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编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • But I mean,come on,for if you're a girl,are you kidding me
  • 我的意思 所有女孩都懂吧
  • And so Nicole,your first time working with Simon and how are you feeling working with Simon
  • Nicole 你第一次与Simon合作 有什么感想
  • How am I feeling working with Simon.Enamored,cause I know you two are already.Enamored,is that what you just said,enamored.we have history,we have history
  • 有什么感想 迷恋 我知道你们俩已经 迷恋 是吗 你刚才说的是迷恋吗 我们之间有一段过去 我们有一段过去
  • we are kindred spirits because we're innocent,and you know there's Simon and umm
  • 我们志趣相投 因为当年都很傻很天真 然后你知道 Simon来了
  • I know.I wonder if there's pre-show ritual that Simon does that you were gonna.There is a pre-show ritual.what is that,what does Simon do
  • 我懂 我很好奇 Simon有没有一些秀前习惯让你觉得 是的 他有 是什么 Simon做了什么
  • He blow-dries his hair,he just does this and then it comes up and looks as exactly the same as before he started
  • 他把头发吹干 像是这样 然后他抬起头来 看起来就像电视上大家看到的那样
  • It's true,so true.we're way long.Before we go to the break though
  • 是真的 真的 我们已经聊了太久了 但是在休息之前
  • The guy that was,was he naked the guy that look his pants down,that was insane
  • 脱裤子那哥们 最后裸了吗 那太疯狂了
  • It wasn't a full banana hammock,it was a banana hammock.what,Banana what
  • 他的“香蕉吊床”不是全包裹的 他是穿着“香蕉吊床” 什么 “香蕉”什么
  • Banana hammock.what's banana hammock.well figure it out.Oh,oh there it is,there it is
  • “香蕉吊床” 什么是“香蕉吊床” 问度娘去吧 喔 就是这个 就是这个
  • Did you see it,yes of course.See he had a banana hammock.But the good thing is Paula didn't over-react at all
  • 你们看到了吗 是的 当然 看到了吧 他穿着“香蕉吊床” 不过 还好Paula没有反应过度 完全没有
  • You asked his telephone number after all.I didn't Simon.we have to take a break,we'll be right back after this
  • 你最后还要了人家电话号码呢 我没有 Simon 让我们休息一下 广告后马上回来


But I mean,come on,for if you're a girl,are you kidding me

我的意思 所有女孩都懂吧

And so Nicole,your first time working with Simon and how are you feeling working with Simon

Nicole 你第一次与Simon合作 有什么感想

How am I feeling working with Simon.Enamored,cause I know you two are already.Enamored,is that what you just said,enamored.we have history,we have history

有什么感想 迷恋 我知道你们俩已经 迷恋 是吗 你刚才说的是迷恋吗 我们之间有一段过去 我们有一段过去

we are kindred spirits because we're innocent,and you know there's Simon and umm

我们志趣相投 因为当年都很傻很天真 然后你知道 Simon来了

I know.I wonder if there's pre-show ritual that Simon does that you were gonna.There is a pre-show ritual.what is that,what does Simon do

我懂 我很好奇 Simon有没有一些秀前习惯让你觉得 是的 他有 是什么 Simon做了什么

He blow-dries his hair,he just does this and then it comes up and looks as exactly the same as before he started

他把头发吹干 像是这样 然后他抬起头来 看起来就像电视上大家看到的那样

It's true,so true.we're way long.Before we go to the break though

是真的 真的 我们已经聊了太久了 但是在休息之前

The guy that was,was he naked the guy that look his pants down,that was insane

脱裤子那哥们 最后裸了吗 那太疯狂了

It wasn't a full banana hammock,it was a banana hammock.what,Banana what

他的“香蕉吊床”不是全包裹的 他是穿着“香蕉吊床” 什么 “香蕉”什么

Banana hammock.what's banana hammock.well figure it out.Oh,oh there it is,there it is

“香蕉吊床” 什么是“香蕉吊床” 问度娘去吧 喔 就是这个 就是这个

Did you see it,yes of course.See he had a banana hammock.But the good thing is Paula didn't over-react at all

你们看到了吗 是的 当然 看到了吧 他穿着“香蕉吊床” 不过 还好Paula没有反应过度 完全没有

You asked his telephone number after all.I didn't Simon.we have to take a break,we'll be right back after this

你最后还要了人家电话号码呢 我没有 Simon 让我们休息一下 广告后马上回来

重点单词   查看全部解释    
figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

ritual ['ritjuəl]


n. 仪式,典礼,宗教仪式,固定程序

innocent ['inəsnt]


adj. 清白的,无辜的,无害的,天真纯洁的,无知的

enamored [en'æməd]


adj. 迷恋的;倾心的 v. 迷住,使迷恋(enamo





