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美语情景对话 第689期:Vegas Tips 拉斯维加斯旅游小贴士

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • My mom is actually interested in going to Vegas.
  • 我妈妈很想去拉斯维加斯。
  • She's never been there and she knows you and I have been there quite a few times, so she was wondering maybe if we could give her some do's and don'ts about going to Vegas because she's never been there
  • 她从来没去过那里,她知道我和你去过拉斯维加斯很多次,所以她希望我们能告诉她去拉斯维加斯旅行的注意事项,因为她从来没去过那里,
  • and I sort of explained to her some of the good things about Vegas and some of the things she shouldn't do, but I think I'm missing a few things.
  • 我跟她说了一些在拉斯维加斯可以做的事情和一些不应该做的事情,不过我想我可能漏掉了一些事情。
  • What do you think?
  • 你有什么建议吗?
  • Well, I think the most important thing about Las Vegas is to wear comfortable shoes.
  • 我认为去拉斯维加斯旅行最重要的事情是要穿舒服的鞋。
  • You do so much walking there it's ridiculous so I think to wear flat comfortable shoes, tennis shoes, whatever you're most comfortable in.
  • 很不可思议的是在拉斯维加斯会走很多路,所以我建议要穿平底舒适的鞋子或是网球鞋,就是那种最舒服的鞋子。
  • I've had many days or nights with blisters all over my feet, so that's the number one 'do': wear comfortable shoes.
  • 我曾经有很多天脚上起满了水泡,所以第一项应该做的就是:穿舒服的鞋子。
  • That's true.
  • 没错。
  • I did forget about that just because, you know, staying there either you take a cab everywhere, but most people want to do sightseeing and looking at the different hotels,
  • 我的确忘了这点,因为我们一般是坐出租车出去玩,不过有很多人想去观光,或是找酒店,
  • it's a really beautiful place so she will be doing a lot of walking, so I'll definitely keep that in mind and let her know.
  • 拉斯维加斯是个非常漂亮的城市,所以我妈妈应该走很多路,我一定要记住这点,然后告诉她。
  • Another thing I would say is to wear comfortable clothing because when you walk into the casino, if you go in the summer, it's extremely warm there:
  • 另一个需要注意的是,要穿舒服的衣服,因为要进赌场的话,如果是夏天室外非常热,
  • a hundred degrees or more, and even in the middle of the night it's still that warm outside, but when you walk into the casinos, they have the air-conditioning set at seventy degrees,
  • 可能有100华氏度以上,即使是在半夜也很热,但是赌场里面的空调设置在70华氏度,
  • so outside you get really, really warm and then inside you start getting really cold, so it's good to dress in layers and to be comfortable whatever you're wearing.
  • 所以外面温度很高,可是赌场里面会有些冷,所以最好多穿几层衣服,而且要穿舒服的衣服。
  • And remember the first time you and I went, I did think it was a bit too long of a trip so maybe I should tell her to keep it short because it can get really expensive after a few days.
  • 你还记得我们第一次去拉斯维加斯吗,我觉得那次的旅行时间太长了,我应该建议她缩短行程,因为在那里待的时间长了以后开销就大了。
  • Yeah, Vegas isn't a place you wanna be more than three days.
  • 对,拉斯维加斯这个地方你是不会想在那里待超过三天的。
  • You've had a enough gambling, enough shows, enough sightseeing, it's about time to head home, so I would say to keep it short.
  • 三天的时间,足够在赌场玩尽兴,足够观看表演,而且游玩的也差不多了,所以三天以后就该回家了,我会建议把行程缩短。
  • It's close enough, you can always go back, but...
  • 因为拉斯维加斯很近,随时可以去,不过……
  • And definitely bring enough money because after being there for four days the last time we were there, we did run out of money.
  • 一定要带够足够的钱,因为上次我们在那里玩了四天就把带的钱花光了。
  • So I should definitely tell her that.
  • 我一定要告诉她这点。
  • That we did but your mom doesn't shop as much as us, so I think she'll do OK as long as she stays away from the slot machines.
  • 那是我们的情况,不过你妈妈应该不会像我们那样疯狂购物,所以我认为,只要她远离老虎机就不会有这种问题。




1. be interested in 感兴趣的;有兴趣的;关心的;
例句:I am interested in true stories about great scientists.
2. keep in mind 牢记;放在心上;
例句:It is not easy to keep in mind what you have told me.
3. run out of 用完;耗尽;
例句:I run out of money every month. I can not save a single penny.
4. as long as 只要;
例句:I will not go out as long as there is heavy smog.
5. stay away from 不去,远离(某地);
例句:Surly the most sensible thing would be to stay away from the case.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
ridiculous [ri'dikjuləs]


adj. 荒谬的,可笑的

sensible ['sensəbl]


adj. 可察觉的,意识到的,实用的
n. 可

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

slot [slɔt]


n. 槽,狭缝,时间段,职位
vt. 留细长的

surly ['sə:li]


adj. 不和蔼的,板著面孔的,粗声暴气的





