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美语情景对话 第992期:Computers in Class 课堂上的电脑应用

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • So Sarah, tell me, you're teaching right now, could you give me your opinion on computer use in the classroom,
  • 萨拉,你现在从事教学工作,你能谈谈你对课堂上应用电脑的看法吗,
  • like using it in your classes, what do you think about that?
  • 你怎么看在课堂上使用电脑这件事?
  • I think it's good when there's certain activities that are related to using computers.
  • 我认为这很好,尤其是在课堂上组织要用到电脑的活动时。
  • But when you're trying to do an activity that's not on a computer in a classroom that has computers,
  • 但是如果在课堂上组织不需要用到电脑的活动,
  • it's very difficult to get your students' attention
  • 学生们很难集中精力,
  • because they're often distracted by doing something else on the internet, they shouldn't be doing.
  • 因为他们会分心,他们可能会上网做一些他们不应该在课堂上做的事情。
  • Oh, I totally agree, I often have that problem, it feels like I'm speaking to a crowd of ghosts.
  • 哦,我完全同意你的观点,我经常遇到这种问题,那让我感觉我在和一群幽灵说话。
  • I have no idea that they're talking to me or looking at me
  • 我不知道他们是不是在和我说话,不知道他们有没有看我,
  • or doing anything that they should be doing, so it's really hard.
  • 也不知道他们是不是在做他们应该做的事情,这非常难。
  • I find it really hard.
  • 我发现这真的很难。
  • But I agree also, I think computers can be so useful in the classroom,
  • 不过我认为电脑在课堂上是有用处的,
  • especially if you have to do a specific activity where students have to find information and listening activities
  • 尤其是学生们要做找资料或是做听力练习的时候,
  • where they can listen to individual listenings and things like that, you know.
  • 他们可以单独进行听力练习。
  • Yeah. So what do you think about cell phones in the classroom, do you let your students use them?
  • 对。那手机呢,你允许学生在课堂上使用手机吗?
  • Because maybe they have an electronic dictionary of some sort on their mobile phone.
  • 他们的手机上可能有电子词典之类的工具。
  • So is that okay, or no cell phones, what do you do?
  • 你是允许还是不允许,你怎么想的?
  • Ah, that's a frustrating topic.
  • 这是个让人无奈的话题。
  • I think sometimes I find it really useful if students have their smartphones with them
  • 有时我认为允许学生们使用智能手机很方便,
  • and they can do a quick online search of something that they want to do, especially words they want to look up.
  • 他们可以用手机上网,然后快速查找需要的信息,或是查单词。
  • So the dictionary use I think is quite useful for students.
  • 我认为词典功能对学生们非常有用。
  • But on the other hand I always have to kind of keep a watchful eye and see what students exactly are up to,
  • 但是另一方面,我必须要一直注意学生们到底在做什么,
  • you know, they sometimes start playing a game
  • 因为有时他们可能会玩游戏,
  • or they sit on Facebook and sit writing notes to their friends and messages come and go.
  • 或是登陆脸谱网,或是和朋友聊天之类的。
  • So yeah, I'm always not sure exactly how to handle it, but most of the time my students are pretty good.
  • 我不知道要如何解决这个问题,不过大部分时间学生们的表现都很好。
  • So they seem to use it mostly for dictionary.
  • 看起来基本上学生们都在用手机查单词。
  • Oh, that's good, yeah.
  • 哦,这很好。
  • Yeah. How about your students?
  • 对,你的学生们呢?
  • Yeah, some of my students use it for ... they have a dictionary on there that they use.
  • 有些学生会用手机上的词典查词。
  • But I think though, most of them have a separate electronic dictionary that's only a dictionary.
  • 不过大部分学生有专门的电子词典。
  • And I much prefer it when they use that because then I know they are really just looking at a word
  • 我非常喜欢他们用电子词典,因为这样我就知道他们是在查单词,
  • and not on Facebook or doing something else like you just mentioned, so.
  • 而不是在上脸谱网或做其他你刚才提到过的无关的事情。
  • Have you ever taken cell phones away in class from students?
  • 你有没有在课堂上没收过学生的手机?
  • No, not yet, I haven't had to, usually when I walk around the room
  • 没有,我不必这么做,通常我会在教室里来回走动,
  • they put it away very quickly if they are doing something they are not supposed to be doing.
  • 如果他们在做与学习无关的事情,他们就会迅速把手机收起来。
  • And if they are using it to look up a word then they have no problem with me seeing what they are doing, so, end of class.
  • 如果他们在查单词,那他们就不会担心我会看到。
  • I heard about a teacher the other day,
  • 那天有个老师跟我说,
  • he said he's got a basket that he collects cell phones with at the beginning of class,
  • 他在开始上课时会拿个篮子收学生的手机,
  • and he puts them on his front desk and then at the end of class he gives them back.
  • 然后他把收上来的手机放在前面的桌子上,下课时他会把手机还给学生们。
  • But I thought, wow, that's quite strict I thought. I don't know if I would do that, how about you?
  • 不过我认为这太严格了。我想我不会这么做,你呢?
  • Yeah. I would be worried that some students would forget their phones
  • 对,我很担心有些学生会忘了拿手机,
  • and then the problem with trying to get them their phone back and all of that, it might not be worth the hassle.
  • 这样在还他们手机时就会产生问题,我认为这样是得不偿失。
  • Yeah, I probably would agree with that.
  • 对,我可能会同意这个观点。


Peter: So Sarah, tell me, you're teaching right now, could you give me your opinion on computer use in the classroom, like using it in your classes, what do you think about that?

Sarah: I think it's good when there's certain activities that are related to using computers. But when you're trying to do an activity that's not on a computer in a classroom that has computers, it's very difficult to get your students' attention because they're often distracted by doing something else on the internet, they shouldn't be doing.
Peter: Oh, I totally agree, I often have that problem, it feels like I'm speaking to a crowd of ghosts. I have no idea that they're talking to me or looking at me or doing anything that they should be doing, so it's really hard. I find it really hard. But I agree also, I think computers can be so useful in the classroom, especially if you have to do a specific activity where students have to find information and listening activities where they can listen to individual listenings and things like that, you know.
Sarah: Yeah. So what do you think about cell phones in the classroom, do you let your students use them? Because maybe they have an electronic dictionary of some sort on their mobile phone. So is that okay, or no cell phones, what do you do?
Peter: Ah, that's a frustrating topic. I think sometimes I find it really useful if students have their smartphones with them and they can do a quick online search of something that they want to do, especially words they want to look up. So the dictionary use I think is quite useful for students. But on the other hand I always have to kind of keep a watchful eye and see what students exactly are up to, you know, they sometimes start playing a game or they sit on Facebook and sit writing notes to their friends and messages come and go. So yeah, I'm always not sure exactly how to handle it, but most of the time my students are pretty good. So they seem to use it mostly for dictionary.
Sarah: Oh, that's good, yeah.
Peter: Yeah. How about your students?
Sarah: Yeah, some of my students use it for ... they have a dictionary on there that they use. But I think though, most of them have a separate electronic dictionary that's only a dictionary. And I much prefer it when they use that because then I know they are really just looking at a word and not on Facebook or doing something else like you just mentioned, so.
Peter: Have you ever taken cell phones away in class from students?
Sarah: No, not yet, I haven't had to, usually when I walk around the room they put it away very quickly if they are doing something they are not supposed to be doing. And if they are using it to look up a word then they have no problem with me seeing what they are doing, so, end of class.
Peter: I heard about a teacher the other day, he said he's got a basket that he collects cell phones with at the beginning of class, and he puts them on his front desk and then at the end of class he gives them back. But I thought, wow, that's quite strict I thought. I don't know if I would do that, how about you?
Sarah: Yeah. I would be worried that some students would forget their phones and then the problem with trying to get them their phone back and all of that, it might not be worth the hassle.
Peter: Yeah, I probably would agree with that.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
strict [strikt]


adj. 严格的,精确的,完全的

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

handle ['hændl]


n. 柄,把手
v. 买卖,处理,操作,驾驭

related [ri'leitid]


adj. 相关的,有亲属关系的

specific [spi'sifik]


adj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的
n. 特

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

cell [sel]


n. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室





