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编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • We are back with Jennifer Aniston.
  • 我们继续 这位是詹妮弗安妮斯顿
  • and not only is your movie called Cake,but our birthdays are coming up really soon.
  • 不仅仅因为你的电影叫“蛋糕” 还因为我们生日快到了
  • So we thought we'd play a little game we are calling it "Let Them eat cake"
  • 所以我们决定玩一个小游戏 叫做 "让她们吃蛋糕"
  • So, we have two volunteers from the audience, you are-
  • 我们请上了两位现场观众参与游戏 你是
  • Merisa Merino And where do you live and what do you do?
  • 梅丽莎·梅兰诺 你住哪 你的职业是什么
  • I live in Covina California and I am a pharmacy assistant.
  • 我住在加州柯文纳 我是一名药剂师助手
  • Wonderful.I am Ashley Loeb,I am from Thousand Oaks and I will get a retail store.
  • 很好 我是阿什莉·勒布 我来自千橡市 我在零售店工作
  • Wonderful.That's very vague about what you do, but I believe you.
  • 很好 你们说得很模糊 但我相信你们
  • Alright right.She said pharmacy.
  • 好的 她说了是药剂师
  • I know,she says pharmacy assistant and retail which could be any real.
  • 我知道 她们说的药剂师和零售商范围太广
  • Alright, alright One of you is gonna get a chance to come back to my birthday show,
  • 好吧 你们当中一人可以有机会 参加我的生日秀
  • and sometimes we get a waste up on my birthday show I don't know.
  • 生日秀上可能会分发礼物 我也不清楚到底会发什么
  • So here's what you have to do.
  • 接下来就是你们要做的
  • You gonna both go back there and put your heads through those holes,
  • 你们去那后面 把头从那个洞里伸出来
  • Go back there, alright.Do they, do you know what's happening? - They kinda do.
  • 去吧 你们知道会发生什么吗 -她们貌似知道一点
  • You are gonna go the other side Jenn,Right, and you have to stay behind this line
  • 你去另一边 珍妮 站在线后面
  • So, first one of us, to get a cake in your face.I am gonna, I am gonna throw to you.
  • 我们两谁先把蛋糕砸到你们脸上 对 我向你投
  • You are the one to the pharmacy assistant over there,"A pharmacy assistant"
  • 你向药剂师助手投 "药剂师助手"


We are back with Jennifer Aniston.

我们继续 这位是詹妮弗安妮斯顿

and not only is your movie called Cake,but our birthdays are coming up really soon.

不仅仅因为你的电影叫“蛋糕” 还因为我们生日快到了

So we thought we'd play a little game we are calling it "Let Them eat cake"

所以我们决定玩一个小游戏 叫做 "让她们吃蛋糕"

So, we have two volunteers from the audience, you are-

我们请上了两位现场观众参与游戏 你是

Merisa Merino And where do you live and what do you do?

梅丽莎·梅兰诺 你住哪 你的职业是什么

I live in Covina California and I am a pharmacy assistant.

我住在加州柯文纳 我是一名药剂师助手

Wonderful.I am Ashley Loeb,I am from Thousand Oaks and I will get a retail store.

很好 我是阿什莉·勒布 我来自千橡市 我在零售店工作

Wonderful.That's very vague about what you do, but I believe you.

很好 你们说得很模糊 但我相信你们

Alright right.She said pharmacy.

好的 她说了是药剂师

I know,she says pharmacy assistant and retail which could be any real.

我知道 她们说的药剂师和零售商范围太广

Alright, alright One of you is gonna get a chance to come back to my birthday show,

好吧 你们当中一人可以有机会 参加我的生日秀

and sometimes we get a waste up on my birthday show I don't know.

生日秀上可能会分发礼物 我也不清楚到底会发什么

So here's what you have to do.


You gonna both go back there and put your heads through those holes,

你们去那后面 把头从那个洞里伸出来

Go back there, alright.Do they, do you know what's happening? - They kinda do.

去吧 你们知道会发生什么吗 -她们貌似知道一点

You are gonna go the other side Jenn,Right, and you have to stay behind this line

你去另一边 珍妮 站在线后面

So, first one of us, to get a cake in your face.I am gonna, I am gonna throw to you.

我们两谁先把蛋糕砸到你们脸上 对 我向你投

You are the one to the pharmacy assistant over there,"A pharmacy assistant"

你向药剂师助手投 "药剂师助手"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
defense [di'fens]


n. 防卫,防卫物,辩护
vt. 防守

vague [veig]


adj. 模糊的,不明确的,犹豫不决的,茫然的

fellowship ['feləuʃip]


n. 友谊,团体,会员资格,奖学金

retail ['ri:teil]


n. 零售
vt. 零售,传述





