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编辑:Ceciliya   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • In her first speech as the fund's chief,
  • 在她就任基金总裁的首次演讲中,
  • she called for governments to enact domestic reforms that achieve "stronger and more resilient growth",
  • 她呼吁政府实施国内改革,实现“更强劲、更有弹性的增长”,
  • and for those with remaining fiscal firepower to deploy it.
  • 并呼吁那些拥有剩余财政火力的国家进行部署。
  • She has promised to collaborate more with the World Bank, particularly regarding countries that have received the fund's help.
  • 她承诺和世界银行展开更多的合作,特别是那些接受了该基金帮助的国家。
  • Ms Georgieva may want to remove the impression that the MF cares only about restoring stability
  • 格奥尔基耶娃可能想要消除IMF只关心为危机深重的国家恢复稳定,
  • to crisis-ridden countries at the expense of jobs and growth.
  • 而不惜牺牲就业和经济增长的这样一种印象。
  • It is hardly unusual for new bosses to make management changes, including at the fund.
  • 新上任的总裁进行管理上的变革,包括在基金组织,这并不罕见。
  • It could benefit from a shake-up that flattens its hierarchical management structure. Its policies could also be improved.
  • 这种做法可能会受益于一场使其层级管理结构扁平化的改革。其政策可能也会得到改善。
  • Its programmes sometimes crimp growth, such that countries miss its rosy GDP forecasts.
  • 它的项目有时会阻碍经济增长,以至于一些国家错过了它乐观的GDP预测。
  • Its engagement with fragile states can be lacklustre.
  • 它与脆弱国家的接触可能毫无生气。
  • The risk, though, is that Ms Georgieva's reforms backfire.
  • 但风险在于,格奥尔基耶娃的改革可能会适得其反。
  • If she wants the most able staff to work on fragile states, she will have to butter them up.
  • 如果她想让最有能力的员工为脆弱的国家工作,她将不得不讨好他们。
  • Mr Lipton's departure means one fewer set of capable hands to help in a crisis.
  • 利普顿的离开意味着在危机中少了一批有能力的帮手。
  • Some fear that without him there will be an increase in "clientitis"— country directors being too soft when demanding reforms.
  • 一些人担心,没有了他,“客户倾向”可能会增加——国家管理者在要求改革时过于软弱。
  • One near-term challenge is Argentina, the recipient of the fund's biggest ever loan.
  • 近期面临的一个挑战就是阿根廷,IMF有史以来最大一笔贷款的接受国。
  • On February 12th fund officials began talks with the government, which is seeking to restructure its debt.
  • 2月12日,基金开始和该国政府谈判,后者正寻求重组其债务。
  • There are also concerns that Mr Lipton might be replaced by someone less capable.
  • 还有人担心,利普顿可能会被能力不足的人取代。
  • The Trump administration has resisted the idea that Mr Lipton's job be abolished altogether.
  • 特朗普政府一直反对废除利普顿的职位。
  • It is floating the name of Geoffrey Okamoto, an acting assistant secretary of the Treasury, as a potential replacement.
  • 传言称财政部代理助理部长杰弗里·冈本可能接替这一职位。
  • For Ms Georgieva's strategy to work, she needs someone pliable in the role.
  • 格奥尔基耶娃的策略要想起作用,她就需要一个能适应这个角色的人。
  • But if they are too weak, the institution could eventually suffer.
  • 但如果他们过于脆弱,该机构最终可能会遭殃。
  • Ms Georgieva still needs to convince some fund-watchers that she is updating its mission not diluting it.
  • 格奥尔基耶娃仍需要说服一些基金监管者,她是在更新其使命,而不是稀释它。
  • New ambitions require resources—or a sense of which old tasks will be cut to make way for new ones.
  • 新的抱负需要资源——或者要意识到为了给新任务开路,哪些旧的任务将被砍掉。
  • Structural reforms need not do damage. But they should be enacted with care.
  • 结构性改革不一定会造成损害,但应该小心执行。


In her first speech as the fund's chief,

she called for governments to enact domestic reforms that achieve "stronger and more resilient growth",
and for those with remaining fiscal firepower to deploy it.
She has promised to collaborate more with the World Bank, particularly regarding countries that have received the fund's help.
Ms Georgieva may want to remove the impression that the MF cares only about restoring stability
to crisis-ridden countries at the expense of jobs and growth.
It is hardly unusual for new bosses to make management changes, including at the fund.
It could benefit from a shake-up that flattens its hierarchical management structure. Its policies could also be improved.
Its programmes sometimes crimp growth, such that countries miss its rosy GDP forecasts.
Its engagement with fragile states can be lacklustre.
The risk, though, is that Ms Georgieva's reforms backfire.
If she wants the most able staff to work on fragile states, she will have to butter them up.


Mr Lipton's departure means one fewer set of capable hands to help in a crisis.

Some fear that without him there will be an increase in "clientitis"— country directors being too soft when demanding reforms.
One near-term challenge is Argentina, the recipient of the fund's biggest ever loan.
On February 12th fund officials began talks with the government, which is seeking to restructure its debt.
There are also concerns that Mr Lipton might be replaced by someone less capable.
The Trump administration has resisted the idea that Mr Lipton's job be abolished altogether.
It is floating the name of Geoffrey Okamoto, an acting assistant secretary of the Treasury, as a potential replacement.
For Ms Georgieva's strategy to work, she needs someone pliable in the role.
But if they are too weak, the institution could eventually suffer.
Ms Georgieva still needs to convince some fund-watchers that she is updating its mission not diluting it.
New ambitions require resourcesor a sense of which old tasks will be cut to make way for new ones.
Structural reforms need not do damage. But they should be enacted with care.





