Grapefruit Linked to Medication Overdoses
A big warning about health and your medication today. New proof that a staple and American kitchen's grapefruit can trigger an overdose of popular drugs are startling headline for millions of Americans.And ABC's chief editor Dr. Richard Besser here with the answers which grapefruit, grapefruit...
今天早上关于健康和药物的一项警告ABC主编Richard Besser医生为我们带来答案,葡萄柚为什么…… 。新的证据表明,一种作物,美国厨房的葡萄柚可以导致常用药物过量,该触目惊心的消息成为头条新闻,警示着数百万美国人 。
That's right,. It's all about pills, grapefruit and a problem you don't need to have. Grapefruit can have terrible interactions with certain medications and the list of drugs that it's involved has been growing. Just five years ago, there were only 17 drugs we worried about. Now that's going up to 85. And take a look at what drugs those are, statins and heart drugs, sleeping pills, antibiotics, seizure medications, anti-cancer drugs, a long list.
对 。这是关于药物,葡萄柚和你不必承受的一个问题 。葡萄柚会和某些特定的药物产生可怕的交叉作用 。而这些药物的名单越来越长 。五年前,只有17种药物可能会和葡萄柚产生交叉作用,现在则增加到85种 。看一下都有哪些药物,施德丁和心脏药物,安眠药,抗生素,癫痫药物,抗癌药物,名单很长 。
And is it just eating the grapefruit or is it the juice alone? Which is it?
Well, it's in grape, all grapefruit. Grapefruit is the forbidden fruit.
所有葡萄柚都不行 。葡萄柚是禁用水果 。
Whether eat it or drink it as juice.
无论是直接吃还是喝果汁都会造成这样的影响 。
That's right. It's said bitter mixing grapefruit that cause the problem. Take a look at this. Just drinking one glass of grapefruit or eating one grapefruit is enough to have the effect, and it can last for up to 24 hours. So If you had the grapefruit hours before or after your pill, you're still gonna have the problem. The chemical in grapefruit makes the drug more potent by preventing your body from breaking the drug down. It basically gives you an overdose of the drug and the effect can be horrible. It can stop your heart. It can damage your kidneys. Serious problems.
是的 。各种各样的葡萄柚都会造成问题 。看一下这一点 。喝一杯葡萄柚汁或者吃一个葡萄柚足够产生影响,而且效果会持续长达24小时 。所以,如果你服用药物之前或之后几小时吃葡萄柚,仍然会存在这样的问题 。葡萄柚中的化学物质会使防止身体分解药物,从而使药物效力更强 。这样就会导致药物过量,产生非常可怕的后果 。会导致心脏停止跳动,损害你的肾脏 。问题非常严重 。
So a list of the medications that we can't use.
所以,有许多药物不能服用 。
We have that on ABCnews.com. Look at the list, look at your drugs. And if it ever on there, talk to your doctor and stop eating grapefruit.
我们的网站上有详细列表 。查看一下你正在服用的药物 。如果位于列表中,向医生咨询,不要吃葡萄柚了 。
Thank you A big warning up tonight.
非常感谢参加我们的节目 。