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美语情景对话 第523期:Used Clothes 二手衣服

编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Hey, Marion, I like you outfit. Nice jeans and T-shirt.
  • 嘿,马里昂,我喜欢你的衣服。牛仔裤和T恤真漂亮。
  • Oh, thank you.
  • 哦,谢谢你。
  • Where did you get it?
  • 你是哪里买的?
  • Actually, my T-shirt is a hand-me-down from a friend of mine who's leaving so she gave me some of her clothes.
  • 实际上我的T恤是我朋友给我的二手衣服,我朋友要离开了,所以她把她的一些衣服给了我。
  • Oh, really. Ah, OK. See, that's cool, like if I know the person who wore the shirt before, I'll wear it,
  • 哦,是吗?这很酷,如果我知道以前穿这件衣服的人是谁,我会穿这件衣服,
  • but I will never go to a second hand clothing store or a used clothing store (Really) I think that's disgusting.
  • 所以我从来不去二手服装店或旧衣店(是吗),我觉得那很恶心。
  • Why?
  • 为什么?
  • Well, I mean, you don't know who wore it before.
  • 我的意思是,你不知道那些衣服以前谁穿过。
  • But they're washed, Todd. You know!
  • 可是托德,他们会清洗那些衣服的。你知道的!
  • Yeah, but, OK, first of all, what if the person who wore it was just the type or person you really hated.
  • 我知道,可是,首先来说,以前穿过那件衣服的人可能就是你最讨厌的那种人。
  • There's something about the person that you just really didn't like,
  • 你真的非常不喜欢那个人的某些方面,
  • and then, now you're wearing that person's clothes. Doesn't that disgust you?
  • 可是现在你却穿着那个人穿过的衣服。你不会觉得那很恶心吗?
  • No, do think a person's personality rubs off on their clothes (No, but)
  • 不,你是认为一个人的性格会传递到衣服上吗?(不是,可是……)
  • and then it survives the wash cycle in your washing machine?
  • 而且还会在你用洗衣机清洗后继续存在?
  • OK. Right. Right. I see what you're saying, but I'll put it to you this way. Imagine that you work with somebody.
  • 好吧。我明白你的意思了,我这样说吧。想象一下你和某个人一起工作。
  • Yes.
  • 好。
  • Ok, at your job, is there somebody that you don't like.
  • 你的工作环境中有没有你不喜欢的人?
  • Yes.
  • 有。
  • OK, now imagine that there's a clothing bin and people can put clothes in there and you see a shirt and you like it,
  • 好。现在想象有一个衣物箱,人们可以把衣物放进去,你看到了一件喜欢的衬衫,
  • and you're just about to take it and someone says, that's that persons shirt. Would you still take it?
  • 你刚要去拿那件衣服,就听到有人说那是那个你讨厌的人的衬衫。你还会拿吗?
  • Mm, I probably wouldn't.
  • 嗯,我可能不会拿了。
  • Right. See. See.
  • 你看吧,就是这样。
  • Yeah, but only because I wouldn't want to feel like that person had done me a favor in some way. (Right)
  • 嗯,这仅仅是因为我不想有那个讨厌的人以某种方式帮了我一个忙这种感觉。(对)
  • I wouldn't like to be beholden to that person if I don't like them.
  • 如果我不喜欢那个人,那我就不想欠他的人情。
  • Right. Yeah. I mean, I don't know.
  • 对。我也不清楚。
  • I guess it's good to have second hand clothes if people don't have anything, you know for charity and things like that.
  • 我想如果有人什么都没有,那去慈善商店之类的地方买二手衣服是不错的选择。
  • Yeah. Well, actually, when I was in college, I didn't have very much money,
  • 对。实际上我上大学时没有什么钱,
  • so the only clothes I could buy were second-hand clothes
  • 当时我唯一买得起的衣服就是二手衣服,
  • so I actually really got to like going around the charity shops and finding clothes that I really liked,
  • 所以我喜欢逛慈善商店,在那里买我喜欢的衣服,
  • so nothing that was following the trends of the moment, but in college that really doesn't matter.
  • 当时完全没有追随潮流的想法,这在大学期间没什么问题。
  • I think it's better to wear something if you feel comfortable in,
  • 我认为穿衣服舒服更重要,
  • and I think there's a real sense of achievement when you find something that you've wanted for God-knows-how-long,
  • 找到一件你一直想找的衣服会有一种成就感,
  • for example, I found a brown suede jacket one time in a charity shop,
  • 举例来说,有一次我在一家慈善商店发现了一件棕色绒面夹克,
  • and I thought, Oh, my God. This is exactly the type of suede jacket that I have been longing for,
  • 当时我想:哦,天哪。这就是我一直想要的那件绒面夹克,
  • but I could never afford that jacket at full-price, even at half-price in a normal shop.
  • 可是我买不起普通商店原价卖的这种夹克,即使是半价促销我也买不起。
  • I could never have had it, so actually most of my wardrobe at home is second hand clothes I would say, and I love it.
  • 我不可能买得起,所以实际上我家里衣柜里的大部分衣服都是二手衣服,但是我很喜欢。
  • I will go to a second hand clothes shop before a normal clothes shop any day. It's so much more fun.
  • 哪天我在逛普通服装店时要先去趟二手服装店,那会有很多乐趣的。
  • Well, that's very interesting. You have fun shopping at those stores.
  • 那真是非常有意思。你会在那些服装店度过愉快时光的。
  • I will.
  • 我会的。


Todd: Hey, Marion, I like you outfit. Nice jeans and T-shirt.

Marion: Oh, thank you.
Todd: Where did you get it?
Marion: Actually, my T-shirt is a hand-me-down from a friend of mine who's leaving so she gave me some of her clothes.
Todd: Oh, really. Ah, OK. See, that's cool, like if I know the person who wore the shirt before, I'll wear it, but I will never go to a second hand clothing store or a used clothing store (Really) I think that's disgusting.
Marion: Why?
Todd: Well, I mean, you don't know who wore it before.
Marion: But they're washed, Todd. You know!
Todd: Yeah, but, OK, first of all, what if the person who wore it was just the type or person you really hated. There's something about the person that you just really didn't like, and then, now you're wearing that person's clothes. Doesn't that disgust you?
Marion: No, do think a person's personality rubs off on their clothes (No, but) and then it survives the wash cycle in your washing machine?
Todd: OK. Right. Right. I see what you're saying, but I'll put it to you this way. Imagine that you work with somebody.
Marion: Yes.
Todd: Ok, at your job, is there somebody that you don't like.
Marion: Yes.
Todd: OK, now imagine that there's a clothing bin and people can put clothes in there and you see a shirt and you like it, and you're just about to take it and someone says, that's that persons shirt. Would you still take it?
Marion: Mm, I probably wouldn't.
Todd: Right. See. See.
Marion: Yeah, but only because I wouldn't want to feel like that person had done me a favor in some way. (Right) I wouldn't want to be beholden to that person if I don't like them.
Todd: Right. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. I guess it's good to have second hand clothes if people don't have anything, you know for charity and things like that.
Marion: Yeah. Well, actually, when I was in college, I didn't have very much money, so the only clothes I could buy were second-hand clothes so I actually really got to like going around the charity shops and finding clothes that I really liked, so nothing that was following the trends of the moment, but in college that really doesn't matter. I think it's better to wear something if you feel comfortable in, and I think there's a real sense of achievement when you find something that you've wanted for God-knows-how-long, for example, I found a brown suede jacket one time in a charity shop, and I thought, "Oh, my God. This is exactly the type of suede jacket that I have been longing for", but I could never afford that jacket at full-price, even at half-price in a normal shop. I could never have had it, so actually most of my wardrobe at home is second hand clothes I would say, and I love it. I will go to a second hand clothes shop before a normal clothes shop any day. It's so much more fun.
Todd: Well, that's very interesting. You have fun shopping at those stores.
Marion: I will.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
suede [sweid]


n. 绒面革,小山羊皮(软羔皮),仿麂皮织物

extend [iks'tend]


v. 扩充,延伸,伸展,扩展

bin [bin]


n. 箱柜,[计] DOS文件名, 二进制目标文件

secure [si'kjuə]


adj. 安全的,牢靠的,稳妥的
vt. 固定

wardrobe ['wɔ:drəub]


n. 衣柜,衣橱
n. 全部服装

identify [ai'dentifai]


vt. 识别,认明,鉴定
vi. 认同,感同身

explore [iks'plɔ:]


v. 探险,探测,探究

charity ['tʃæriti]


n. 慈善,慈善机关(团体), 仁慈,宽厚

striking ['straikiŋ]


adj. 吸引人的,显著的
n. 打击

longing ['lɔŋiŋ]


n. 渴望,憧憬 adj. 渴望的





