n. 手稿,脚本,手迹
vt. 为...
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- So, uh...No, I mean really no reason because I wanted the packers to be in the Super Bowl.
- 那么 嗯... 真的是毫无理由 我其实是希望安德森包装工队进超级碗决赛的
- So I just kind of picked a team and just turned out to be the winning team, which is...
- 所以我就随便选了一个队支持 碰巧这个队就赢了
- And New Orleans has a team, right?
- 新奥尔兰也有橄榄球队 是吧
- Do they have a team? Of course they have, The Saints.Okay, sorry.
- 有吗 当然有啊 圣徒队 啊是的 对不起
- Drew Brees, his jersey is right up there. Drew Brees.
- 德鲁·布里斯 他的球衫就挂在那呢
- New Orleans has a team.They won the Super Bowl a couple years ago.
- 新奥尔良是有橄榄球队的 我必须要给你科普下 几年前
- I'll have you know.Sorry, I know they have good food. How dare you?
- 他们也夺冠过 真的对不起 我知道新奥尔兰有美食有音乐 没想到 你怎么敢?
- First, you're allergic to cats.Then you don't know New Orleans has a team.
- 第一 你对猫咪过敏 第二 你不知道新奥尔兰有橄榄球队
- This is your eleventh appearance,how have you been there so often?
- 这是你第十一次来了啊 你之前怎么能来得这么频繁
- I keep... -How would you let this happen.Security keeps letting me in.I don't know. - Everytime I show up.Well. That will change.
- 我一直 -你怎么做到的 保安一直让我进来啊 不是吧 -我每次来他都让我进来 呵呵 以后不会这样了
- So, listen, let me ask you this.Because I don't know if I have asked you this.Since Portia is on scandal now,
- 我想再问你个事 我不记得之前有没有问过你 现在波西亚开始拍摄"丑闻"了[格蕾编剧的另一部热门剧]
- is Shonda the same way with "Grey's Anatomy" about the table read as she was in Scandal?
- 关于剧本试读 珊达是不是也像要求"丑闻"一样要求"实习医生格蕾"
- Like they are not allowed to even open the script until the table read.
- 听说 演员们在试读会前 都不能打开剧本
- Can you see script before them?
- 你们能比他们先看到剧本吗
- Uh...No. We don't ever see scripts before the table read, Ellen.
- 不能 我们在试读会前也看不到剧本的 艾伦
- Oh, wow. We never sneak them out of hair and make up trailer.
- 哦,喔。我们不会把剧本从化妆间偷出去


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