Peter: So Sarah, you said you're from North Carolina, and I've never been there before, I have no idea what it's like. Is it in the north of America or tell me more about it, I have no idea?
Sarah: Well, it's funny because it has north in the name, North Carolina, but it's actually in the south, the southeast. So I usually tell people it's on the opposite end of the US, than California. And it's halfway between New York and Florida.
Peter: Okay, that puts it on the map for me. Tell me, what's the weather like over there, what's the general climate like?
Sarah: The weather is very moderate, it gets pretty hot in the summers and pretty cold in the winters. But it depends on where you live, because North Carolina has both the mountains and the ocean as well because it's on the coast. So if you live on the coast side you get more warm temperatures and obviously no snow. But if you live on the mountain side then you get more snow and less hot weather.
Peter: Okay. Why do people make a distinction between North and South Carolina, I mean what's the history behind that?
Sarah: I believe it's because they used to all be one together before they were divided. And so when they divided into two states, they call it north now and south.
Peter: I see.
Sarah: Yeah.
Peter: What's North Carolina famous for, I mean what can we look out for?
Sarah: Probably the most famous thing, that is written on our license plates on the cars is 'First in Flight', because Wilbur and Orville Wright flew the first airplane in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
Peter Oh wow! Okay, I didn't know that.
Sarah: Yeah.
Peter: Amazing!
Sarah: Yeah, we think it's pretty cool.
Peter: Is there famous food from that area, anything else that is really quite popular with people in America or outside?
Sarah: Southern, because it's in the south, southern food is very popular, so southern food, things like fried chicken or a kind of bread we call biscuits, also grits, which is ground corn, all these kinds of foods are very popular in North Carolina because they're southern foods that we eat in the south. Also sweet tea — sweet tea, very popular, iced sweet tea.
Peter: That sounds good.
Sarah: Yeah.
Peter: What goes in it, what?
Sarah: It's just tea — black tea and sugar and then usually we put lemon in it as well.
Peter: Okay.
Sarah: It's very delicious.
Peter: Growing up in North Carolina and living there, did you ever wish to live anywhere else, or do you think it's one of the best places to live?
Sarah: When I was growing up there I always thought other places would be better. But then when I went away and lived in many other states and countries I began to see the beautiful things about the area, the country that I come from, so.
Peter: Right. I guess that's always the way with travelling and somewhere else, you realize home has got many advantages and many beautiful places.
Sarah: Yes, and people.
Peter: Okay.
Sarah: People you love are always home.
