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  • We can assume that Bill Fernandez,
  • 我们可以假定比尔 费尔南德兹
  • Randy Wiggington and Chris Espinosa will not be receiving any Options?
  • 冉迪·威根屯和克里斯·艾斯品诺撒将不会得到股票选择权吗?
  • Drinking a beer, huh?
  • 喝啤酒啊?
  • Tomorrow's a big day for you.
  • 明天是你的大日子
  • For us.For us.
  • 我们的大日子。嗯 我们的
  • Mike told me about what happened with Bill and Dan
  • 麦克跟我说了你做的好事 关于比尔 丹尼尔
  • and Chris. And, Steve...
  • 还有克里斯 好 史蒂夫...
  • Why'd you do it?
  • 你为什么这么做?
  • The company outgrew them.
  • 公司大了 就对他们不管不顾了
  • They're not management. They're not project leads.
  • 他们不是管理阶层 他们也不是项目带头人
  • It's not my job to be nice to people.
  • 我的工作不是当好人
  • It's my job to make them better.
  • 是为了让公司变得更好
  • They don't deserve it.
  • 他们不值那个价
  • Then who the hell does?
  • 那谁就值那个价了?
  • Do you know how this company works?
  • 你知道公司怎么运转吗?
  • Do you want to know?
  • 你想知道吗?
  • I'd be happy to teach you, if you want to know.
  • 如果你想知道 我可以教你
  • Do you know why I started this company with you?
  • 你知道我当初为什么跟你一起创办这个公司吗?
  • Why I left the safety of HP for this?
  • 而放弃了惠普那个安稳工作吗?
  • I doubt you do. You never asked.
  • 你不知道吧 你也没问过
  • I left because this was my thing.
  • 我离开那里 因为Apple是我亲手创办的
  • And you guys thought it was cool.
  • 还因为你们这些家伙很酷
  • I just wanted to be one of the guys.
  • 我只是想成为你们这帮酷男中的一份子
  • And of all the guys I knew, you were the coolest.
  • 而你是最酷的那个人
  • You were smart, quick-witted.
  • 你聪明而机灵
  • And this was my chance to do what I loved.
  • 这就是我能以所好为生的机会
  • And to do it for fun.
  • 我为了乐趣而加入
  • That's all, that's all I ever wanted.
  • 这就是全部 这就是我想要的
  • I thought that's what you wanted, too.
  • 我曾经以为这也是你想要的
  • Something's happened to you, Steve.
  • 你变了 史蒂夫
  • I'm grown up, Woz.
  • 我长大了 沃兹
  • No. No, you're not.
  • 不 不 你还是个小屁孩


It immediately became clear that, whether or not he wanted to admit it publicly (or even to himself), Jobs was going to take control and not be a mere advisor. As soon as he came onstage that day—wearing shorts, sneakers, and a black turtleneck—he got to work reinvigorating his beloved institution. “Okay, tell me what’s wrong with this place,” he said. There were some murmurings, but Jobs cut them off. “It’s the products!” he answered. “So what’s wrong with the products?” Again there were a few attempts at an answer, until Jobs broke in to hand down the correct answer. “The products suck!” he shouted. “There’s no sex in them anymore!”


Woolard was able to coax Jobs to agree that his role as an advisor would be a very active one. Jobs approved a statement saying that he had “agreed to step up my involvement with Apple for up to 90 days, helping them until they hire a new CEO.” The clever formulation that Woolard used in his statement was that Jobs was coming back “as an advisor leading the team.”


Jobs took a small office next to the boardroom on the executive floor, conspicuously eschewing Amelio’s big corner office. He got involved in all aspects of the business: product design, where to cut, supplier negotiations, and advertising agency review. He believed that he had to stop the hemorrhaging of top Apple employees, and to do so he wanted to reprice their stock options. Apple stock had dropped so low that the options had become worthless. Jobs wanted to lower the exercise price, so they would be valuable again. At the time, that was legally permissible, but it was not considered good corporate practice. On his first Thursday back at Apple, Jobs called for a telephonic board meeting and outlined the problem. The directors balked. They asked for time to do a legal and financial study of what the change would mean. “It has to be done fast,” Jobs told them. “We’re losing good people.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
worthless ['wə:θlis]


adj. 无价值的,无用的,可鄙的

onstage ['ɔn'steidʒ, 'ɔ:n-]


adj. 台上的;台上演出的 adv. 上台;上场

deserve [di'zə:v]


vi. 应该得到
vt. 应受,值得

involvement [in'vɔlvmənt]


n. 包含,缠绕,混乱,复杂的情况

valuable ['væljuəbl]


adj. 贵重的,有价值的
n. (pl.)贵

executive [ig'zekjutiv]


adj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令

legal ['li:gəl]


adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

coax [kəuks]


v. 哄,诱骗,灵巧慢慢地做

supplier [sə'plaiə]


n. 供应者,供应厂商,供应国





