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美语情景对话 第1056期:Best Teacher 最好的老师

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Abidemi, so looking back at your life as a student,
  • 阿比德米,回顾一下你的学生时代,
  • can you tell me a little bit about your experience with the best teacher that you had, and maybe a little bit about your worst teacher?
  • 你能说说你遇到的最好的老师和最糟糕的老师吗?
  • Sure. I think I've had many, many great teachers. I've been really blessed in that way.
  • 当然可以。我想我遇到了很多优秀的老师。在这方面我真的很幸运。
  • Thinking back now, I remember my teacher when I was in primary 6 in Nigeria, actually.
  • 回想一下,我记得我在尼日利亚上小学六年级时的老师。
  • His name was Mr. Oleaer. And this teacher was a math and science teacher.
  • 他的名字是奥莱尔。他是数学和科学老师。
  • And I think the best thing about him was he really took a personal interest in all of us. We could tell that he really cared.
  • 我认为他最大的优点是他真的对我们所有学生都非常关心。我们可以他出来他很关心我们。
  • Although, he was very much a teacher, he took that authority role but at the same time, he was like our friend.
  • 虽然他是老师,他有老师的权威,但是他也像我们的朋友一样。
  • Like during the break time, we would approach him, we would talk to him.
  • 在课间休息时,我们会围在他身边和他聊天。
  • And over the summer, he tutored a few of us for the entrance examination to high school because we have that system in Nigeria.
  • 有一年夏天,他给我们几个人辅导高中入学考试,这是尼日利亚的教学体系。
  • So it was just fun. Every time we saw him, we just have a good time with him.
  • 那非常有意思。每次我们看到他,我们都会和他一起度过美好的时光。
  • And I remembered he talked to me. He mentored—he was like a mentor.
  • 我还记得他和我的谈话。他对我进行了指导,他有点儿像导师。
  • He came to me, and he was wondering what I wanted to be in the future and he made some suggestions because of the scores I had in his class.
  • 他过来找我,他想知道我未来想做什么,他依据我在班里的成绩给我提了一些建议。
  • And to this day, I still remember him. He sticks in my mind.
  • 至今我依然记得他。他令我记忆深刻。
  • And having taught for a little bit as well, I think for me too, he's one of the people that I tried to model myself after.
  • 我也从事过一段时间的教学工作,我认为他是我努力想学习的模范。
  • I model myself after him.
  • 我想效仿他。
  • Maybe not even consciously,
  • 也许我并不是有意识的,
  • but I liked the fact that he was a teacher and we knew it but at the same time, he was very friendly.
  • 不过我很欣赏他既是老师又很友好的样子。
  • So I really love that aspect of him. How about you, Jeremy? Anyone comes to mind?
  • 我非常欣赏那点。你呢,杰里米?你有想到哪位老师吗?
  • You know, it was more just sort of teacher qualities that I remember from a number of different teachers.
  • 我记得的更多的是那些老师的素质。
  • And what I always really—when I look back and think about teachers that made a difference,
  • 在回顾以前教过我的一些老师时,我认为老师和老师之间最大的不同是,
  • it was teachers that recognized students' weakness and tried to counsel them or to sort of—
  • 有些老师能认识到学生的缺点,并尽力给学生提供建议,
  • in my case, it was that I was a very, very shy person.
  • 就以我来说,我以前是一个非常非常害羞的人。
  • And a teacher who would talk to me a little bit and give me encouragement if I did a presentation,
  • 如果我要做展示,这个时候会有老师过来和我谈话,鼓励我
  • which was just the worst thing I could possibly ever do because I was so nervous.
  • 因为那是我最不喜欢做的事情,因为我非常紧张。
  • But teachers that recognized I had a real serious shy problem, and that they would just give a little bit of encouragement.
  • 老师意识到我非常害羞,他们会给我鼓励。
  • And those with little bits of encouragement, over time I started to gain a little bit more confidence.
  • 因为有这些鼓励,随着时间的推移,我变得越来越自信。
  • And by the time I was in university, I still had a problem with giving presentations but—
  • 我上大学以后,在做展示时依然存在问题,
  • even in university, I had teachers who would compliment me on a job attempted—and I wouldn't really say well done, but I tried.
  • 不过在大学的时候,有老师称赞我的工作,不能说我完成的很好,但我已经尽力了。
  • And those were the things that really stood out,
  • 我认为这些是老师突出的品质,
  • teachers that recognize when people have issues in their life and they really try to encourage them to overcome those issues.
  • 即留意学生遇到的问题,并努力去鼓励学生克服问题。
  • It wasn't just one teacher. It was a number of teachers. But not all teachers did that.
  • 并不是只有一个老师能做到,有一大批老师都可以做到。但是并不是所有的老师都会这样做。
  • Some of them, it wasn't part of their job description to be a counselor, I guess,
  • 有些老师可能认为辅导并不是他们的工作内容,
  • and it was more work and they just didn't attempted or didn't care or maybe didn't recognize it.
  • 那是额外的工作,他们没有去做或者说并不关心,甚至是没有意识到这点。
  • But some people really thought, here's a guy who maybe needs a little bit of extra boost, and they would try to help me out.
  • 不过有些人则会认为,这个人也许需要鼓励,然后他们就会努力提供帮助。
  • Those are the probably the things that stick out in my mind.
  • 这些是我想到的事情。
  • And like you, I try to model myself after those teachers to try to find students who need a little bit of extra encouragement and make them feel better about themselves.
  • 和你一样,我也努力以那些为有需要的学生提供帮助并增加学生自信的老师为榜样。
  • I think that's great.
  • 那非常棒。
  • I think as teachers, everyone, if you have an opportunity to be a teacher,
  • 我认为,作为老师,如果大家有机会成为老师,
  • one of the best things you can do is to try and find the potential in each and everyone of your student
  • 那你能做的最好的事情之一就是试图去发现每名学生身上的潜力,
  • because everyone has something special in them.
  • 因为所有人都有特长。
  • And for a teacher to recognize that, it's so awesome. It's amazing. Yeah.
  • 对老师来说,意识到这一点非常了不起。真的很棒。
  • I think you're right.
  • 你说得没错。




1. look back 追忆;回顾;
例句:She can look back on her career with great satisfaction.
2. stick in one's mind 被牢记在心;印在脑海中;
例句:I've always been fond of poetry and one piece has always stuck in my mind.
3. come to mind 突然想起;(想法)一下子冒出来;
例句:I just picked up whatever goods come to mind.
4. stand out 突出;出色;更为重要;
例句:His work stands out from that of others.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
mentor ['mentə]


n. 指导者 vt. 指导

compliment ['kɔmplimənt]


n. 称赞,恭维,(复数)致意
vt. 称赞,

approach [ə'prəutʃ]


n. 接近; 途径,方法
v. 靠近,接近,动

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

encouragement [in'kʌridʒmənt]


n. 鼓励

weakness ['wi:knis]


n. 软弱

encourage [in'kʌridʒ]


vt. 鼓励,促进,支持

counsel ['kaunsəl]


n. 商议,忠告,法律顾问
v. 商议,劝告

confidence ['kɔnfidəns]


adj. 骗得信任的
n. 信任,信心,把握

consciously ['kɔnʃəsli]


adv. 有意识地,自觉地





