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美语情景对话 第1032期:Surving the Wild 野外生存

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • OK, so Mark, you were telling us that you were in the wilderness for three days with no food.
  • 马克,你之前说过你在荒野生活时有三天没有吃东西。
  • Can you tell us how you felt, what your emotions were?
  • 你能说说你的感受吗,你当时是什么心情?
  • The first day was really interesting.
  • 第一天非常有意思。
  • We set off in the morning to find our spot, and we'd been out into the space the previous day to kind of locate a suitable spot,
  • 我们早上出发去寻找地点,前一天我们去寻找合适的地点,
  • and to make sure we were in a space where there was no other people cause there was eleven people doing the quest,
  • 以确保没有其他人进入,因为有11个人进行探索,
  • so we didn't want them... we wanted to make sure we didn't bump into these people when we were on this quest
  • 我们不想……我们要确保在探索期间不碰上其他人,
  • so anyway, I chose my spot and we had the previous day taken our supply of water to last three days.
  • 我选好了地点,把可持续三天的水带过去。
  • That was the only thing we had, and I walked out from the communal camp, and I left the forest,
  • 我们只能带水,我走出公共营地,离开森林,
  • and it was kind of like big open space, quite mountainous and I saw my spot where I'd chosen
  • 那是一片非常大的开阔区域,相当于山区,我看到了我选择的地点,
  • and I thought, no I don't want to be there anymore.
  • 当时我想的是,我可不想待在这里。
  • I don't want to stay there for three days, and I kind of felt myself pulled to a different place.
  • 我不想在这里待三天,我感觉我自己被拉去了一个不同的地方。
  • And what was this place like?
  • 那个地方什么样?
  • It was kind of on a slope, but I started walking up this slope, quite a steep bank, towards these set of trees,
  • 在一个斜坡上,我爬上去以后发现那是一个非常陡的坡,迎向一些树,
  • and when I got there, I found like a flat, flattish space,
  • 我到那里的时候以为那是一片平地,是比较平的地方,
  • and I thought "Hmm, maybe I can put my tent here" and I decided I wanted to stay
  • 我当时还想“嗯,我可以把我的帐篷放在这里”,而且我决定要待在那里,
  • but it wasn't quite flat enough and it was pretty small in the flat space on the side of this mountainous slope so... I don't know what I got.
  • 可是后来我发现那里不够平,而且是山坡上一个特别小块儿的平地,我不知道我选了个什么地方。
  • I got some stick or some stones...
  • 那里有一些树枝和石头。
  • NO, I had a little trawl cause I and taken a trawl which you take so you can use the toilet, kind of ecologically.
  • 我带了个小的拖网,带这个就可以用厕所了,这是生态环保。
  • So I used my trawl and made it flatter and then I put my tent up on that little flat spot and it was east facing,
  • 我把拖网拉平,然后把帐篷放在那小块儿平地上,帐篷朝东,
  • but it was like across the valley so it was going to take quite awhile for the sun to rise in the morning.
  • 但是因为在河谷对面,所以早上太阳升起来会花一些时间。
  • That was my only worry.
  • 这是我唯一的担心。
  • What about the nights?
  • 晚上什么情况?
  • It was freezing.
  • 非常冷。
  • Freezing at night and you were cold. Did you make a fire?
  • 晚上很冷。你有生火吗?
  • I couldn't make fire because there was a fire ban cause it was mid-summer,
  • 我不能生火,因为有禁火令,因为那是仲夏,
  • which we were very lucky in the vision quest because there was an evacuation order on the very last day
  • 我们能进行这次视觉探索非常幸运,因为最后一天发布了撤离令,
  • and had it happened before we would have evacuated prematurely from the quest.
  • 如果要是在之前发布的话,那我们就要提前离开不能进行探索了。
  • Very scary.
  • 真可怕。
  • So no fire, no fire unfortunately.
  • 所以不幸的是,不能生火。


Sorie: OK, so Mark, you were telling us that you were in the wilderness for three days with no food. Can you tell us how you felt, what your emotions were?

Mark: The first day was really interesting. We set off in the morning to find our spot, and we'd been out into the space the previous day to kind of locate a suitable spot, and to make sure we were in a space where there was no other people cause there was eleven people doing the quest, so we didn't want them... we wanted to make sure we didn't bump into these people when we were on this quest so anyway, I chose my spot and we had the previous day taken our supply of water to last three days. That was the only thing we had, and I walked out from the communal camp, and I left the forest, and it was kind of like big open space, quite mountainous and I saw my spot where I'd chosen and I thought, no I don't want to be there anymore. I don't want to stay there for three days, and I kind of felt myself pulled to a different place.
Sorie: And what was this place like?
Mark: It was kind of on a slope, but I started walking up this slope, quite a steep bank, towards these set of trees, and when I got there, I found like a flat, flattish space, and I thought "Hmm, maybe I can put my tent here" and I decided I wanted to stay but it wasn't quite flat enough and it was pretty small in the flat space on the side of this mountainous slope so... I don't know what I got. I got some stick or some stones... NO, I had a little trawl cause I and taken a trawl which you take so you can use the toilet, kind of ecologically. So I used my trawl and made it flatter and then I put my tent up on that little flat spot and it was east facing, but it was like across the valley so it was going to take quite awhile for the sun to rise in the morning. That was my only worry.
Sorie: What about the nights?
Mark: It was freezing.
Sorie: Freezing at night and you were cold. Did you make a fire?
Mark: I couldn't make fire because there was a fire ban cause it was mid-summer, which we were very lucky in the vision quest because there was an evacuation order on the very last day and had it happened before we would have evacuated prematurely from the quest.
Sorie: Very scary.
Mark: So no fire, no fire unfortunately.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
quest [kwest]


n. 探索,寻求
v. 寻找,搜索

steep [sti:p]


adj. 陡峭的,险峻的,(价格)过高的



adv. 过早地;早熟地

evacuation [i.vækju'eiʃən]


n. 撤离,疏散 n. 排泄,排泄物

mountainous ['mauntinəs]


adj. 多山的,如山一般的

slope [sləup]


n. 倾斜,斜坡,斜面,斜线,斜率
vt. 使

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

tent [tent]


n. 帐篷
v. 住帐篷,宿营

wilderness ['wildənis]


n. 荒野,荒地





