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美语情景对话 第846期:Guam 关岛

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • So, I don't know much about Guam.
  • 我不太了解关岛。
  • I'd barely heard of Guam until last year so please, tell me something about it. What's life like?
  • 我去年才知道关岛,请你给我介绍一下关岛的情况。那里的生活怎么样?
  • Well, most people have never heard about Guam.
  • 大部分人都没听说过关岛。
  • Most people who do hear about it are mostly Americans
  • 听说过关岛的基本上都是美国人,
  • and even then most of these Americans that do hear about it, they have family in the military or they know a friend in the military
  • 知道关岛的大部分美国人都有家人或朋友在军队服役,
  • and that's because Guam is a big US base, a military base.
  • 因为关岛是美国的军事基地。
  • Guam is a little island in the middle of the Pacific.
  • 关岛是一座位于太平洋中部的小岛。
  • It's actually five hours from where you're from, Nick, five hours from Australia.
  • 尼克,关岛离你们澳大利亚有五小时的航程。
  • And it's about four hours from Hong Kong and three and a half from Japan.
  • 从香港飞到关岛需要四个小时,日本需要三个半小时。
  • So you can kind of gauge based on those numbers just how much in the middle of the Pacific Ocean Guam is.
  • 你可以通过这些数字知道关岛的确是在太平洋的中部。
  • It's about eighteen miles wide and thirty-two miles long so it's pretty, pretty small.
  • 关岛宽18英里,长32英里,非常非常小。
  • So it's a part of America?
  • 关岛是美国的一部分吗?
  • Yeah, it's a part of America.
  • 对,是美国的一部分。
  • The US military base there is actually the biggest in Asia besides the one in Okinawa which is the islands south of Japan.
  • 那里的美国军事基地是除美军在日本南部岛屿冲绳岛的基地以外亚洲最大的军事基地。
  • But it is supposedly the closest US soil...not supposedly, it is the closest US soil to Asia.
  • 那里应该是离亚洲最近的美国领土,不是应该,就是。
  • Oh really? And it look like a tropical paradise.
  • 哦,真的吗?看起来那里像是热带天堂。
  • Yeah, it is very much like Hawaii which is an island of the coast of the mainland US.
  • 对,那里和夏威夷很像,夏威夷是位于美国大陆沿海的一座岛屿。
  • It's got lots and lots of palm trees, blue waters, and white sand.
  • 关岛有很多棕榈树,还有蓝色的大海和白色的沙滩。
  • Lots and lots and lots of water sports are available...scuba diving spots, it's actually a paradise, I think.
  • 在关岛可以进行很多水上运动,比如水肺潜水之类的,我认为那里的确是天堂。
  • I definitely want to go.
  • 我一定要去看看。


Nick: So, I don't know much about Guam. I'd barely heard of Guam until last year so please, tell me something about it. What's life like?

Cheryl: Well, most people have never heard about Guam. Most people who do hear about it are mostly Americans and even then most of these Americans that do hear about it, they have family in the military or they know a friend in the military and that's because Guam is a big US base, a military base. Guam is a little island in the middle of the Pacific. It's actually five hours from where you're from, Nick, five hours from Australia. And it's about four hours from Hong Kong and three and a half from Japan. So you can kind of gauge based on those numbers just how much in the middle of the Pacific Ocean Guam is. It's about eighteen miles wide and thirty-two miles long so it's pretty, pretty small.
Nick: So it's a part of America?
Cheryl: Yeah, it's a part of America. The US military base there is actually the biggest in Asia besides the one in Okinawa which is the islands south of Japan. But it is supposedly the closest US soil...not supposedly, it is the closest US soil to Asia.
Nick: Oh really? And it look like a tropical paradise.
Cheryl: Yeah, it is very much like Hawaii which is an island of the coast of the mainland US. It's got lots and lots of palm trees, blue waters, and white sand. Lots and lots and lots of water sports are available...scuba diving spots, it's actually a paradise, I think.
Nick: I definitely want to go.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

tropical ['trɔpikəl]


adj. 热带的,炎热的,热带植物的

base [beis]


n. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱

military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队

gauge [geidʒ]


n. 测量标准,轨距,口径,直径,测量仪器

pacific [pə'sifik]


n. 太平洋
adj. 太平洋的

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的





