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  • And I would rather gamble on our vision
  • 我相信我们的前瞻性
  • than make a me-too product.
  • 远胜于做一件雷同的产品
  • We got to make the small things just unforgettable.
  • 我们做出的产品虽然很小 但是总是令人难忘
  • Let's just start with something simple. LisaWrite.
  • 简而言之 就是这款"丽莎文字处理器"
  • What happens if I click on one of these tabs?
  • 我点击这些选单会出现什么?
  • You get a drop-down menu, and then there's preferences,
  • 会有下拉选单 让你能进入"参数设定"的界面
  • and page options.
  • 和"页面设置"界面
  • Okay. Exactly.
  • 好 正是如此
  • Now, which tab do I click on to get different font styles?
  • 现在 点击哪个选单可以修改字体?
  • How many custom typefaces are there on LisaWrite?"
  • 丽莎文字处理器"支持几种客户自定义字体?
  • That's actually something that I wanted to talk to you about, Steve, is...
  • 我正是我想跟你说的一件事 史蒂夫 那就是...
  • I've been asking for the fonts for months.
  • 几个月前我就要求你们弄出多种字体
  • But everything we're talking about is conceptual.
  • 但你要求的东西都是概念层面的
  • And I'm sorry, but typeface, it isn't exactly a pressing issue right now.
  • 对不起 但是目前字体还不是至关紧要的事情
  • Everything is a pressing issue.
  • 每一件事都至关紧要
  • If we want to make the vision for Lisa a reality,
  • 如果你想把"丽莎"所代表的未来变成现实
  • we gotta put in the hours and make something great.
  • 你就要全心投入 才能做出伟大的产品
  • Yeah, but we have a hard date on this software,
  • 我知道 但是这个软件做起来很困难
  • and I'm sorry, but adding pretty fonts is not gonna change that.
  • 而且弄些漂亮字体还是于事无补
  • Well, Bill?
  • 比尔 你说呢?
  • If you don't share our enthusiasm,
  • 如果你不能共享我们的热忱
  • and care for the vision of this company...
  • 不认同这家公司的理念...
  • No, no, no, no. I just, I'm not understanding...
  • 不 不 不 不 我只是不太我理解...
  • Get out. What?
  • 滚出去 什么?
  • Get your shit and get out. What, wait...
  • 要你卷铺盖走人 什么? 等等...
  • You're done. What, you...
  • 你玩完了 什么? 你竟然...
  • What, are you gonna, you're gonna fire me?
  • 什么 你难道 你难道想炒我鱿鱼吗?
  • No!
  • 不!
  • I already fired you!
  • 我已经炒了你鱿鱼!
  • Why are you still here?
  • 你怎么还赖着不走?


Why did Jobs not seize the reins? Why was he reluctant to grab the job that for two decades he had seemed to desire? When I asked him, he said:


We’d just taken Pixar public, and I was happy being CEO there. I never knew of anyone who served as CEO of two public companies, even temporarily, and I wasn’t even sure it was legal. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I was enjoying spending more time with my family. I was torn. I knew Apple was a mess, so I wondered: Do I want to give up this nice lifestyle that I have? What are all the Pixar shareholders going to think? I talked to people I respected. I finally called Andy Grove at about eight one Saturday morning—too early. I gave him the pros and the cons, and in the middle he stopped me and said, “Steve, I don’t give a shit about Apple.” I was stunned. It was then I realized that I do give a shit about Apple—I started it and it is a good thing to have in the world. That was when I decided to go back on a temporary basis to help them hire a CEO.


The claim that he was enjoying spending more time with his family was not convincing. He was never destined to win a Father of the Year trophy, even when he had spare time on his hands. He was getting better at paying heed to his children, especially Reed, but his primary focus was on his work. He was frequently aloof from his two younger daughters, estranged again from Lisa, and often prickly as a husband.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
temporary ['tempərəri]


adj. 暂时的,临时的
n. 临时工

claim [kleim]


n. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物

heed [hi:d]


n. 注意,留心
v. 注意,留心

respected [ri'spektid]


adj. 受尊敬的 v. 尊敬;重视(respect的过

reed [ri:d]


n. 芦苇,芦笛,簧片

aloof [ə'lu:f]


adj. 疏远的,冷淡的 adv. 远离地

reluctant [ri'lʌktənt]


adj. 不情愿的,勉强的

grove [grəuv]


n. 小树林,果树园

temporarily ['tempərerili]


adv. 暂时地,临时地

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt





