Search for missing AirAsia plane
亚航客机失联 搜索工作正在进行
At Surabaya Airport in Indonesia from where AirAsia Flight QZ8501 took off on Sunday worried relatives were waiting for news of its fate. The aircraft lost contact with traffic controllers after the pilots asked to fly higher to avoid bad weather. There were at least 155 passengers and seven crew on board. Most were Indonesian. The airline says there were also three South Koreans, and one each from Singapore and Malaysia. Indonesian transport officials say the plane disappeared between the port town of Tanjung Pandan and Pontianak town on Borneo. They said no distress signal was sent. The airline and Indonesia's air force are searching for the plane. Singapore says it's also mobilised its air force and navy to help.
在印度尼西亚泗水机场,担忧不已的亲属们正在等待亲人们的消息QZ8501正是于周日在这里起飞 。这架飞机的飞行员由于恶劣天气收到抬高飞行高度的指令后与交通管制员失去联系 。飞机上共有至少155名乘客和7名机组人员 。其中大部分是印度尼西亚人 。该航空公司表示,飞机上还有3名韩国人,1名新加坡人和1名马来西亚人 。印度尼西亚交通部门官员表示,飞机在丹戎潘丹港口和波罗洲的坤甸之间失踪 。他们表示,飞机没有发出任何呼救信号 。航空公司和印尼空军都在搜索这架飞机 。新加坡表示,他们也动员了空军和海军提供帮助 。 。亚航
Northern England hit with heavy snow, closing roads and airport
英格兰北部遭遇暴雪 道路和机场关闭
Winter has come to the UK in a big way. Heavy snow and ice hitting parts of central and northern England Saturday. An airport in Leeds was closed overnight, but flights eventually resumed. Roads were a problem, especially in several northern counties. In Derbyshire, drivers were even stranded in at least two areas due to too much snow. Just a reminder that snow isn't always that much fun.
冬天以铺天盖地的方式来到英国Derbyshire,由于降雪量太大,至少两个地方的司机被困 。这提醒人们,大雪带来的不仅仅是乐趣 。 。周六,暴雪和冰冻袭击了英格兰中部和北部部分地区 。利兹一个机场整晚关闭,但是航班最终恢复正常 。路况也是一个问题,尤其是在北部地区 。在
South-west Germany hit by snow, ice
For southwest Germany, their White Christmas came a bit late this year. After an unusually warm Christmas season, Frankfurt got a healthy dose of snow and ice -- one many welcomed.
对德国西南部来说,今年的白色圣诞来得太迟了 。经过一个罕见的温暖的圣诞之后,法兰克福迎来了适量的降雪和冰冻——这是许多人欢迎的 。
(SOUNDBITE) (German) MATTHEW COLEMAN, SAYING: "It's like a belated Christmas gift. That's why we are so happy."
MATTHEW COLEMAN:“这就像迟来的圣诞礼物 。这也是我们如此开心的原因 。”
While drivers had to be careful and workers laid out salt, the people that got out in the snow made the most of it.
司机们谨慎驾车,工作人员撒上融冰盐,走进雪中的人们尽情享受大雪的乐趣 。
(SOUNDBITE) (German) FELIX MAUSE SAYING: "We went outside, for a bit of a walk. We are building snowmen, having snowball-fights. Everything you do in winter."
FELIX MAUSE:“我们走到雪中步行 。我们堆雪人,打雪仗 。在冬季可以做的一切事情 。”
The German weather service says more snow and ice is expected for the turn of the year -- meaning this could be just the beginning.
德国天气预报称新年来临之际将迎来更多降雪和冰冻,这意味着现在仅仅是开始 。