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托福TPO-43 Conversation 1-2

编辑:alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • But the deadline for submitting papers is just two hours away.
  • 但是还有两个小时我们交论文的时间就截止了。
  • I'm afraid there's nothing I can do. Your best bet is to probably head to the arts building and get in line there.
  • 恐怕我什么也做不了。你最好的选择也许就是去艺术大楼排队。
  • But how did this happen again? Last semester when the all printers broke down, the President of the College got involved.
  • 但是这种情况怎么能三番两次发生呢?上个学期所有的打印机坏掉的时候,校长还介入了呢。
  • He sent out an email message to all the students saying that he was going to personally do something to make sure that the situation was resolved.
  • 他给全体学生发了邮件说他会亲自做一些事情确保这种情况得到了解决。
  • That's right. When we had our budget meeting at the beginning of the semester, the President was there.
  • 没错。我们本学期初开预算大会的时候,校长就在那儿。
  • That's not something he usually does, but he wanted to make sure we ordered the new printers.
  • 他一般不会出席这种会议的,但是他想确保我们订了新的打印机。
  • The new printers that are coming next month?
  • 你是说下个月才到的新打印机?
  • Yeah, I ordered them as soon as the budget was approved. It's a shame.
  • 是啊,预算一被批准我就订货了,太遗憾了。
  • But the purchasing process being what it is... You know what? It's possible some of the printers are malfunctioning because they ran out of ink.
  • 但是采购过程就是这样......不如这样吧,很可能这些打印机出故障是因为它们没墨了。
  • I'm no technician, but if that's what's wrong, I could fix it.
  • 我不是技术人员,但如果问题出在这儿的话,我能修好。
  • I guess I'll grab some ink cartridges and go over to the student center and check.
  • 我想我还是拿点墨盒去学生中心检查一下吧。
  • No guarantees, sorry, but it might fix the problem.
  • 不好意思,我保证不了一定能修好,但也许能解决问题。


But the deadline for submitting papers is just two hours away.

I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do. Your best bet is to probably head to the arts building and get in line there.
But how did this happen again? Last semester when the all printers broke down, the President of the College got involved.
He sent out an email message to all the students saying that he was going to personally do something to make sure that the situation was resolved.
That’s right. When we had our budget meeting at the beginning of the semester, the President was there.
That’s not something he usually does, but he wanted to make sure we ordered the new printers.
The new printers that are coming next month?
Yeah, I ordered them as soon as the budget was approved. It’s a shame.
But the purchasing process being what it is... You know what? It’s possible some of the printers are malfunctioning because they ran out of ink.
I’m no technician, but if that’s what’s wrong, I could fix it.
I guess I’ll grab some ink cartridges and go over to the student center and check.
No guarantees, sorry, but it might fix the problem.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
budget ['bʌdʒit]


n. 预算
vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案


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