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《名人传记》之史蒂夫·乔布斯传26:勇于冒险 保持领先

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  • Gotta just start over. It has to be intuitive.
  • 我们得重来 整个操作必须有直觉性
  • Precognitive. I mean, I want it to know what you want to do
  • 可预测性 我是说 在你们了解你将做什么之前
  • before you even know you want to do it.
  • 你们得让你的产品知道你将怎样对待它
  • Wait, are we still talking about the command prompts?
  • 等等 我们还是在聊"命令栏"的事吗?
  • Bill, we're talking about everything. The whole thing.
  • 比尔 我们在谈所有的细节 整件事情
  • Lisa. Guys, it's the future."
  • 丽莎" 伙计们 我现在告诉你们
  • I'm telling you right now.
  • 这个产品 代表着未来
  • I mean, Lisa's gonna do for the next 10 years
  • 我是说 "丽莎"在未来10年内将改变世界
  • what the Apple ll did for the last three.
  • 就像Apple II在过去3年里改变了世界一样
  • I can tell you that right now.
  • 我现在就可以这样说道
  • Do you know why people buy an Apple?
  • 你知道人们为什么买苹果电脑吗?
  • Why do they buy an Apple, not the competitor?
  • 为什么买苹果电脑 而不买我们竞争对手的产品?
  • Because it's got bravado.
  • 因为它(苹果电脑)很酷
  • It's social status.
  • 它代表社会地位 让你成为时尚风标
  • No, you know what? It's even more than that.
  • 不 你们知道怎么回事吗? 它甚至比这更重要
  • It's social currency.
  • 它是社会流通货币
  • We've raised the bar.
  • 我们提高了业界产品水准
  • And if we want to stay there, we gotta risk everything.
  • 如果我们想保持领先 我们要勇于冒险
  • Great artists, Dylan, Picasso, Newton,
  • 像狄伦 毕卡索 牛顿这样的伟大创作者
  • they risk failure.
  • 他们都勇于承担失败的风险
  • And if we want to be great, we've gotta risk it, too.
  • 我们做大事 就要敢冒风险
  • On the command bar?
  • 为了一个命令栏
  • On everything.
  • 为了所有事情
  • What... And it starts with the little things.
  • 什么... 从小事情开始
  • There's over 20 different functions
  • 这里有20多个功能
  • tied to every single variation of the command bar,
  • 命令栏的改变虽小 但是牵一发而动全身
  • which by the way, takes weeks to program.
  • 就这小的改变也要花好几个星期去编程
  • We're not doing anything that IBM's not already doing.
  • 我们不会重复IBM做过的东西


Woolard and his wife flew to London, where they were planning to watch the Wimbledon tennis matches. He saw some of the tennis during the day, but spent his evenings in his suite at the Inn on the Park calling people back in America, where it was daytime. By the end of his stay, his telephone bill was $2,000.


First, he called Jobs. The board was going to fire Amelio, he said, and it wanted Jobs to come back as CEO. Jobs had been aggressive in deriding Amelio and pushing his own ideas about where to take Apple. But suddenly, when offered the cup, he became coy. “I will help,” he replied.


As CEO?” Woolard asked.


Jobs said no. Woolard pushed hard for him to become at least the acting CEO. Again Jobs demurred. “I will be an advisor,” he said. “Unpaid.” He also agreed to become a board memberthat was something he had yearned forbut declined to be the board chairman. “Thats all I can give now,” he said. After rumors began circulating, he emailed a memo to Pixar employees assuring them that he was not abandoning them. “I got a call from Apples board of directors three weeks ago asking me to return to Apple as their CEO,” he wrote. “I declined. They then asked me to become chairman, and I again declined. So dont worrythe crazy rumors are just that. I have no plans to leave Pixar. Youre stuck with me.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
command [kə'mɑ:nd]


n. 命令,指挥,控制
v. 命令,指挥,支配

variation [.vɛəri'eiʃən]


n. 变化,变动,变种,变奏曲

status ['steitəs]


n. 地位,身份,情形,状况

aggressive [ə'gresiv]


adj. 侵略的,有进取心的,好斗的

bravado [brə'vɑ:dəu]


n. 作威,虚张的勇气

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

intuitive [in'tju:itiv]


adj. 直觉的

acting ['æktiŋ]


n. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出

coy [kɔi]


adj. 腼腆的,怕羞的,羞怯的 vi. 态度娇羞





