Guardians of the Galaxy soars to new heights at the box office
"Guardians of the Galaxy" is soaring past the competition at the box office, claiming its place as the highest-grossing domestic movie of 2014. It stars Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana as the leaders of a group of galactic warriors. Labor Day weekend ticket sales placed it number one for the third time since it's debut with $16.3 million in U.S. and Canadian ticket sales. That sent its total domestic sales to new heights with more than $270 million so far. Second at the box office this weekend is "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" which brought in $11.8 million, according to studio estimates
《银河护卫队》在票房方面势头强劲,成为2014年收入最高的国内电影Chris Pratt和Zoe Saldana饰演一群星河卫士的领导 。劳动节的周末门票销售使其第三次票房夺冠 。首映时在美国和加拿大的票房收入为1630万美元 。这使得其国内销量创新高,目前为止已超过2.7亿美元 。本周末处于票房第二位的是《忍者神龟》,工作室估计其票房收入为1180万美元 。 。
Flood chaos in southern Sweden
A bus gets caught in heavy rain in the southern Swedish city of Malmo Sunday -- forcing rescue workers to evacuate passengers.
周日,瑞典南部城市马尔默一辆公共汽车被困在暴雨中,迫使救援工作者疏散乘客 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Swedish) OLA HANSSON WHO WAS EVACUATED FROM BUS SAYING: "It was very unpleasant. There was water everywhere and you couldn't even see the seats anymore."
从公交车上被疏散的乘客OLA HANSSON:“非常不愉快的经历 。到处都是水,连一个座位都看不到了 。”
Torrential rain hammered Sweden's third largest city in less than one hour, bringing traffic to a standstill. As some make their way to dry land...others are being told to stay home.
不到一个小时后,暴雨袭击了瑞典第三大城市,导致交通瘫痪 。一些人努力向干燥的路面艰难行进,其他人则被告知回家 。
Something fishy in Mexico
These still waters in a lagoon in Western Mexico have turned lethal. The lagoon has become a graveyard for hundreds of thousands of fish. Dead fish are being removed by the barrel-full. Local fisherman say the problem is pollution at the bottom of the lagoon. They are seeking answers. Local authorities say its just nature taking its course. But state investigators are blaming "poor management". Attention has now turned to the wastewater treatment plants that operates nearby. For fishermen who earn their living off these waters the answers can not comes soon enough.
墨西哥西部这个泻湖里静止不动的水成为致命死水 。这个泻湖成为数十万条鱼的墓地 。一桶一桶的死鱼被转移 。当地渔民表示,原因是这个泻湖底部的污染 。他们正在寻求答案 。当地官方表示,这只是自然选择 。但是州政府调查人员谴责是由于“管理不善” 。现在焦点转移到附近的污水处理厂 。对于依赖这片水域维生的渔民来说,答案遥遥无期 。