Taiwan gas blast kills 22, injures 270
台湾高雄燃气爆炸 22死270伤
The explosion ripped through Taiwan's southern city of Kaohsiung in the early hours of Friday morning. Plumes of smoke billowed across the horizon. Residents told local television that some smoke with a "gas-like smell" came out of the drains shortly before the blast. The explosion was so powerful it ripped open roads, overturned cars and sent flames flying dozens of metres into the air. Several people were killed. The Kaohsiung fire department said it was caused by a gas leak. Some residents compared the force of the explosion to an earthquake. Rescuers formed a chain to pull dozens of injured from a vast crater in the street. Hundreds of those injured by the blast were taken to hospital for treatment. Daylight revealed the true extent of the devastation. The damage to buildings and roads made rescue efforts difficult for firefighters, searching for people beneath the rubble. Police have been deployed to reinforce emergency workers.
周五早上,爆炸撕裂了台湾南部城市高雄 。地平线上升起滚滚浓烟 。居民们告诉当地电视台,爆炸发生前不久,排水管散发出有着“汽油味”的烟雾 。爆炸非常强力,撕裂了道路,掀翻了汽车,浓烟高达数十米 。爆炸导致几人死亡 。高雄消防部门表示,爆炸由燃气泄漏造成 。一些居民将爆炸的强度比作地震 。救援人员组成人链,将数十名伤者从街道中心一个巨大的洞穴里拉出来 。爆炸造成的数百名伤者被送往医院进行治疗 。随着天亮,破坏程度逐渐显露出来 。建筑和道路的损坏导致消防员搜救废墟下的伤者更加困难 。警方已经增派了救援力量 。
Hamas and Israel trade blame for truce failure
The scramble to find the living and the dead in Gaza as a short-lived ceasefire ends. And with the fighting comes a war of words, with each side blaming the other for breaking the truce.
当短暂的停火结束时,人们努力在加沙地带寻找幸存者和遇难者 。冲突逐渐演变为语言战争,双方互相谴责对方破坏休战 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) Hamas SPOKESMAN, FAWZI BARHOUM, SAYING: "The Israeli enemy is the one that breached the truce, when Israeli special forces entered the eastern side of Rafah." Israel in turn blames Hamas.
哈马斯发言人FAWZI BARHOUM:“打破停战协议的是我们的敌人以色列,以色列特种部队进入拉法赫地区东部 。”以色列转而谴责哈马斯 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) ISRAELI GOVERNMENT SPOKESPERSON MARK REGEV, SAYING: "Unfortunately at 09:30, barely one and half hours after the start of the cease-fire, Hamas forces opened fire at our forces in direct violation of the cease-fire, deadlyfire."
以色列政府发言人MARK REGEV:“不幸的是,大约在09:30,就在停战开始生效一个半小时之后,哈马斯力量直接违反停火协议,向我军开火,火力非常致命 。”
Israel's main ally, The U.S. is also blaming Hamas for violating the ceasefire. While on the streets of the West Bank Palestinian anger over yet more Israeli attacks on Gaza, is boiling over. More than 1,500 Palestinians, mostly civilians have been killed in the conflict while on the Israeli side sixty-three soldiers and three civilians have died. One soldier is reported missing. This after hopes the ceasefire would turn into durable calm.
以色列主要的盟友美国也谴责哈马斯违反停火协议 。在西岸街道上,巴勒斯坦人对以色列人向加沙地带发动更多袭击表示愤怒 。已有超过1,500名巴勒斯坦人,其中大部分是平民,在双方的冲突中遇难,而以色列方面也有63名士兵和3名平民遇难 。据报道还有1名士兵失踪 。这更让人们希望停火可以带来持久的和平 。
Doctors wary in their battle with deadly Ebola
A medical team from Doctors without Borders heads into an Ebola treatment center in Sierra Leone. For as many as 90 percent of those who contract it, Ebola is a death sentence. More than 700 people in four African countries, have died in the latest outbreak. There is no known cure for the disease. It's caused by a virus which spreads from person to person through bodily contact. For health care professionals, like Max Gertler from Doctors without Borders, treatment of Ebola presents significant challenges.
无国界医生组织一个医疗小组前往塞拉利昂埃博拉病毒治疗中心Max Gertler等卫生专家来说,埃博拉病毒的治疗是一项重大挑战 。 。对于90%的病毒感染者来说,埃博拉就像死刑判决 。在四个非洲国家,超过700人在最新的病毒爆发中死亡 。目前还没有已知的治愈病例 。这种病毒在人与人之间通过身体接触传播 。对于医生无国界医生组织的
(SOUNDBITE) (English) MEDECINS SANS FRONTIèRES DOCTOR MAX GERTLER [WHAT MAKES EBOLA SO DIFFICULT TO TREAT] SAYING: "First of all the fear. Which one has to overcome. And there is of course the risk to get infected yourself."
无国界医生组织专家MAX GERTLER:“首先必须克服的是恐惧 。当然也要面对自己感染的风险 。”
For leaders of those nations affected, the crisis has triggered a national emergency. They're now meeting in Guinea to craft a response. Although the World Health Organization says that for now, the outbreak is moving faster than efforts to control it.
对于病毒感染国的领导人来说,这场危机引发了全国紧急状态 。他们正在几内亚召开会议,试图作出反应 。然而,世界卫生组织表示,目前为止,病毒的爆发速度远远超出控制 。