adj. 欢闹的,愉快的
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- The fact you even have them ahead of time.
- 其实你们早就拿到剧本了
- No, I mean, she is pretty protective about,I don't think our spoilers are as sort of big as the Scandal's spoilers.
- 没有 我的意思是 她很看重保密 我觉得剧透对"格蕾"的影响没有对"丑闻"的影响那么大
- So she is not as protective.But I will say she is wonderful about If there is something big that's happening.
- 所以她没有那么严格保密 但是如果接下来会有一些大变故
- She does sort of runs it by you and make sure you are okay with it.
- 她会先和演员沟通 确保演员能够接受
- Or you know, things like that.She is sort of considerate in that way.
- 在类似的事情上她很贴心 她在这方面考虑很周到
- But I think our spoilers aren't as big.
- 但是我觉得剧透对我们的影响没那么大
- And Stella goes to set with you,and she, what does she think about it?
- 斯特拉经常和你一起去片场 她喜欢吗
- She does,she wants to be the emergency room doctor.
- 她 她想当一名急救科医生
- That was cute. - I think it's hilarious.
- 太可爱了 -我觉得蛮搞笑的
- That's sweet. - That's adorable.Yes.She loves coming to the set.
- 很暖心的啊 -是很可爱 是的 她很喜欢跟我去片场
- And every time she comes to set,the first thing she wants to do is Linda Klein,is our medical producer.
- 每次她到片场 要做的第一件事就是...琳达·克莱是我们的医学制作人
- Wonderful woman, is a good friend of mine.
- 她人很好 是我的好朋友
- And she just wants to go straight to Linda's office.
- 斯特拉就直接去琳达的办公室
- And play with all the medical things.All the fake organs and,
- 然后玩那些医学用品 人造器官之类的
- yesterday she had.I went in to find her,I couldn't find her.
- 昨天就是这样 我去那里找她 我到处都找不到她
- And she was in Linda's office with Linda with a bone drill.
- 她和琳达一起呆在办公室里 拿着一个骨钻
- Drilling a fake femur bone,with a real bone drill.
- 钻一个人造股骨 用一个真的骨钻


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