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经济学人:疑欧派 狡猾的计划

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  • Britain Eurosceptics A cunning plan
  • 英国 疑欧派 狡猾的计划
  • Eurosceptics adopt an old Marxist technique
  • 欧洲怀疑论者采用了古老的马克思主义技术
  • BRUSSELS-BASHING is never out of season in Britain, but the past few weeks have been unusually strenuous.
  • 唱衰布鲁塞尔的论调在英国永远不会过时,然而过去几星期的局势却有些不同寻常的紧张。
  • On December 16th Theresa May, the home secretary, proposed capping the number of EU migrants entering Britain.
  • 12月16日,内政大臣特蕾莎?梅提议限制进入英国境内的欧盟移民数量。
  • On January 13th David Cameron, the prime minister, received a letter signed by 95 Tory MPs demanding a parliamentary right of veto over every piece of EU legislation.
  • 1月13日,大卫?卡梅伦首相收到了一封由95名保守党国会议员共同签署的谏言信,要求履行针对欧盟制定的每一条法律的议会否决权。
  • The next day Business for Britain, a Eurosceptic group, argued that only firms that export to other EU countries should be subject to common regulations.
  • 隔日,一家疑欧派组织商业英国表示,只有出口至其他欧盟国家的企业才应该受到共同条令的规制。
  • Such proposals contradict the fundamental principles of the EU single market, which relies on free movement of people, common rules and a degree of pooled sovereignty.
  • 以上这些提议无疑都与欧盟单一市场的基础原则相抵触,单一市场的形成既依赖于人员的自由流动以及共同规范的规制,又依赖于一定程度上的多个国家的联合主权的形成。
  • Undermine these and it will collapse, as other MPs, diplomats and Britain's reformist allies in the EU have warned.
  • 正如其他国会议员,外交官以及英国在欧盟中的改革派盟友们所警告的一样,只要逐渐破坏这些因素,欧盟的单一市场最终就会瓦解。
  • One Tory MP, close to despair, shakes his head at his colleagues' lack of realism.
  • 一位保守党议员因同僚们缺乏现实性的想法而几近绝望地摇了摇头。
  • Do they really think they will get what they want?
  • 他们真的认为自己能够如愿以偿?
  • The answer, in some cases at least, is no.
  • 答案至少在某些情况下是不的。
  • Outists seem to be adopting the old Marxist ploy of the transitional demand:
  • 脱欧派们似乎要采取过去满足过渡时期需求的马克思主义策略:
  • requests that are likely to remain unfulfilled but help to expose the limitations of the prevailing order.
  • (人们的)要求虽然有可能一直实现不了但却有助于将地区主导秩序的缺陷暴露出来。
  • The equivalent, for those agitating for Britain to leave the EU, is to call for the country to cherry-pick bits of EU membership—and, on failing, hail its ghastliness.
  • 对于那些鼓动英国脱离欧洲的人来说,这就等同于号召国家择优挑选少数欧盟成员国——当然如果失败的话,也会遭受灭顶之灾。
  • Business for Britain, for example, accepts that Britain's partners will not agree to unilateral opt-outs for British industries—yet demands a series of such exemptions.
  • 例如,商业英国认同英国的盟友们是不会同意英国产业的单方面选择退出的观点—然而还是要求享有一系列诸如此类的豁免权。
  • Senior Tory sources speculate that Ms May too knows that her immigration proposals would require Britain to leave the EU.
  • 保守党高层消息人士推测梅女士也知晓她所谓的移民提案也会要求英国脱离欧盟。
  • Polls suggest that although voters are hostile to European immigration and rules, they are wary of renouncing the single market entirely.
  • 民意调查显示,尽管选民们反感欧洲移民以及欧盟规章,他们也在谨慎的考虑宣布放弃整个单一市场可能带来的损失。
  • Mr Cameron is committed to renegotiating Britain's EU membership, then putting it to a referendum.
  • 卡梅隆先生也致力于重新谈判英国的欧盟成员资格,打算随后再经由全民公投决定。
  • Though some Eurosceptic backbenchers scorn that plan in private, only the most rebellious are willing to do so publicly.
  • 虽然有部分疑欧派的后座议员私底下对卡梅隆的计划冷嘲热讽,但也只有最桀骜不羁的人才愿意公开反对了。
  • But by demanding impossible changes, those who want to leave can simultaneously name-check the prime minister's plan, indicate their dissent and nudge ordinary Britons towards outism.
  • 然而,考虑到改变现状既是件苛求的事也不太可能,脱欧派们也同时提名首相的计划,指出他们的不满并推动舆论风向倒向自己这边。
  • This may be particularly useful for Tories positioning themselves for the next leadership contest.
  • 这也许会使保守党在下届党魁选举中占尽上风。
  • Can Theresa May lead us out of the European Union? asked one tabloid, helpfully, in response to the home secretary's thoughts on immigration.
  • 特蕾莎?梅可能带领我们脱离欧盟吗?一家小报抛出这样的问题,有力的回应了内政大臣关于移民问题的政见。
  • Political leaders who want Britain to stay in the union must perform a delicate balancing act in response.
  • 亲欧派的政治领袖必须导演一出精美的与之相抗衡的戏以此作为回应。
  • Pooh-poohing outlandish demands would look patronising and unambitious.
  • 亲欧派们的要求古怪又令人瞧不起,看上去既屈尊俯就又毫无野心。
  • But echoing them would spook business.
  • 但是一旦有一群人随之附和也能使商界震惊。
  • On January 15th Ford, a carmaker, firmly advised against leaving the union.
  • 1月15日,汽车制造商福特公司郑重地建议反对脱离欧盟。
  • The same day George Osborne mounted the pro-membership tightrope.
  • 同一天,乔治?奥斯本扼紧了脱欧派的喉咙。
  • In a good speech, the chancellor of the exchequer warned that Britain could leave the EU but prescribed mostly Europe-wide reforms to improve matters.
  • 这位财政大臣在一次精彩的演讲中发出了警告,英国是可以脱离欧盟的但仍然大多制定了欧洲范围内的改革措施来改善问题。
  • It was a deft display.
  • 这是灵活的一击。
  • As the outist demands become noisier—and their impossibility more evident—he and Mr Cameron will have to perform it many more times.
  • 随着脱欧派间的争执越来越激烈并且其不可能性越来越明显,他和卡梅隆先生将不得不再多演几遍了。译者:朱大素suki


1.rely on 依靠;依赖

例句:It would be rash to rely on such evidence.

2.close to 离…近;与…关系密切

例句:Only Cowans played anything close to his true form.
只有考恩斯算是发挥出了正常水平。 least 至少

例句:What they wanted most from the president was a leader who at least would try to educate the country.

4.likely to 可能

例句:This is likely to revive consumer spending and a whole raft of consumer industries.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
undermine [.ʌndə'main]


vt. 暗中损害,逐渐削弱,在(某物)下挖洞或挖通道,从

transitional [træn'ziʃənəl]


adj. 变化的,过渡期的,过渡性的

deft [deft]


adj. 敏捷熟练的,灵巧的

indicate ['indikeit]


v. 显示,象征,指示
v. 指明,表明

equivalent [i'kwivələnt]


adj. 等价的,相等的
n. 相等物

prime [praim]


adj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的

wary ['wɛəri]


adj. 小心的,机警的

senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的

cunning ['kʌniŋ]


adj. 狡猾的,有眼光的,精巧的,可爱的

contest ['kɔntest,kən'test]


n. 竞赛,比赛
vt. 竞赛,争取





