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美语情景对话 第1055期:Student vs Teacher 学生和老师

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • So Abidemi, you were a teacher at one time but now you've gone back to school. Can you tell me what that's like?
  • 阿比德米,你曾经当过老师,现在你又回到学校继续学习。你能和我说说你的感受吗?
  • Well, Jeremy, I think it's great.
  • 杰里米,我认为那太棒了。
  • I think it's awesome to be able to go back and play the role of a student after being a teacher for a few years.
  • 在当了几年老师以后再回到学校体验学生的生活,这真的太美好了。
  • I'm actually loving it. I really enjoy learning. So that aspect of it is great.
  • 我非常喜欢这种感觉。我很享受学习的过程。从这方面来看还是不错的。
  • I love the fact that I have less responsibility as a student now,
  • 现在我是学生,所以我的责任少了很多,
  • whereas before, as a teacher, I had the full pressure of all the students on me.
  • 以前当老师的时候,我感觉所有学生都在向我施加压力。
  • If I had 30 students, that means 30 times as much pressure or so it felt like.
  • 如果我教30个学生,那我就有30倍的压力。
  • But now, I just have to concern myself with only me. So that aspect I love.
  • 不过现在,我只要关心自己就可以了。从这个角度来说我很喜欢现在的生活。
  • Is there anything you miss about being a teacher?
  • 那老师这份工作,有没有令你怀念的?
  • Maybe, yeah. I miss standing in front of a whole bunch of people and getting to teach them something that they don't know about,
  • 也许,有的。我想念站在一群学生面前将他们不知道的知识传授给他们的那种感觉,
  • share my own opinions and lead discussions.
  • 我想念和他们分享我的观点并主持讨论的那些时光。
  • I really miss that. And getting to know each of my students in a different way, I miss that. So yeah, for sure.
  • 我非常想念这些。还有,用不同的方式去了解每个学生,这也是我所怀念的。
  • Do you think you have a new appreciation of being a student now that you didn't have before you became a teacher?
  • 那你现在对学生这一身份是不是有了新的认识,你当老师前没有的那种认识?
  • Yes, definitely. Definitely. I wished I had been able to go back to be a student a long—way before this time.
  • 对,当然了,的确如此。我在很久以前就一直希望能重新做回学生。
  • And I would love for every teacher to go back and become a student
  • 我希望每名教师都能返回校园再去体验一下学生的生活,
  • because personally, I think I was very strict as a teacher before.
  • 因为就我个人来说,我以前当老师的时候非常严厉。
  • Some of students said it but I didn't realize.
  • 有学生说过这点,可是当时我没有意识到。
  • I didn't understand how but maybe I did give away too much homework and expected way too much.
  • 我不知道他们为什么会那样认为,也许我之前的确留了太多作业,而且期待的太多了。
  • So now, if I had to go back, I would, yeah, be more lenient, I think.
  • 现在,如果我能回到我当老师的那个时候,我会更宽容一些。
  • So you think becoming a student again has made you, maybe, into a better teacher.
  • 你认为再次回到学生身份可能会使你成为更好的老师。
  • For sure, definitely, definitely. It's made me appreciate what my students do a lot more.
  • 当然了,就是这样。那让我更理解我学生所做的事。
  • So do you have any desire to become a teacher again after you finish your degree?
  • 那你完成学业以后还想当老师吗?
  • Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
  • 想。我很想。
  • I would love to go back into the classroom as a teacher, whether it'd be to teach English or teach something else.
  • 我想回到课堂去教课,无论是教英语还是教其他的内容。
  • I enjoyed that role a lot, so I look forward to it.
  • 我很享受老师这个角色,我期盼能再次当老师。
  • Yeah, I can say that I had a very similar experience.
  • 对,可以说,我的经历和你非常类似。
  • I was a teacher after I graduated my undergraduate, and I taught for a year in Korea.
  • 我本科毕业以后做了老师,我在韩国任教一年。
  • And just that experience really made me appreciate how much freedom you have as a student
  • 那个经历不仅让我更加珍惜学生时代所拥有的自由,
  • but also how much motivation you have to push yourself forward.
  • 也让我意识到应该投入更多的动力推动自己进步。
  • How it has to be up to you to do it. You know, you don't have anybody else breathing down your neck to do stuff.
  • 这一切都要靠自己。因为没有人盯着你做事。
  • So I really found my second go as being a student was much, much more successful than my first go because I enjoyed being in the classroom.
  • 我发现,我再回到校园比我之前上学的时候要更成功,因为我学会了享受课堂学习。
  • I didn't feel I had to be in the classroom. So yeah, I'd like being a teacher made me a much better student.
  • 我没有那种我不得不在教室学习的感觉。我想之前当老师的经历让我成为了更好的学生。
  • And being a student for many, many years, my graduate degree also made me a much better teacher, I think.
  • 而在学习了很多年之后,研究生毕业以后,我成为了更好的老师。
  • That's great. Yeah. That's great.
  • 太好了。对。那真的太好了。




1. a bunch of 一伙,一群(人);
例句:John has a bunch of friends and often gets their help.
2. go back 回到(过去);回顾;
例句:He is now fit enough to go back to work.
3. for sure 无疑;肯定;
例句:I know for sure that the chances are in favor of those who are always ready.
4. breathe down one's neck 密切监视;紧紧盯住;
例句:Most farmers have bank managers breathing down their necks.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

appreciation [ə.pri:ʃi'eiʃən]


n. 欣赏,感激,鉴识,评价,增值

strict [strikt]


adj. 严格的,精确的,完全的





