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编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • You know the price of beauty? A lot?
  • 你知道变美要多少钱不 很贵吗
  • A lot.I gotta write a book.Oh,my gosh,I did.
  • 我得写本书了 已经写啦
  • And now we are gonna,how,seriously Ovi,tell me.
  • 接下来 说真的Ovi 感觉如何
  • Amazing,I'm gonna buy one for my wife.
  • 很棒 我要给我妻子买一个
  • And I'm not getting fresh with you,but oh my gosh,Tell me that is crazy.
  • 我没想到处乱摸 但是 是不是很舒服
  • Not that you need this,but Jerry,if you wanted to stimulate your hair follicles,
  • 不是说非这不可 但是Jerry 如果你想刺激毛囊生长
  • Do you know that using,stop laughing Tony.
  • 你知道吗 用 Toney 不许笑
  • That using a little bit of coconut oil,it helps to stimulate the hair follicles,and you could use prenatal vitamins.
  • 用电椰子油 这会刺激毛囊生长 再加点产前维生素片
  • Now you wouldn't be talking them Jerry,But what you will do is,you just put a little bit on your shampoo,
  • Jerry你可能不相信 但是你要做的是 加一点这些东西到洗发水里
  • and then you would just mix it in.Stop laughing Tony.
  • 然后混在一起 Tony 别再笑啦
  • It's also gonna help with any extra ear growth,and how is that feeling?I feel I'm tingling.Oh,I love that.
  • 这也有助于你耳朵的生长 感觉如何呢 感觉麻麻的 我好喜欢
  • You take a little bit of the sand paper,and watch what we're gonna do,
  • 拿点砂纸 看好怎么做
  • We are rubbing the feet,and they are getting all the calluses and dead skin off.
  • 来回摩擦 然后所有的硬痂和死皮就磨掉了
  • Did you feel like that?Yeah.What does that feel like,Omar?I'm like at a mental spa.
  • 感觉到没 感觉到了 Omar 感觉如何 像是精神上的spa
  • Hi,Bryan,did you think I forgot about you?yes,certainly.Oh,I will never forget about you.
  • Bryan 是不是觉着我把你忘啦 是的 我才不会忘记你呢
  • Oh my god,you guys,Ellen,you are gonna love this.This is gonna come off in one big greasy,grimy,you guys.
  • 看看 Ellen 你会爱死这个的 看撕下来的膜 油乎乎 脏兮兮的
  • Bryan,is that good or is that great?Look at the camera,I don't even recognize you,you're like a new person,Yeah,it was great.
  • Bryan 是不是超级棒 对着摄像头 我都认不出来了 焕然一新 嗯 很棒
  • Hey,thanks Ellen,for help me make people's life a little more beautiful
  • 谢谢你 Ellen 给我机会让人们的生活变得更美好


You know the price of beauty? A lot?

你知道变美要多少钱不 很贵吗

A lot.I gotta write a book.Oh,my gosh,I did.

我得写本书了 已经写啦

And now we are gonna,how,seriously Ovi,tell me.

接下来 说真的Ovi 感觉如何

Amazing,I'm gonna buy one for my wife.

很棒 我要给我妻子买一个

And I'm not getting fresh with you,but oh my gosh,Tell me that is crazy.

我没想到处乱摸 但是 是不是很舒服

Not that you need this,but Jerry,if you wanted to stimulate your hair follicles,

不是说非这不可 但是Jerry 如果你想刺激毛囊生长

Do you know that using,stop laughing Tony.

你知道吗 用 Toney 不许笑

That using a little bit of coconut oil,it helps to stimulate the hair follicles,and you could use prenatal vitamins.

用电椰子油 这会刺激毛囊生长 再加点产前维生素片

Now you wouldn't be talking them Jerry,But what you will do is,you just put a little bit on your shampoo,

Jerry你可能不相信 但是你要做的是 加一点这些东西到洗发水里

and then you would just mix it in.Stop laughing Tony.

然后混在一起 Tony 别再笑啦

It's also gonna help with any extra ear growth,and how is that feeling?I feel I'm tingling.Oh,I love that.

这也有助于你耳朵的生长 感觉如何呢 感觉麻麻的 我好喜欢

You take a little bit of the sand paper,and watch what we're gonna do,

拿点砂纸 看好怎么做

We are rubbing the feet,and they are getting all the calluses and dead skin off.

来回摩擦 然后所有的硬痂和死皮就磨掉了

Did you feel like that?Yeah.What does that feel like,Omar?I'm like at a mental spa.

感觉到没 感觉到了 Omar 感觉如何 像是精神上的spa

Hi,Bryan,did you think I forgot about you?yes,certainly.Oh,I will never forget about you.

Bryan 是不是觉着我把你忘啦 是的 我才不会忘记你呢

Oh my god,you guys,Ellen,you are gonna love this.This is gonna come off in one big greasy,grimy,you guys.

看看 Ellen 你会爱死这个的 看撕下来的膜 油乎乎 脏兮兮的

Bryan,is that good or is that great?Look at the camera,I don't even recognize you,you're like a new person,Yeah,it was great.

Bryan 是不是超级棒 对着摄像头 我都认不出来了 焕然一新 嗯 很棒

Hey,thanks Ellen,for help me make people's life a little more beautiful

谢谢你 Ellen 给我机会让人们的生活变得更美好

重点单词   查看全部解释    
challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战

mental ['mentl]


adj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的
n. 精



adj. 受激的 v. 刺激(stimulate的过去式

priority [prai'ɔriti]


n. 优先权,优先顺序,优先

exposure [iks'pəuʒə]


n. 面临(困难),显露,暴露,揭露,曝光

prenatal ['pri:'neitl]


adj. 产前的,出生前的

consideration [kənsidə'reiʃən]


n. 考虑,体贴,考虑因素,敬重,意见

deserved [di'zə:vd]


adj. 应得的;理所当然的 v. 值得;应得;应受报答

stimulate ['stimjuleit]


vt. 刺激,激励,鼓舞
vi. 起刺激作用

recognize ['rekəgnaiz]


vt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激





