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  • Wellcome Bernhoft.Thank you very much.Bernhoft is your last name,yeah.
  • 欢迎Bernhoft 非常感谢 Bernhoft是你的姓 没错
  • And your first name is,Jarle Norman.That's right,No one would ever understand.How did you spell Jarle Norman
  • 那你的名叫什么 Jarle Norman 没错 没人能理解 Jarle Norman怎么拼
  • It taking to me too long,don't have time.It's a lot of letters,yeah.Jarle Norman Bernhoft.Sjodin at the end as well
  • 拼起来太费时间了 有很多字母吗 是啊 Jarle Norman Bernhoft 结尾还有Sjodin
  • Sjodin at the end of which one,Jarle Norman.Jarle Norman Bernhoft Sjodin,my full name
  • Sjodin在谁的结尾 Jarle Norman吗 我的全名是 Jarle Norman Bernhoft Sjodin
  • That's crazy,why do you need so many letters.To keep the postal service going.I see,I see
  • 太疯狂了 你要那么多字母干吗 为了让邮递员有饭吃 没错 没错
  • Good answer,otherwise they'll be tweets.They will just be 140 charactors in tweets
  • 答得不错 不然你的名字就成为微博了 一条微博140个字母
  • I had to call myseldf Bernhoft,because I cannot fit my name in a tweet
  • 我叫自己Bernhoft 不然我的名字一条微博都写不完
  • I like Bernhoft,I like the name.Thank you.and I like you
  • 我喜欢Bernhoft这个名字 谢谢 我也喜欢你
  • My producer showed me your YouTube video and I was just like,I was blown away
  • 我的制片人给我看了你的YouTube视频 我当时就被震撼了
  • It's very very impressive.And you post it on youtube and you had enormous responses,right
  • 给人印象非常深刻 你在YouTube上收到了广泛的回应对吗
  • Yeah,I post it to show to friends and blow up.yeah,blow up and I don't have that many friends
  • 是的 我传上去是想给朋友看的 结果 爆炸了 是的 爆炸了 我可没这么多朋友啊
  • Right,By the way,hello Norway.On the Norway,hello everybody.
  • 对了 挪威 挪威也在播呢 大家好啊
  • How do you say hello in Norwegian.Hallo,Hallo.It's a bit goofy.All right.
  • 挪威话的你好怎么说 Hallo,Hallo.听起来有点傻 好吧
  • Some perks have been on the show,I have a local coffee shop
  • 这次来参加节目有一些意外收获 我们那有一个咖啡馆
  • and when they find out I will be on Ellen show,they give me free coffee for a year
  • 他们发现我要上Ellen秀的时候 送给了我一年的免费咖啡
  • Wow,free coffee for a year,yeah.that's amazing
  • 哇 一年免费的咖啡 没错 这可真不错


Wellcome Bernhoft.Thank you very much.Bernhoft is your last name,yeah.

欢迎Bernhoft 非常感谢 Bernhoft是你的姓 没错

And your first name is,Jarle Norman.That's right,No one would ever understand.How did you spell Jarle Norman

那你的名叫什么 Jarle Norman 没错 没人能理解 Jarle Norman怎么拼

It taking to me too long,don't have time.It's a lot of letters,yeah.Jarle Norman Bernhoft.Sjodin at the end as well

拼起来太费时间了 有很多字母吗 是啊 Jarle Norman Bernhoft 结尾还有Sjodin

Sjodin at the end of which one,Jarle Norman.Jarle Norman Bernhoft Sjodin,my full name

Sjodin在谁的结尾 Jarle Norman吗 我的全名是 Jarle Norman Bernhoft Sjodin

That's crazy,why do you need so many letters.To keep the postal service going.I see,I see

太疯狂了 你要那么多字母干吗 为了让邮递员有饭吃 没错 没错

Good answer,otherwise they'll be tweets.They will just be 140 charactors in tweets

答得不错 不然你的名字就成为微博了 一条微博140个字母

I had to call myseldf Bernhoft,because I cannot fit my name in a tweet

我叫自己Bernhoft 不然我的名字一条微博都写不完

I like Bernhoft,I like the name.Thank you.and I like you

我喜欢Bernhoft这个名字 谢谢 我也喜欢你

My producer showed me your YouTube video and I was just like,I was blown away

我的制片人给我看了你的YouTube视频 我当时就被震撼了

It's very very impressive.And you post it on youtube and you had enormous responses,right

给人印象非常深刻 你在YouTube上收到了广泛的回应对吗

Yeah,I post it to show to friends and blow up.yeah,blow up and I don't have that many friends

是的 我传上去是想给朋友看的 结果 爆炸了 是的 爆炸了 我可没这么多朋友啊

Right,By the way,hello Norway.On the Norway,hello everybody.

对了 挪威 挪威也在播呢 大家好啊

How do you say hello in Norwegian.Hallo,Hallo.It's a bit goofy.All right.

挪威话的你好怎么说 Hallo,Hallo.听起来有点傻 好吧

Some perks have been on the show,I have a local coffee shop

这次来参加节目有一些意外收获 我们那有一个咖啡馆

and when they find out I will be on Ellen show,they give me free coffee for a year

他们发现我要上Ellen秀的时候 送给了我一年的免费咖啡

Wow,free coffee for a year,yeah.that's amazing

哇 一年免费的咖啡 没错 这可真不错

重点单词   查看全部解释    
expose [ik'spəuz]


vt. 揭露,使暴露,使曝光,使面临

brutality [bru:'tæləti]


n. 残忍,无慈悲,野蛮的行为

disappointment [.disə'pɔintmənt]


n. 失望,令人失望的人或事

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

proportion [prə'pɔ:ʃən]


n. 比例,均衡,部份,(复)体积,规模

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

impressive [im'presiv]


adj. 给人深刻印象的

enormous [i'nɔ:məs]


adj. 巨大的,庞大的

capacity [kə'pæsiti]


n. 能力,容量,容积; 资格,职位





