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编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • That's what ways gonna up.Well,they're not 20,they're playing babies.
  • 原来是这样的 呃 他们还没20呢 戏里都是些小宝宝
  • instant family.instant family.Yeah,and do you feel protect of them,I mean.Do you ever take on that role?Do you feel like that?
  • 再婚家庭 再婚家庭 你们会想要保护他们吗 你们有没有沉浸在那个角色中 然后会想要保护他们
  • In some ways,some kind.I heard people are talking,you know,trash about them.
  • 某种程度上 会有点吧 当我听到别人 说他们坏话的时候
  • I thought Hey it's my case.Cause I can't do...
  • 我就会想 我的活来了 因为我不能忍受
  • And Elizabeth,you do your own,you do your own stuns,is that true?Well,yes.Not,but a choice.But it wasn't a choice.
  • Elizabeth 听说你被吓到了 那是真的吗 是的 不是的 那是她选的 那不是我选的好吧
  • There's a scene where they got me to sad.And they said ok,we gonna put you in this hardness.
  • 有个场景他们弄得我很难受 他们跟我说 他们将会让我处于险境
  • And they tell me they gonna hang me over a river off cliff.
  • 他们告诉我甚至想把我吊在悬崖边的小河上
  • Why didn't you know about that ahead of time?
  • 为什么没有提前通知你呢
  • They just spring that on you?I texted the producer,cause I'm friendly with him immediately.
  • 他们只是和你稍微透漏了一下 所以我就马上发短信给制片商 因为我和他们的关系很好
  • I said what's happening over there.Why am I have to hang in over a river.
  • 我告诉他们发生了什么 并问他们为什么我要被吊到河上面
  • And he said,just go with it.And I think that,you knew that I...I was getting to text our producer,there was like you have to talk her throught it.
  • 但他说 你去吧 别害怕 然后我就想 原来你们是串通好的 我也在发短信给制片人告诉他 你真得和她好好说说怎么演过这一段
  • Really?yeah.But it turned out to be fun.Right?
  • 真的吗 真的 但最后证明这是一件有趣的事情 是吗
  • It was so thrilling and funny once I kind of get rid and relax,and sort of my whole body just within do it.
  • 是的 当我放松下来的时候 我整个身体变得异常轻松 这件事情就变得非常的刺激和有趣
  • And you do it again now?No.No.can I ask a collected question?I want to get votes.
  • 你现在想要重来一遍不 才不 我能问大家一个问题吗 需要大家投下票
  • Supposedly the guy that married you two in the movie is a real priest.
  • 假如在电影中为你们证婚的是一个真的牧师
  • You say he was a real prist.Does anyone really believe that he was a real prist which he's a actor playing a priest.Was he...I thought was a right man,no?
  • 你们说他是一个真的牧师 你们中有谁认为他是一个真的牧师 或者认为他是一个扮演牧师的演员 我认为是真的牧师 不对么


That's what ways gonna up.Well,they're not 20,they're playing babies.

原来是这样的 呃 他们还没20呢 戏里都是些小宝宝

instant family.instant family.Yeah,and do you feel protect of them,I mean.Do you ever take on that role?Do you feel like that?

再婚家庭 再婚家庭 你们会想要保护他们吗 你们有没有沉浸在那个角色中 然后会想要保护他们

In some ways,some kind.I heard people are talking,you know,trash about them.

某种程度上 会有点吧 当我听到别人 说他们坏话的时候

I thought Hey it's my case.Cause I can't do...

我就会想 我的活来了 因为我不能忍受

And Elizabeth,you do your own,you do your own stuns,is that true?Well,yes.Not,but a choice.But it wasn't a choice.

Elizabeth 听说你被吓到了 那是真的吗 是的 不是的 那是她选的 那不是我选的好吧

There's a scene where they got me to sad.And they said ok,we gonna put you in this hardness.

有个场景他们弄得我很难受 他们跟我说 他们将会让我处于险境

And they tell me they gonna hang me over a river off cliff.


Why didn't you know about that ahead of time?


They just spring that on you?I texted the producer,cause I'm friendly with him immediately.

他们只是和你稍微透漏了一下 所以我就马上发短信给制片商 因为我和他们的关系很好

I said what's happening over there.Why am I have to hang in over a river.

我告诉他们发生了什么 并问他们为什么我要被吊到河上面

And he said,just go with it.And I think that,you knew that I...I was getting to text our producer,there was like you have to talk her throught it.

但他说 你去吧 别害怕 然后我就想 原来你们是串通好的 我也在发短信给制片人告诉他 你真得和她好好说说怎么演过这一段

Really?yeah.But it turned out to be fun.Right?

真的吗 真的 但最后证明这是一件有趣的事情 是吗

It was so thrilling and funny once I kind of get rid and relax,and sort of my whole body just within do it.

是的 当我放松下来的时候 我整个身体变得异常轻松 这件事情就变得非常的刺激和有趣

And you do it again now?No.No.can I ask a collected question?I want to get votes.

你现在想要重来一遍不 才不 我能问大家一个问题吗 需要大家投下票

Supposedly the guy that married you two in the movie is a real priest.


You say he was a real prist.Does anyone really believe that he was a real prist which he's a actor playing a priest.Was he...I thought was a right man,no?

你们说他是一个真的牧师 你们中有谁认为他是一个真的牧师 或者认为他是一个扮演牧师的演员 我认为是真的牧师 不对么

重点单词   查看全部解释    
hardness ['hɑ:dnis]


n. 坚硬,困难,严厉

wool [wul]


n. 羊毛,毛线,毛织品

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

cliff [klif]


n. 悬崖,峭壁

forecast ['fɔ:kɑ:st]


n. 预测,预报
v. 预测

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保





