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经济学人:乌克兰东部 战争持续伤亡增多

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  • Europe Eastern Ukraine Fighting on
  • 欧洲 乌克兰东部 坚持战斗
  • As the battle continues and the death toll mounts, the West imposes more sanctions
  • 战争持续,伤亡增多,西方国家加强制裁
  • THE two presidents could not have offered a greater contrast.
  • 两位总统都无法达成更好的协议。
  • Announcing new sanctions against Russia on July 16th, America's Barack Obama read a prepared statement and took no questions.
  • 7月16日美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马宣读了准备好了的声明,宣布对俄罗斯的新制裁并不回应任何问题。
  • Minutes later, Russia's Vladimir Putin staged an off-the-cuff press conference in Brazil to assail the sanctions' legitimacy.
  • 几分钟之后,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京在巴西举行了即席记者招待会来质疑制裁的合法性。
  • He let emotion take hold, reaching a crescendo during a riff about the tears of mothers, widows and orphans in Ukraine.
  • 他在说到乌克兰母亲、遗孀和孤儿的眼泪等反复出现的字节时被情绪影响,音量逐渐加强。
  • The new sanctions come at a crucial juncture in Ukraine's war.
  • 新的制裁正好出现在乌克兰战争的关键点上。
  • The death toll, both civilian and military, is rising as the fighting creeps into Donetsk and Luhansk, eastern Ukraine's two biggest cities.
  • 平民和军方的死亡总人数因为乌克兰东部两个最大的城市顿涅茨克和卢汉斯克战火蔓延而不断增加。
  • Russia has not stopped its support for rebel forces, and has even ramped up equipment transfers following the fall of rebel-held Sloviansk two weeks ago.
  • 俄罗斯并没有停止对乌克兰叛军的支持,甚至在两周前叛军控制的斯洛伐克沦陷后,将转让的装备提升了。
  • Kiev has implicated Moscow in the recent downing of two Ukrainian military aircraft.
  • 基辅因最近两家乌克兰军用飞机的坠毁与莫斯科纠缠不清。
  • After an air strike demolished an apartment block in the city of Snizhne on July 15th, Ukrainian officials called it a Russian provocation,
  • 在7月15日一架飞机撞毁了一栋位于斯尼日内的公寓楼后,乌克兰官方称之为俄罗斯的挑衅,
  • saying none of their planes took off that day.
  • 并称乌克兰的飞机在那天均没有起飞。
  • That would imply Russia sending a jet more than 20 kilometres (12 miles) across the border to bomb a residential neighbourhood and poison opinion against Kiev,
  • 这就意味着俄罗斯派遣了一架飞机越过边境线至少20千米(约合12里),向邻国住宅区投放炮弹,并且刻意抹黑基辅,
  • a cynical notion even for Mr Putin.
  • 这即使对普京来讲也过于愤世嫉俗。
  • But to blame Ukraine is to accept that the country's armed forces are dangerously incompetent or stunningly cruel.
  • 但是怪罪乌克兰就是承认这个国家的武装力量过于不称职或者惊人的残忍。
  • Neither version suggests the conflict will abate soon.
  • 不论是哪个版本的说法都表明矛盾不会很快结束。
  • The main targets of the new sanctions are two prominent banks (Vneshekonombank and Gazprombank ) and two energy firms (Novatek and Rosneft).
  • 新制裁的主要目标是两个主要的银行(Vneshekonombank和 Gazprombank)和两个能源公司(Novatek和Rosneft)。
  • The sanctions do not yet cut the companies off from international business or block their assets.
  • 但制裁并没有切断这些公司与国际商务的关系,也没有冻结它们的资产。
  • Instead, they restrict access to American debt and equity markets, barring loans of more than 90 days' maturity.
  • 相反,它们只是限制进入美国债券和股票市场,禁止借贷超过90天的贷款。
  • Eight defence firms, a few individuals and a Crimean shipping firm face more traditional asset freezes.
  • 八家防务公司,少数个体公司和一家克里米亚半岛的船运公司面临着更加传统的资产冻结问题。
  • The European Union has promised to follow suit, with the names of entities and persons affected to be released shortly.
  • 欧盟承诺也会跟着美国做,取名为实体与个人并且会很快产生影响。
  • The sanctions' effect will depend on whether Mr Putin finds that another blow to his country's wobbly economy hurts more than one to his pride.
  • 制裁的效果取决于普京能否对俄罗斯摇摇欲坠的经济伤害甚于对他本人骄傲的打击。
  • So far he has bridled, saying the decision would have a boomerang effect and that American-Russian relations were being driven to a dead end.
  • 到目前为止他对此表示不屑一顾,并称决议将会产生回旋效果,并且美俄关系将会进入死胡同。
  • In any case the fighting in eastern Ukraine has taken on a momentum beyond his control.
  • 无论如何乌克兰东部的战争已经超出它的控制范围了。
  • Kiev's anti-terrorist operation is alienating locals.
  • 基辅的反恐作战正使当地人疏远。
  • Since the fighting began three months ago, 478 civilians killed, and 1,392 have been wounded.
  • 自从3个月前战争开始,478名平民死亡,1392名平民受伤。
  • The anger on the ground may be creating conditions for what Alexander Golts, an independent Moscow-based defence analyst, calls a long partisan war.
  • 现场的愤怒可能会将情形变为莫斯科国防分析师亚历山大·高斯所说的长期党派战争。
  • The rebels' attitude is victory or death.
  • 叛军的态度是不成功便成仁。
  • At one militia's base on the edge of Donetsk, where shelling has ravaged residential areas, three weary soldiers take cover in a bomb shelter.
  • 在一个民兵组织驻扎的顿涅茨克的边境,那里的炮击已经摧毁了居民区,3名疲惫不堪的士兵躲在一个防空洞里。
  • People don't fully comprehend what is happening, says one, referring to stunned locals who peek out of their windows when they hear the sounds of battle.
  • 人们并不能完全明白繁盛了什么。一名士兵说道,指的是震惊的当地人在听到战争的声音时还透过窗子偷看。
  • He might have been speaking of the outside world.
  • 他或许一直都在说外面的世界。
  • At another base, away from the fighting, few think it will stop soon.
  • 在另一个远离战争的基地中,几乎没人认为这会很快结束。
  • It's not fucked up, says Maksim, giving a soldier's assessment. It's completely fucked up.
  • 这还没到一团糟的地步。马克西姆在给一位士兵做评估时说。
  • A brawny ex-paratrooper, he once served in the same Ukrainian army he now fights against.
  • 这已经是一团糟了。一位强壮的前任伞兵说,他曾服役于他现在攻击的同一支乌克兰军队。
  • He promises to stand till the end.
  • 他保证不到最后一刻绝不倒下。译者:邵夏沁 校对:邵灵玲


1.death toll n.死亡人数

例句:The death toll has risen to 200.

2.creep into 爬进;开始发生于

例句:Parkman occasionally allows a supercilious tone to creep into his writings.

3.ramp up 加强,加大

例句:That driver drove the car up the ramp.

4.take off 起飞;脱下

例句:There were also several accidents mainly caused by engine failures on take-off.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
shelter ['ʃeltə]


n. 庇护所,避难所,庇护
v. 庇护,保护,

assail [ə'seil]


vt. 猛烈攻击,言语抨击

occasionally [ə'keiʒənəli]


adv. 偶尔地

civilian [si'viljən]


adj. 平民的
n. 罗马法专家,平民

prominent ['prɔminənt]


adj. 杰出的,显著的,突出的

supercilious [.sju:pə'siliəs]


adj. 目中无人的,高傲的

partisan [.pɑ:ti'zæn]


adj. 效忠的,献身的,盲目推崇的,党派性的 n. 党

tone [təun]


n. 音调,语气,品质,调子,色调
vt. 使

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

weary ['wiəri]


adj. 疲倦的,厌烦的
v. 疲倦,厌烦,生





