n. 喷泉,源泉,储水容器,泉水
v. 使像喷
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- Court?Lisa?Ah,It's Jennifer!
- 柯特? 丽萨? 我是詹妮弗!
- You're sleeping with her too?No,no,of course not.
- 你也和她打炮? 不 不 当然不了
- You are still dating that writer guy,right?Ah!
- 你还在和那个作家约会对吧? 啊!
- Oh my god.You are disgusting.I'm never sleeping with you again.
- 天呐 你太恶心了 我再也不要和你约炮了
- But we still on for tomorrow night?Yeah.Good.Yeah.
- 那明晚还一起吃饭吗? 行 那就好!
- Oh my god.How long has this been happening?How long has this been going on?
- 天呐 这样的状况发生多久了? 你们这样多长时间了?
- You really should call.I know.
- 你真的应该先打个电话的 我懂的
- You knew why I knew something was happening because I texted...
- 我知道正发生一些事 因为我发短信给...
- What?Portia?NO.Woo...What're you..what's,That's Ellen.No,It's not.
- 什么?Portia? 不 不 不是的 不是 你...那是..那是艾伦 不 不
- See? she just said no.It's not.You really should call first.
- 她说了不是 她就不是 你真的应该先打电话
- Jan,good luck with the show.I understand.I really should call.
- 祝你节目好运 我知道 我的确应该先打电话的
- LeBlanc,go out of the fountain,man.What,Leblanc?
- 勒布朗 从喷泉里出来吧 兄弟! 什么?勒布朗?
- Well,Now do you,now do you wanna talk about it?Yeah,let's talk about it.
- 现在你想谈这个吗? 好 让我们来谈这个
- Did you get the advise you would've needed?I wasn't allowed to get the advise I needed
- 你得到你需要的建议了吗? 我可不能得到建议
- because he was otherwise,entertaining himself.Yeah.He was occupied.He was occupied.
- 不然的话他就得到好处了 是 他很忙 他很忙
- He was.Let's talk about something real.Let's talk about the movie that you have coming out
- 让我们谈论一些真的事 让我们谈谈你即将上映的电影
- We are the Millers.The Millers on August.August 9th August 9th
- 米勒一家 米勒一家在8月上映 8月9号 8月9号


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