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美语情景对话 第787期:Gender Roles in Estonia 爱沙尼亚的性别角色

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • So, Kadi, you are from Estonia. Can you talk about gender roles for the new generation compared to the older generation?
  • 卡迪,你来自爱沙尼亚。你能说说新一代人的性别角色与老一辈有什么不同吗?
  • Yes, in Estonia, we have this kind of Western type of family, a woman doesn't have to be a housewife.
  • 好,爱沙尼亚是西方式家庭,女性不必做家庭主妇。
  • She can work. She can do whatever she likes.
  • 女性可以出去工作,可以做她喜欢的事情。
  • Even maybe the tendency right now is that women are becoming more masculine.
  • 现在的趋势是,有越来越多的女性开始承担男性的角色。
  • Often it happens that women make more money than men do and they're the ones who bring the bread in the house.
  • 有很多女性挣得比男性还多,承担起养家的责任。
  • Yeah, compared to Eastern society where usually women are considered as housewives.
  • 在东方社会,女性基本上都是家庭主妇。
  • They just have to clean and cook and raise the kids, and in my country ... no ... there's not such a thing and I think it always has been like that. I'm not quite sure but.
  • 她要打扫屋子、做饭,抚养孩子,可是在我们国家不是,我想我们国家的情况一直都是这样。不过我不太确定。
  • Who does the chores like cooking and cleaning?
  • 那做饭和打扫这样的家务活由谁做?
  • Yeah, I think we all do it. We don't have that kind of rule that women only have to clean and cook.
  • 我们都会做。我们没有规定说女性只能做打扫和做饭的工作。
  • Of course in some families, it is like that because women are better cleaning, especially, rather than men are, but yeah, men are quite good cooks.
  • 当然在有些家庭,女性的打扫工作比男性做得好,不过男性做饭也做得很好。
  • What do people do for childcare? Like who takes care of the children?
  • 那照顾孩子呢?谁来照顾孩子?
  • Nannies. Yeah. We have nannies for working mothers, they usually like hire people to watch over the children and just they play with them
  • 保姆。职场母亲会请保姆,雇佣保姆来照顾孩子,和孩子一起玩,
  • and also like kindergarten, like children start going to kindergarten in Estonia when they're really young, maybe from three months I think even,
  • 在爱沙尼亚,孩子们很小的时候就会被送去幼儿园,大概三个月左右的孩子就要上幼儿园了,
  • yeah, you can go to work when your child is like half-a-year old. Just go to work.
  • 在孩子6个月大的时候,妈妈们就可以开始上班了。
  • Take a child there, and people are going to care about her.
  • 妈妈们去上班,把孩子送去幼儿园,那里有人会照顾孩子。
  • Is the nanny expected to cook and clean as well?
  • 保姆也要做饭和打扫吗?
  • It depends of on the contract. It depends on the contract.
  • 这取决于保姆和雇主签的合同。这要看合同。
  • Yeah, if you hire a person who that you say you're gonna pay him or her, usually her, like for cleaning, cooking, taking care of the children, whatever, it depends on the contract.
  • 如果雇主想雇佣负责打扫、做饭和照顾孩子的保姆,要在合同中注明。


Todd: So, Kadi, you are from Estonia. Can you talk about gender roles for the new generation compared to the older generation?

Kadi: Yes, in Estonia, we have this kind of Western type of family, a woman doesn't have to be a housewife. She can work. She can do whatever she likes. Even maybe the tendency right now is that women are becoming more masculine. Often it happens that women make more money than men do and they're the ones who bring the bread in the house. Yeah, compared to Eastern society where usually women are considered as housewives. They just have to clean and cook and raise the kids, and in my country ... no ... there's not such a thing and I think it always has been like that. I'm not quite sure but.
Todd: Who does the chores like cooking and cleaning?
Kadi: Yeah, I think we all do it. We don't have that kind of rule that women only have to clean and cook. Of course in some families, it is like that because women are better cleaning, especially, rather than men are, but yeah, men are quite good cooks.
Todd: What do people do for childcare? Like who takes care of the children?
Kadi: Nannies. Yeah. We have nannies for working mothers, they usually like hire people to watch over the children and just they play with them and also like kindergarten, like children start going to kindergarten in Estonia when they're really young, maybe from three months I think even, yeah, you can go to work when your child is like half-a-year old. Just go to work. Take a child there, and people are going to care about her.
Todd: Is the nanny expected to cook and clean as well?
Kadi: It depends of on the contract. It depends on the contract. Yeah, if you hire a person who that you say you're gonna pay him or her, usually her, like for cleaning, cooking, taking care of the children, whatever, it depends on the contract.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
contract ['kɔntrækt,kən'trækt]


n. 合同,契约,婚约,合约
v. 订合同,缩

tendency ['tendənsi]


n. 趋势,倾向

cargo ['kɑ:gəu]


n. 货物,船货





