Twin tornadoes pummel U.S. state of Nebraska, killing one
This is a rare sight. Amateur video captures the moment when twin tornadoes touch down in the U.S. state of Nebraska. But it's happened not once but twice. Here a pair of twisters slam into the town of Pilger simultaneously. And in different footage another couple strike in Wakefield, tearing up farmland. The swarm of tornadoes were part of a super thunderstorm system, packing winds of up to 265 kilometres per hour (165 miles). The small town of Pilger appeared to have sustained the worse damage. At last one of the tornadoes directly hit, devastating the town. More than a dozen people were injured in the powerful winds and at least one person was killed. Here in Wakefield a farm is flattened and the debris from damaged buildings can be seen spiralling around the funnels. A state of emergency has been declared in Nebraska and rescue crews are scrambling to dig for victims trapped under the rubble.
这是非常罕见的场景 。业余视频捕捉到了双龙卷风袭击美国内布拉斯加州的时刻 。但是这种情况发生了不止一次,而是两次 。在这里,两个旋风同时袭击皮尔格小镇 。在不同的镜头中,另外一个双龙卷风袭击了韦克菲尔德,摧毁了农田 。这些龙卷风群是一个超级雷暴系统的一部分,风速高达每小时265千米(165英里) 。皮尔格小镇似乎遭遇的损坏似乎最为严重 。最后,这个小镇遭遇一个龙卷风正面冲击,受到重大破坏 。超过12人在狂风中受伤,至少1人遇难 。在韦克菲尔德,一块农田完全被夷为平地,龙卷风过处到处可见受损建筑的碎片 。内布拉斯加州已经宣布了紧急状态,搜救人员正在努力挖掘被困在废墟下的受害者 。
Obama tells Congress U.S. deploying up to 275 troops to Iraq
The United States is deploying up to 275 military personnel to Iraq. President Barack Obama made the announcement to the U.S. Congress on Monday in a letter to lawmakers. He said he was notifying Congress under the War Powers Resolution. Obama said the forces are for securing the safety of American personnel in Iraq as well as the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. The move comes as militants seize control of the north of Iraq. They threaten to tear the country apart and unleash all-out sectarian warfare. Obama's letter told lawmakers the U.S. troops are equipped for combat, if that becomes necessary, but he's pledged not to send U.S. troops into combat in Iraq again. He will keep the option open for launching air strikes to help the U.S.-backed Iraqi government fight the insurgents.
美国向伊拉克派遣了275名军事人员 。周一,奥巴马总统在致立法者的信函中告知国会该决定 。他表示,他按照《战争权力决议》的规定通知国会 。奥巴马表示,这批军事人员是为了保障美国驻伊拉克人员和美国驻巴格达大使馆的安全 。此举发生时,激进分子控制了伊拉克北部 。他们威胁分裂这个国家,发动全面的宗教战争 。奥巴马在信函中告诉立法者,如果必要的话,美国军队将做好作战准备,但是他承诺不再向伊拉克派遣作战部队 。他还保留了发动空袭帮助美国支持的伊拉克政府打击反叛分子的选择权 。
U.S. captures suspected ringleader of Benghazi attack
The 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi killed four Americans including the U.S. ambassador, and ignited a political firestorm in Washington. Now, the Pentagon press secretary says they've captured a suspected ringleader. Ahmed Abu Khatallah was captured in Libya Sunday, with a team of U.S. special operations forces and law enforcement personnel. No photo of him was immediately available. During an event in Pittsburgh on Tuesday, Obama said he had made his capture a priority:
2012年,美国驻班加西领事馆遭遇袭击,造成包括美国大使在内的四名美国人遇难,引发了华盛顿政治大爆发Ahmed Abu Khatallah)于周日在利比亚被美国一支特别行动队和执法人员抓获 。目前还没有此人的照片资料 。在周二匹兹堡的一场活动中,奥巴马表示,他将抓捕此人作为首要任务: 。现在,五角大楼新闻秘书表示,他们逮捕了袭击头目嫌疑人 。哈塔拉(
(SOUNDBITE) (English) PRESIDENT OBAMA, SAYING: "We continue to think about and pray for the families of those who were killed during that terrible attack. But more importantly it's important for us to send a message to the world that when Americans are attacked, no matter how long it takes, we will find those responsible and we will bring them to justice."
奥巴马总统:“我们仍然挂念着这场可怕的袭击的遇难者家属,并为他们祈祷 。但是对我们来说更重要的是向全世界传达一条信息,当美国人受到袭击的时候,无论需要多长时间,我们都将找到责任人,将他们绳之以法 。”
The Pentagon declined to go into detail about his capture. But they say there were no civilian casualties in the operation and all U.S. personnel involved had safely left Libya. A U.S. official said Khatallah would be charged and prosecuted through the U.S. court system.
五角大楼拒绝透露抓捕的详细信息 。但是他们表示,在行动中没有平民伤亡,参加行动的所有美国人员都已经安全离开利比亚 。一名美国官员表示,哈塔拉将通过美国法庭系统被控告和起诉 。