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经济学人:洪水保险 海平面上升

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  • Britain Flood insurance Sea change
  • 英国 洪水保险 海平面上升
  • If you have an expensive house near the sea, it's time to sell
  • 如果你在海边有一栋豪宅,那么现在赶快抛售吧
  • ON DECEMBER 6th the largest storm surge since 1953 hit Britain's coasts, flooding 1,400 houses.
  • 12月6日,英国沿海地区遭遇自1953年以来最严重的暴风雨,有1400间民居受灾,两人死亡。
  • The fact that only two people died—compared with 326 in the earlier storm—is testament to the tidal barriers built in Britain over the past few decades.
  • 和1953年死亡326人的情况相比,这场灾难人员伤亡大大减少。原因是,在过去几十年里,英国修建了大量的防波堤。
  • Yet the system that created many of those sea defences, and encouraged people to keep living in flood-prone areas, is being abandoned.
  • 尽管之前政府修建了许多海防工事并鼓励人们住在洪水风险区的,目前这一计划正面临着搁浅的命运。
  • Since the 1960s the government has paid to build flood defences while insisting that insurers cover most properties in flood-prone areas.
  • 自从20世纪60年代以来,英国政府就出资修建海防工事,并宣称住在洪水风险区的承包人的保险可覆盖大部分财产。
  • This arrangement has gradually become a casualty of austerity and climate change.
  • 这一政策调整逐渐成为通货紧缩和气候变化的牺牲品。
  • Spending on flood defences fell from 629m ($972m) to 510m between 2010 and 2012.
  • 从2010年到2012年,用于海防工事的投资从六亿两千九百万英镑(九亿七千两百万美元)降到了五亿一千万英镑。
  • Simply repairing existing defences would cost 1 billion per year by 2035.
  • 到2035年,每年仅检修目前的海防工事就要耗资10亿英镑。
  • New flood defences will be subject to a rigorous cost-benefit analysis, with more land in effect surrendered to the sea.
  • 新的海防工事将纳入严格的成本效益分析,涉及更大范围的沿海地区。
  • The last agreement with the insurance industry came to an end this July.
  • 今年六月,英国政府与保险业签订的上一个协议落下了帷幕。
  • In place of the old system, the government has proposed shifting the costs of flooding onto homeowners.
  • 新的保险系统下,政府提出将洪灾的费用加到房主的身上。
  • All households taking out insurance will now pay a 10.50 levy to Flood Re, a not-for-profit fund, to subsidise premiums for 500,000 houses in flood-prone areas.
  • 参与洪水保险的家庭现在要向洪水再次保险(一个非盈利性的基金会)缴纳10.5英镑的税款,以帮助修复那些位于洪水风险区的500,000间房屋。
  • The new scheme is patchy.
  • 新的洪水保险计划条款很琐碎。
  • Whereas the old agreement covered all properties with no worse than a 1-in-75 annual risk of flooding, the new scheme will exclude many.
  • 旧保险系统覆盖了1到79项洪灾严重性的情况下所有财产的保险,而新保险系统则删除了很多受灾情况。
  • Houses in the top council-tax band and businesses will not be allowed to join the scheme.
  • 缴纳最高家庭税的房子和公司不能加入这一保险计划,
  • Houses built since 2009 will also not be covered (28,000 were planned to be built on floodplains in 2011 alone).
  • 也不包括建于2009年后的房子(仅2011年在泛滥平原区就计划修建了28000间房子)。
  • If properties flood too often they will be thrown out of the scheme.
  • 如果涉及洪水的财产太多,政府将搁置这一计划。
  • MPs in flood-prone places such as Hull are not happy.
  • 来自洪水风险区的国会议员,如赫尔,对此非常不满。
  • Worse, Flood Re's sums do not yet add up.
  • 更糟糕的是,还未合计洪水再保险的资金总额。
  • One government study suggested that the fund has a 58% chance of running out of money in the initial 20 years the scheme is to run for.
  • 一项政府调查说,该基金有58%的概率已经花完了该计划前20年的资金。
  • Some fear that the state may find itself spending some of the money saved by building fewer defences on topping the scheme up.
  • 有些人担心政府会为了省钱而减少海防工事的修建量,从而堵上该计划的资金漏洞。
  • The housing market seems already to be pricing in higher risk.
  • 房地产市场的房价似乎面临着更大的危险。
  • Between 2008 and 2012 property prices rose in four out of the five Lincolnshire postcodes with the lowest flood risk.
  • 从2008年到2012年,由于少有洪水灾害,林肯郡的房价已经涨了80%。
  • They fell in four out of the five areas of highest risk.
  • 由于日前洪灾的巨大威胁,房价已经降了80%。
  • This may have some good effects.
  • 这可能会起到一些积极的作用。
  • Forcing homeowners to shoulder more of the costs of flooding should encourage them to invest in precautions and discourage builders from erecting houses in risky areas.
  • 迫使房主承担更多的洪灾风险可促使他们谨慎投资,避免建筑商重建危险地带的房屋。
  • But in the meantime, in low-lying parts of Britain, wellington boots and sandbags may make wiser investments than houses.
  • 然而,在同一时间,在英国低洼地区,与房地产投资比起来,投资长筒防水靴和沙包是更为明智的选择。译者: 毛慧


1.encourage to 鼓励

例句:The paper's price rise will encourage readers to desert in even greater numbers.

2.between and 之间

例句:Mr Ellis was selected to officiate at a cup game between Grimsby and Rotherham.

3.subject to 使服从

例句:In contrast, the long integer type has unlimited precision, subject to the memory

limitations of your computer.

4.such as 诸如

例句:And they tend to do so more dramatically in a dog-eat-dog sector such as the

financial industry, says staw.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队

contrast ['kɔntræst,kən'træst]


n. 差别,对比,对照物
v. 对比,成对照<

unlimited [ʌn'limitid]


adj. 无限的,不受控制的,无条件的

precision [pri'siʒən]


n. 精确,精密度
adj. 以精准的执行而著

tend [tend]


v. 趋向,易于,照料,护理

shifting [ʃiftiŋ]


n. 转移 adj. 不断改换的 动词shift的现在分

initial [i'niʃəl]


n. (词)首字母
adj. 开始的,最初的,

exclude [iks'klu:d]


vt. 除外,排除,拒绝

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

rigorous ['rigərəs]


adj. 严厉的,严酷的,严格的,细致的





