to show some of the more popularones. It's fun to look back at some of the fads and being able tomake new opinions about them in present day. Some we may look at asa great fad. Others we look at as a waste of time, but whatever wayyou look at them, you know that they were a part of your life.After a decade, you can keep all of your favorite things from thosepast ten years and look back on them in the next ten years. Theybring back plenty of memories that, unlike fads, will never goaway。