The biggest thing Mr Gurumurthy is thought to have helped get done is demonetisation in 2016,
when 86% of bank notes by value were abruptly withdrawn from circulation in an attempt to crack down on undeclared "black money".
This, he argues, prevented an economic collapse (most Indian economists reckon it almost caused one).
He is also thought to be behind a scheme to expand lending to small businesses, and a rejigging of the government's economic-planning department.

Mr Gurumurthy believes, as he put it in a speech last year,
that the "the subject of economics is collapsing" and should be replaced by an Indian economics based on Swadeshi (self-reliance).
Foreign capital should be kept out; the government should manage finance directly and small businesses should be prioritised over big ones.
Western-educated economists who disagree need a "correction" of the mind.
Since joining the RBI board Mr Gurumurthy has turned its monthly meetings into day-long slogs,
as he puts forward these ideas, seemingly with the backing of the government.
"His being on the board is not merely some symbolic thing," says Vivek Dehejia of IDFC Institute, a think-tank.
“他加入董事会并不仅仅是象征性的,”智囊团IDFC研究所的Vivek Dehejia说道。
His appointment was followed in October by the squeezing out of Nachiket Mor, an American-educated economist who had been attacked by the RSS.
在对他进行任命前的10月,一名美国毕业的经济学家Nachiket Mor遭到排挤,他一直是RSS的攻击目标。
Weeks later Viral Acharya, one of the bank's four deputy governors, warned that the government was undermining the bank's independence.
几周后,银行四大副行长之一Viral Acharya警告称政府正在破坏银行的独立性。
A paragraph-long statement after the latest board meeting, on November 19th,
said that the bank would direct more money to small businesses but fudged the biggest question: whether it would hand more cash to the central government.
With an election approaching, few think that fight is over. If the government wins, more demands are likely to follow. And one man is sure to be at the front making them.