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编辑:Melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Nor will home life necessarily be easy.
  • 家庭生活也不一定轻松。
  • Spouses and children have often become used to coping without a parent who has worked long hours.
  • 配偶和孩子们常常习惯于在没有长时间工作的父母的情况下处理事情。
  • They have built their own networks of friends and activities.
  • 他们建立了自己的朋友圈和活动网络。
  • They may find it hard to adjust to the presence of a bored pensioner knocking about the house.
  • 他们可能会发现很难适应一个无聊的退休老人在家里四处走动。
  • On top of that, it may have been tricky for those in positions of authority to develop close friendships themselves, particularly at work.
  • 除此之外,对于那些身居要职的人来说,建立亲密的友谊可能是件困难的事情,尤其是在工作中。
  • The book presents a series of case studies of people who have been through this kind of upheaval, some a lot more successfully than others.
  • 《换挡》对经历过退休剧变的人们进行了一系列的案例研究,其中有些研究对象要比其他人成功得多。
  • There is, inevitably perhaps, a bit of psychobabble.
  • 可能不可避免地会有一些心理学呓语。
  • But readers who tolerate talk of "transition mindsets" and "potential desired competences" will discover that
  • 但是,那些能容忍谈论“过渡心态”和“潜在期望能力”的读者会发现,
  • the individual stories are instructive and the questions posed by the authors are important.
  • 书中的个人故事发人深省,作者提出的问题也至关重要。
  • Those near retirement must work out who they have been, who they are now and who they would like to become.
  • 那些即将退休的人必须弄清楚他们曾经是什么样的人,现在是什么样的人,以及他们将来想成为什么样的人。
  • The answers will vary from person to person; there is "no one size fits all" solution.
  • 答案因人而异;并没有万能的解决方案。
  • Bartleby's father was never happier than when, after retiring from his job as a headmaster, he was able to spend his time reading, gardening and listening to Mozart.
  • 让笔者的父亲最高兴的是,他从校长的职位上退休之后,能够花些时间阅读、园艺以及听莫扎特的音乐。
  • Other people would be bored to tears by such a life.
  • 其他人可能会对这样的生活厌烦透顶。
  • The authors suggest that people be willing to experiment, to try new activities, develop new skills and talk to others who have been through the same process.
  • 作者建议人们乐意去试验,尝试新的活动,发展新的技能,并与有过相同经历的人多聊一聊。
  • Another approach is to keep a journal and make a list of things that you like to do, or have also wished to do.
  • 另一种方法则是记日记,列出你喜欢做的事情,或者想做的事情。
  • In addition, those approaching retirement should consider the type of role they like to play.
  • 此外,那些即将退休的人应该考虑他们喜欢扮演的角色类型。
  • Do they enjoy working with others or working alone?
  • 他们是喜欢和别人一起工作还是自己一个人工作?
  • Do they draw satisfaction mainly from developing ideas or from coordinating teams?
  • 他们主要是从发展想法中获得满足感还是通过团队合作?
  • Since self-awareness is a difficult skill, people should talk to a few trusted contacts to discover how they are perceived by the wider world.
  • 自知是一项困难的技能,所以人们应该与一些值得信赖的联系人交谈,从而发现更广阔的外界是如何看待他们的。
  • They may find the answers are surprising.
  • 他们可能会发现答案令人惊讶。
  • This is a critical issue.
  • 这是一个关键问题。
  • Think of all the time people spend deciding which university they would like to attend, which course they would like to study and which career they would wish to follow.
  • 想想人们花在决定上哪所大学,学习哪门课程,以及从事哪种职业上的所有时间。
  • Deciding on their post-career lifestyle is just as important.
  • 决定他们退休后的生活方式同样重要。
  • They may have decades left to enjoy.
  • 毕竟他们可能还有几十年的时间去享受退休后的生活。


Nor will home life necessarily be easy. Spouses and children have often become used to coping without a parent who has worked long hours. They have built their own networks of friends and activities. They may find it hard to adjust to the presence of a bored pensioner knocking about the house. On top of that, it may have been tricky for those in positions of authority to develop close friendships themselves, particularly at work.


The book presents a series of case studies of people who have been through this kind of upheaval, some a lot more successfully than others. There is, inevitably perhaps, a bit of psychobabble. But readers who tolerate talk of “transition mindsets” and “potential desired competences” will discover that the individual stories are instructive and the questions posed by the authors are important. Those near retirement must work out who they have been, who they are now and who they would like to become.


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The answers will vary from person to person; there is “no one size fits all” solution. Bartleby’s father was never happier than when, after retiring from his job as a headmaster, he was able to spend his time reading, gardening and listening to Mozart. Other people would be bored to tears by such a life. The authors suggest that people be willing to experiment, to try new activities, develop new skills and talk to others who have been through the same process. Another approach is to keep a journal and make a list of things that you like to do, or have also wished to do.


In addition, those approaching retirement should consider the type of role they like to play. Do they enjoy working with others or working alone? Do they draw satisfaction mainly from developing ideas or from coordinating teams? Since self-awareness is a difficult skill, people should talk to a few trusted contacts to discover how they are perceived by the wider world. They may find the answers are surprising.


This is a critical issue. Think of all the time people spend deciding which university they would like to attend, which course they would like to study and which career they would wish to follow. Deciding on their post-career lifestyle is just as important. They may have decades left to enjoy.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
approach [ə'prəutʃ]


n. 接近; 途径,方法
v. 靠近,接近,动

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt

vary ['vɛəri]


v. 变化,改变,使多样化

retiring [ri'taiəriŋ]


adj. 腼腆的,隐居的,不喜社交的 动词retire的

willing ['wiliŋ]


adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的

presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度

tolerate ['tɔləreit]


vt. 容忍,忍受

inevitably [in'evitəbli]


adv. 不可避免地

solution [sə'lu:ʃən]


n. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液

authority [ə'θɔ:riti]


n. 权力,权威,职权,官方,当局





