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经济学人:国民健康保险制度 遇冷的医改

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  • Britain The NHS Health reform in a cold climate
  • 英国 国民健康保险制度 遇冷的医改
  • The government's reforms to the NHS are viewed as its biggest failure.
  • 政府医改被指其最大败笔。
  • They are better than that
  • 盛名之下其实难副
  • WITH the Conservatives there will be no more of the tiresome, meddlesome, top-down restructures that have dominated the last decade of the NHS.
  • 有了保守党,NHS(National Health Service 英国国民健康保险制度)近十年主要的恼人、好事、专制的医疗结构会一扫而光,
  • So said David Cameron in 2009, and many were convinced.
  • 这是英国首相卡梅伦在2009年说过的话,且广受信服。
  • Voters made Mr Cameron prime minister in2010 inpart because the Conservative Party cut into Labour's lead on health care,
  • 2010年,选民把戴维·卡梅伦选为首相,
  • which it had enjoyed almost since it founded the NHS in 1948.
  • 有部分原因是因为保守党插手了工党主导的医疗保健项目,
  • The Tories quickly squandered their advantage.
  • 这个项目几乎自从1948年设立了NHS就赞誉颇多。
  • But their legacy will be better than they seem to believe.
  • 然而保守党很快就把优势糟蹋一空。但遗产比他们大部分人认为的要丰厚。
  • In spite of his promise, Mr Cameron's Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government embarked on reforms that would reshape the NHS from the top down.
  • 即便是承诺在前,卡梅伦领导的保守党和自由民主党联合政府着意的改革仍将自上而下的改造NHS。
  • The immense Health and Social Care Act of 2012 increased competition,
  • 2012年,声势浩大的医疗社会保障法案使竞争更加激烈,
  • gave the service greater autonomy and put more decisions about the purchase of care in the hands of local doctors, known inBritainas general practitioners, or GPs.
  • 给医疗服务业更大的自主权,以及把决定医疗开销的权利交由本地医生掌握,这类医生在英国被称为全科医生,简称全医。
  • The changes were so big that they could be seen from space, quipped Sir David Nicholson, the departing head of the NHS.
  • NHS前主管戴维·尼克尔森爵士曾调侃,这么大的变革,在太空都能看到。
  • The government soon came to wish they would disappear.
  • 很快,政府就希望这些变革能尽快消失。
  • The reforms were never popular with a bemused public.
  • 迷惑的民众并不欢迎这些改革。
  • Doctors' groups argued they would lead to a more fragmented and privatised system.
  • 医生群体称,这个权利会让他们最终导致一个更加零碎化、私有化的医疗系统。
  • Others worried that GPs would be incapable of commissioning care.
  • 还有人担心,全科医生并没有能力被委任护理。
  • Ed Miliband, Labour's leader, dubbed the reforms Mr Cameron's poll tax, a reference to the policy that helped fell Margaret Thatcher.
  • 工党领袖埃德·米利班德把这些改革戏称为卡梅伦的人头税,一个曾经让撒切尔夫人下台的参考政策。
  • In this case it was Andrew Lansley, the health secretary, who fell.
  • 而现在,下台的是卫生部长安德鲁·兰斯。
  • Less than six months after his reforms were passed, Mr Lansley was replaced by Jeremy Hunt, who talks about them as little as possible.
  • 兰斯的改革通过不到六个月内,他就被杰里米·亨特代替了,而后者几乎对改革只字不谈。
  • The health reforms were supposed to make the NHS more independent.
  • 医疗改革旨在让NHS更加独立。
  • Yet Mr Hunt now styles himself a patients' champion—he is known to ring hospitals to ask about waiting times.
  • 然而杰里米·亨特现在自比为病人的胜利,因为大家都知道他常常打电话给医院询问等待时间。
  • This is a concession to reality:
  • 这是承认现实:
  • politicians will always be held accountable for the performance of the NHS.
  • 政客永远要为NHS的表现负责。
  • Still, the frantic smothering of the reforms conceals something useful.
  • 但是,改革密不透风的大动干戈掩盖了一些有用的东西。
  • A policy that has caused the government so much embarrassment is quietly bearing fruit.
  • 一个让政府非常窘迫的政策正静悄悄地开花结果。
  • Let 211 flowers bloom
  • 让211之花盛开
  • The biggest change was the creation of 211 Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), which placed about 60% of the NHS budget in the hands of local doctors and health workers.
  • 最大的改变是211临床调试组(CCGs)这一创举,收纳了本地医生和医务人员手中60%的NHS预算。
  • They became responsible for procuring hospital care, mental-health services and the like.
  • 调试组负责采购医院护理、心理健康护理之类的物品。
  • Navigating a muddled system, the cannier ones have figured out ways to realign the incentives of hospitals,
  • 游走在混乱的医疗系统中,头脑灵活的人已经想出办法调整对医院的刺激,
  • which are often paid per procedure, with those of GPs, who aim to keep people healthy and at home.
  • 这些在每次采购中都会被全科医生偿付,他们旨在使病人保持健康,觉得自在。
  • The commissioning group in Bedfordshire, for example, has bundled some 20 contracts for musculoskeletal care
  • 例如英格兰南部贝德福德郡的调试组,已把20余份关于肌肉骨骼保健
  • (treatment for things like weak knees and cracked hips) into one five-year contract that was won by Circle, a commercial health group.
  • (面向脆弱的髌骨和股骨骨折之类的治疗)的合同与一份五年期的合同相捆绑,这份合同被商业医疗集团Circle中标。
  • Far from fragmenting the system, as critics had feared, this has made Circle responsible for integrating the services of local providers.
  • 批评家们曾经担心的医疗系统会分崩离析的问题使Circle必须负责,这能使Circle为本地供应商的集成服务负责。
  • Patients will be told which are doing best. Circle and its partners must achieve an agreed set of outcomes to receive some of their pay.
  • 病人将会被告知哪个做的最好。Circle及其合伙人必须就后果及分利达成共识。
  • Paolo Pieri, Circle's chief financial officer, expects the deal will not only improve care but save Bedfordshire some 30m(50m).
  • Circle的CFO(首席财政官)保罗·皮耶里希望,这笔交易不仅仅能够改善卫生保健,还能为贝德福德郡留下约3000万英镑(约合5000万美元)的结余。
  • Not all commissioning groups are as bold.
  • 并非所有调试组都能这般大胆无畏。
  • But perhaps a quarter are considering contracts like the one in Bedfordshire, reckons Mr Pieri.
  • 皮耶里推测,约有四分之一的调试组正考虑像贝德福德郡那个一样签订合同。
  • Diane Bell, a doctor there, says more than 40 CCGs have contacted her group.
  • 贝德福德郡的一位医生戴安娜·贝尔说,有超过40家临床调试组与她的团队签订了合同。
  • Every CCG I look at is doing brave and innovative work, says Shane Gordon, who heads one inEssex.
  • 肖恩·戈登在埃塞克斯郡领导一个调试组,他说每个临床调试组在我看来都在从事勇敢无谓、富于创新的工作。
  • The Labour Party—which launched a series of NHS reforms during its 13 years in power—says this sort of innovation was on the way anyway, and may have been delayed.
  • 工党在其执政的13年间,曾颁布了一系列NHS改革,它称这类改革创新不管怎么说都已经在半路上了,还有可能推迟。
  • Thanks to the giant restructuring of the NHS we lost two or three years, says Andy Burnham, the shadow health secretary.
  • 影子卫生部长安迪·博翰讽刺,幸亏这次NHS巨大的改革让我们浪费两三年。
  • He also criticises a regulatory regime that leaves many providers confused.
  • 他还批评监管制度让许多供应商迷惑不解。
  • Fair enough. But the reforms replaced bureaucrats with clinicians, which seems to have encouraged creative thinking.
  • 虽有道理,但是改革用临床医生代替了官僚分子,似乎还鼓励了创造性思维。
  • Dr Bell was warned by an old hand that outcomes-based contracting would stir up a fight in her group.
  • 贝尔医生曾被这行老手告诫这个以结果为基础的契约签订可能引起团队内讧。
  • When she suggested it, though, the other GPs quickly bought in.
  • 尽管当她提到了这个,全科医生还是被迅速引入了。
  • If Labour wins the next election, Mr Miliband might ground CCGs just as they are taking flight.
  • 下届大选如果工党获胜,米利班德可能搁置临床调试组,正如现在他们才刚刚起航。
  • Although he has no plans to restructure the NHS yet again, his laudable aim of integrating health and social care, which currently falls outside the NHS's remit,
  • 即使他没有再次重组NHS的计划,他值得赞赏的集成医疗社会保障计划目前还处于NHS的推迟项目,
  • would probably shift responsibility to a different local body.
  • 很可能把责任转移到一个不同的地方机构。
  • Mr Burnham would also clip the wings of reformers by giving NHS providers a built-in advantage in the competition for contracts.
  • 博翰也会通过给予NHS供应商先天优势的方式,限制改革者在签订合同方面的竞争。
  • But the biggest threat to CCGs and what some of them are doing to improve services is not politics but whether they can move fast enough to keep in front of a funding squeeze, says Thomas Cawston of Reform, a think-tank.
  • 智囊团Thomas Cawston of Reform称,对于临床实验组最大的威胁,以及其中部分改善服务所作的努力不是来自政治方面,而是他们是否可以发展的足够快是实验组一直保持在资金压力前面。
  • Though the NHS has been protected from the worst of austerity, it could fall short by 30 billion by 2020—the result of rising demand from a growing elderly population.
  • 尽管NHS被最糟糕的财政紧缩保护,但其资金到2020年还不到300亿英镑,这是不断增长的老龄人口日益增长的需求带来的结果。
  • Sir David warns that without more cash, the service could tip into the red next year.
  • 戴维·尼克尔森爵士警告道,没有更多的钱,这项服务明年就会陷入危机。
  • As money runs short, the real test will arrive.
  • 随着资金短缺,真正的考验即将来临。
  • It could be an opportunity for health reformers.
  • 这对医改人士而言是一次机遇。
  • Or bureaucrats could panic and revert to old ways.
  • 那些官僚却可能会陷入恐慌,且想要回归老路。
  • Whatever happens, the next government will not be able to duck the issue.
  • 无论发生什么,下届政府都无法回避这一问题。译者 周雨晴 校对 邵夏沁


1.seem to 似乎

例句:I seem to fritter my time away at coffee mornings.

2.lead to 导致;引起;通往

例句:Politicians say it could lead to a dissolution of parliament.

3.suppose to 认为是…

例句:You are not suppose to stay home during the weekend.

4.responsible for 为…负责,是造成…的原因

例句:I feel partly responsible for the problems we're in.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

clinical ['klinikəl]


adj. 临床的

realign [,ri:ə'lain]


vi. 重新排列;再结盟;改组;重组

spite [spait]


n. 恶意,怨恨
vt. 刁难,伤害

champion ['tʃæmpjən]


n. 冠军,优胜者,拥护者,勇士
vt. 保卫

stir [stə:]


n. 感动(激动,愤怒或震动), 搅拌,骚乱

advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ]


n. 优势,有利条件
vt. 有利于

prime [praim]


adj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的

circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

independent [indi'pendənt]


adj. 独立的,自主的,有主见的
n. 独立





