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美语情景对话 第517期:Two Cultures 两种文化

编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • So, Rina, now you are Lebanese (Mm-hm) and you grew up in a very small Canadian town.
  • 丽娜,你是黎巴嫩人(嗯),你是在加拿大一个小城镇里长大的。
  • Oh, yes.
  • 对。
  • So you really have two cultures. What's it like growing up with two cultures?
  • 所以其实你体验了两种文化。在两种文化中成长的感觉怎么样?
  • In the beginning it was very hard. My dad was very strict. I wasn't allowed to work. I had to fight to have my first job at 19.
  • 开始时非常糟糕。我爸爸非常严厉。他不让我去打工。我不断的争取,然后我在19岁的时候有了第一份工作。
  • Wow. At 19.
  • 哇。19岁。
  • At 19. I wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend.
  • 对,19岁。他也不让我交男朋友。
  • I had to fight for that one too, and I had my first boyfriend at 18. Wasn't allowed to go out.
  • 当然这方面我也进行了争取,我在18岁时交了第一个男友。可是我爸爸不允许我们外出约会。
  • First high school dance was grade 11. So, I hated it in the beginning.
  • 我在高中跳的第一支舞是在11年级。所以开始时我非常讨厌这种限制。
  • I was, but now I appreciate it and I know where my parents were coming from.
  • 不过现在我很感激,因为我了解了我父母的背景。
  • So, it this the standard Lebanese family type culture where daughters are not allowed to work?
  • 那标准的黎巴嫩家庭就是不允许女儿外出打工吗?
  • Ah, yeah, my dad had basically believed that if I went out and worked I would, you know, be hit on by guys.
  • 对,我爸爸一直认为,我外出打工会被男孩欺负。
  • It just wasn't a place for his daughter, and typically before, yeah, women don't work.
  • 那不是他的女儿应该去的地方,而且以前女性是不出去工作的。
  • They stay home. They took care of the kids.
  • 以前女性都呆在家里照顾孩子。
  • They, you know, it was a typical patriarchal society and my dad was very, very strict,
  • 以前是典型的父权社会,我爸爸很严厉,就因为如此,
  • and I spent a lot of my childhood pushing away my culture because of that.
  • 所以我大部分童年时光都在摆脱这种文化。
  • And how do you feel about your culture now?
  • 那你现在怎么看待这种文化?
  • I'm very, very proud of it. I love it. It's nice to be different and I'm glad I get that chance to do that.
  • 现在我以这种文化感到自豪。我喜欢这种文化。与众不同感觉很好,而且我很高兴我有机会体验这种文化。
  • Um, the only thing, when I was in Lebanon, it was hard as well because people didn't see me as Canadian,
  • 我在黎巴嫩的时候,唯一一件让我觉得艰难的事情是,人们既不把我当作加拿大人看,
  • and they didn't see me as Lebanese You know I was, a lot of people didn't talk to me because of it.
  • 也不把我当黎巴嫩人看,因此有很多人不和我说话。
  • I went there and a lot of people shunned me basically, so.
  • 基本上那里的人都会避开我。
  • So even though you had no language barrier at all cause you speak Lebanese?
  • 你会说黎巴嫩语,即使你完全没有语言障碍他们也这样吗?
  • Yep, yep, no, they basically, you know they were mad at me because I was too Canadian,
  • 对,他们生我的气,因为我也是加拿大人,
  • or they were mad at me that I wasn't enough Canadian, and like, it was just, you know, insane.
  • 可是他们生我气是因为我不是完全的加拿大人,你知道,很疯狂。
  • That's pretty tough.
  • 那真是非常艰难。
  • Yeah, well, they have their, they have their image of what you know, what Western society is like from movies and,
  • 对,他们有从电影中看到的西方社会的样貌,
  • you know, because you know I have my tattoos, they thought I was just basically Satan's spawn,
  • 因为我有纹身,他们就认为我是撒旦之子,
  • and because I wasn't running around like a tramp, they thought well, What is she is doing? What is she supposed to?
  • 因为我不像游民一样四处行走,他们会想:她在做什么?她想做什么
  • it was just the worst of both world's really.
  • 这是两种文化中最糟糕的。
  • Ah, that's terrible.
  • 是啊,真糟糕。
  • Yeah, so because, they do, they have, and actually I have to specify this: I was in a village. Like, both of my parents are from villages.
  • 因为……我要明确一下,当时我住在村庄里,我的父母都来自村庄。
  • Oh, I see.
  • 哦,我明白了。
  • In Beirut, it's different, but when I was in the villages, where I stayed the majority of the time, it was like that,
  • 在贝鲁特的话情况就会不同,可是因为我住在村庄,我大部分时间都生活在村庄,
  • but I got, I made my little older ladies love me, but they were talking to me at the end,
  • 不过我还是让年龄大些的女士喜欢上了我,后来他们都会和我说话,
  • having coffee with me while I smoked my cigarettes, yep, yep.
  • 我们会一边抽烟一边享用咖啡。
  • Oh, that's good to hear.
  • 听起来不错。


Todd: So, Rina, now you are Lebanese (Mm-hm) and you grew up in a very small Canadian town.

Rina: Oh, yes.
Todd: So you really have two cultures. What's it like growing up with two cultures?
Rina: In the beginning it was very hard. My dad was very strict. I wasn't allowed to work. I had to fight to have my first job at 19.
Todd: Wow. At 19.
Rina: At 19. I wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend. I had to fight for that one too, and I had my first boyfriend at 18. Wasn't allowed to go out. First high school dance was grade 11. So, I hated it in the beginning. I was, but now I appreciate it and I know where my parents were coming from.
Todd: So, it this the standard Lebanese family type culture where daughters are not allowed to work?
Rina: Ah, yeah, my dad had basically believed that if I went out and worked I would, you know, be hit on by guys. It just wasn't a place for his daughter, and typically before, yeah, women don't work. They stay home. They took care of the kids. They, you know, it was a typical patriarchal society and my dad was very, very strict, and I spent a lot of my childhood pushing away my culture because of that.
Todd: And how do you feel about your culture now?
Rina: I'm very, very proud of it. I love it. It's nice to be different and I'm glad I get that chance to do that. Um, the only thing, when I was in Lebanon, it was hard as well because people didn't see me as Canadian, and they didn't see me as Lebanese You know I was, a lot of people didn't talk to me because of it. I went there and a lot of people shunned me basically, so.
Todd: So even though you had no language barrier at all cause you speak Lebanese?
Rina: Yep, yep, no, they basically, you know they were mad at me because I was too Canadian, or they were mad at me that I wasn't enough Canadian, and like, it was just, you know, insane.
Todd: That's pretty tough.
Rina: Yeah, well, they have their, they have their image of what you know, what Western society is like from movies and, you know, because you know I have my tattoos, they thought I was just basically Satan's spawn, and because I wasn't running around like a tramp, they thought well, "What is she is doing? What is she supposed to?" it was just the worst of both world's really.
Todd: Ah, that's terrible.
Rina: Yeah, so because, they do, they have, and actually I have to specify this: I was in a village. Like, both of my parents are from villages.
Todd: Oh, I see.
Rina: In Beirut, it's different, but when I was in the villages, where I stayed the majority of the time, it was like that, but I got, I made my little older ladies love me, but they were talking to me at the end, having coffee with me while I smoked my cigarettes, yep, yep.
Todd: Oh, that's good to hear.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
majority [mə'dʒɔriti]


n. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

typical ['tipikəl]


adj. 典型的,有代表性的,特有的,独特的

rave [reiv]


v. 极力赞扬,说胡话,咆哮 n. 喧闹的宴会,极力赞扬

twist [twist]


v. 拧,捻,搓,扭曲
n. 扭曲,盘旋,捻,

barrier ['bæriə]


n. 界线,屏障,栅栏,障碍物

rant [rænt]


vi. 咆哮;痛骂;大声责骂 vt. 咆哮;痛骂 n.

reputation [.repju'teiʃən]


n. 声誉,好名声

strict [strikt]


adj. 严格的,精确的,完全的

complain [kəm'plein]


vi. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉





