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美语情景对话 第939期:Hiking in Africa 非洲徒步旅行

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Peter, you're from South Africa, right?
  • 彼得,你来自南非,对吗?
  • That's right, yeah.
  • 没错。
  • I heard there's a lot of beautiful mountains that are famous for hikes. Is that true?
  • 我听说南非有很多漂亮的高山,非常适合徒步。是这样吗?
  • That's true, yeah. Actually, I've been hiking since I was in elementary school really because there's so much, there are so many hikes to go on.
  • 没错。我从小学开始徒步旅行,因为有很多可以徒步的地方。
  • The area that I grew up is actually quite close to the Drakensberg which is a famous mountain range in South Africa
  • 我成长的地方离德拉肯斯山很近,这座山是南非著名的山脉,
  • and it runs almost the whole length of the country and there are so many hikes, camping spots, places that you could go to
  • 几乎横跨整个南非,有很多徒步旅行地和露营地,
  • and the hikes that you can go on for like a day, or two days, a week, ten days, a month if you want to.
  • 你可以选择为期一天、两天、一周或是10天的徒步旅行路线。
  • Really so much so I used to go most, I guess most holidays, or twice or three times a year even go hiking.
  • 有很多路线可以选择,我以前在节假日会去徒步旅行,一年大概去两三次。
  • That sounds great. Is it safe? Are there any dangerous animals like snakes?
  • 听起来太棒了。那安全吗?有没有蛇之类的危险动物?
  • I guess, hmm I guess I'd have to say yes to that but in all my years of hiking, I have, I have seen many snakes
  • 我想应该是有的,不过虽然我徒步旅行时看到过很多蛇,
  • but I've never been bitten or even felt in danger.
  • 但是我从来没有被蛇咬伤过,我也没有感觉到危险。
  • Like once or twice maybe but South Africa is like also famous for its many poisonous snakes
  • 南非也因有许多毒蛇而闻名,
  • and there are quite a few things that you'd rather avoid
  • 有许多事是你最好避免的,
  • but I guess, especially in the Drakensberg, the altitude for the mountains it's quite high
  • 不过尤其像德拉肯斯山这样的地方海拔非常高,
  • so not many dangerous animals live at high altitude if I can put it that way.
  • 可以说,生活在高海拔的危险动物并不多。
  • So it's really, it's really kind of, yeah, it's not dangerous I would say.
  • 所以我认为那里并不是很危险。
  • Like obviously you have to take care and,
  • 显然,你要小心,
  • you know, go during times of the year that is less, that you are less likely to get caught in a snowstorm or get snowed in or freeze to death or something
  • 选择在一年中不会被暴风雪困住或是不会被冻僵的时间去徒步,
  • but I think if you take adequate preparation there shouldn't be any problem and it's really gorgeously beautiful.
  • 在准备充足的情况下,应该不会有任何问题,那里真的非常壮美。
  • It sounds really nice. Is it easy to get to? Do you need a car to get around?
  • 听起来真好。去那里方便吗?需要车吗?
  • Yes. Mostly you should, you should, you need a car and in some places you'd even need a...
  • 需要。你需要开车去一些地方,你甚至还需要……
  • Helicopter?
  • 直升飞机?
  • No. I guess you could go with a helicopter
  • 不是,我想你可以坐直升飞机去,
  • but like if you have something like a Land Rover or a Land Cruiser or a four by four vehicle of some kind
  • 不过如果你开路虎或是丰田陆地巡洋舰或是四驱车,
  • then you could get even into more beautiful places and more far away distant places that I would recommend even more.
  • 你可以去更多美丽的地方,可以去更远的地区,我可以推荐。
  • There are really so many places you can go to.
  • 有很多地方可以去。
  • It sounds really great. I'll ask you again. Hopefully one day I will get a chance to visit South Africa.
  • 听起来真不错。我会再问你的。希望有一天我有机会去南非游玩。
  • Yes, you should, you should go I say. Do you like hiking?
  • 你应该去。你喜欢徒步旅行吗?
  • I do but I hardly ever go, you know, as you get so busy with your daily life and I like the idea of hiking
  • 我喜欢,不过我很少去,因为日常生活太忙了,我很喜欢徒步,
  • but I hardly ever go, do any sort of outdoor activity but yeah I guess it's a good thing to do during holidays.
  • 不过我很少有机会进行户外活动,不过我想可以在节假日去。
  • Hmm.
  • 嗯。
  • Yeah, when I was a kid we often went to the mountains with my parents so we would go for walks, short hikes, that kind of thing.
  • 我小时候经常和父母一起去山区玩,我们会散步、短程徒步。
  • OK. But yeah then one just gets a bit busy with the daily life so I kind of forgot.
  • 好。但是后来生活忙碌了以后,我就忘了这种活动了。
  • Yeah, life really has a way to get away with one, it really goes fast.
  • 嗯,生活真的过得很快。


Jana: Peter, you're from South Africa, right?

Peter: That's right, yeah.
Jana: I heard there's a lot of beautiful mountains that are famous for hikes. Is that true?
Peter: That's true, yeah. Actually, I've been hiking since I was in elementary school really because there's so much, there are so many hikes to go on. The area that I grew up is actually quite close to the Drakensberg which is a famous mountain range in South Africa and it runs almost the whole length of the country and there are so many hikes, camping spots, places that you could go to and the hikes that you can go on for like a day, or two days, a week, ten days, a month if you want to. Really so much so I used to go most, I guess most holidays, or twice or three times a year even go hiking.
Jana: That sounds great. Is it safe? Are there any dangerous animals like snakes?
Peter: I guess, hmm I guess I'd have to say yes to that but in all my years of hiking, I have, I have seen many snakes but I've never been bitten or even felt in danger. Like once or twice maybe but South Africa is like also famous for its many poisonous snakes and there are quite a few things that you'd rather avoid but I guess, especially in the Drakensberg, the altitude for the mountains it's quite high so not many dangerous animals live at high altitude if I can put it that way. So it's really, it's really kind of, yeah, it's not dangerous I would say. Like obviously you have to take care and, you know, go during times of the year that is less, that you are less likely to get caught in a snowstorm or get snowed in or freeze to death or something but I think if you take adequate preparation there shouldn't be any problem and it's really gorgeously beautiful.
Jana: It sounds really nice. Is it easy to get to? Do you need a car to get around?
Peter: Yes. Mostly you should, you should, you need a car and in some places you'd even need a...
Jana: Helicopter?
Peter: No. I guess you could go with a helicopter but like if you have something like a Land Rover or a Land Cruiser or a four by four vehicle of some kind then you could get even into more beautiful places and more far away distant places that I would recommend even more. There are really so many places you can go to.
Jana: It sounds really great. I'll ask you again. Hopefully one day I will get a chance to visit South Africa.
Peter: Yes, you should, you should go I say. Do you like hiking?
Jana: I do but I hardly ever go, you know, as you get so busy with your daily life and I like the idea of hiking but I hardly ever go, do any sort of outdoor activity but yeah I guess it's a good thing to do during holidays.
Peter: Hmm.
Jana: Yeah, when I was a kid we often went to the mountains with my parents so we would go for walks, short hikes, that kind of thing.
Peter: OK.
Jana: But yeah then one just gets a bit busy with the daily life so I kind of forgot.
Peter: Yeah, life really has a way to get away with one, it really goes fast.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
range [reindʒ]


n. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列
v. 排

freeze [fri:z]


v. 冻结,冷冻,僵硬,凝固
n. 结冰,冻结

recommend [.rekə'mend]


vt. 建议,推荐,劝告
vt. 使成为可取,

vehicle ['vi:ikl]


n. 车辆,交通工具,手段,工具,传播媒介

elementary [.elə'mentəri]


adj. 基本的,初级的,元素的

poisonous ['pɔizənəs]


adj. 有毒的,恶意的

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

altitude ['æltitju:d]


n. 高度,海拔,高地

adequate ['ædikwit]


adj. 足够的,适当的,能胜任的

armada [a:'mɑ:də]


n. 舰队,机群,(车辆)编队





