Spanish King's last formal appearance before abdication
The Spanish royal family arrives for the parade to celebrate the armed forces Sunday. It marks the last formal appearance of Spanish King Juan Carlos before his abdication. It was announced recently that his son, Prince Felipe, would succeed him after June 18. The future King of Spain was accompanied by his wife Princess Letizia. Juan Carlos has spent almost 40 years on the throne. His popularity has waned in recent years amid allegations of corruption. Polls show greater support for Felipe.
周日,西班牙王室家族参加了庆贺军队的阅兵式Prince Felipe)将继任他的职位 。这位未来的西班牙国王由妻子莱地齐亚王储妃(Princess Letizia)陪同 。胡安·卡洛斯担任国王接近40年 。近年来,由于腐败指控,他的威望逐渐下降 。民意调查显示,人们对费利佩的支持逐渐增加 。 。这标志着西班牙国王胡安·卡洛斯逊位前最后一次正式亮相 。最近宣布,6月18日后,他的儿子王储费利佩(
Violence in Ukraine continues after Poroshenko's inauguration
A ceremonial day in the capital of Ukraine for a new president. Petro Poroshenko, a billionaire confectioner took the oath of office and called for peace and security, saying he didn't want war or revenge. He stressed the unity of Ukraine, which is fighting a pro-Russian separatist uprising in the east, calling on insurgents to lay down their arms. Still, despite his inaugural speech, violence continued to flare in eastern Ukraine. Unceremonially in Donetsk, another body is placed on a stretcher before being taken to the morgue. It's Maxim Petrukhin, the aid of separatist leader Denis Pushilin. Petrukin was shot dead on Saturday. The car is riddled with bullets.
新总统宣誓就职,乌克兰首都举行了庆祝活动Denis Pushilin)的助手迈克希姆·普希林(Maxim Petrukhin) 。普希林于周六被枪杀 。汽车上布满了子弹 。 。亿万富翁糖果大王波罗申科宣誓就职,呼吁和平和安全 。他表示,他不希望发生战争或报复行为 。他强调乌克兰必须团结起来抵抗东部亲俄分裂分子的动乱,呼吁反叛分子放下武器 。然而,尽管波罗申科在就职典礼上发表了这样的讲话,乌克兰东部的暴力活动仍然继续 。顿涅茨克并未举行庆祝活动,又一具尸体停放在担架上,准备送往停尸房 。此人是分裂主义领袖丹尼斯·普希林(
(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) PRIME MINISTER OF SELF-PROCLAIMED 'DONETSK PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC', ALEXANDER BORODAI, SAYING: "They assume that it was a terrorist attack against Denis Pushilin's aide. However there could have been a mistake during the execution of this terrorist attack, because the victim looked very much like Denis Pushilin, and maybe he was mistakenly attacked because of this similarity."
宣布独立的顿涅茨克人民共和国总理亚历山大·博罗代(Alexander Borodai):“他们认为这是针对丹尼斯·普希林助手的恐怖主义袭击 。然而,实行这次恐怖袭击期间或许出现了错误,因为遇难者看上去和丹尼斯·普希林非常像,或许由于这种相似性他才错误地遭遇袭击 。”
Poroshenko's peace plan may have been applauded in parliament but ending this violence and finding a solution to the crisis will be no easy task.
波罗申科的和平计划或许在议会受到欢迎,然而结束这场暴力,寻找危机的解决方法任重而道远 。
Sisi sworn in as Egypt's new president
Cheers for Egypt's new president, Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, in Cairo's Tahrir square. Sisi was sworn-in at the Constitutional Court Sunday, after winning the election with 97 percent of the vote last month.
开罗解放广场庆祝埃及新总统塞西(Abdel Fattah al-Sisi)就职 。周日,于上月以97%的选票赢得选举之后,塞西在宪法法庭宣誓就职 。
(SOUNDBITE) EGYPT'S NEW PRESIDENT, ABDEL FATTAH AL-SISI, SAYING: "In the name of God I swear that I will be loyal to the republican system and will respect the constitution, take care of the nation and maintain the nation's independence, its unity and security."
埃及新总统塞西(Abdel Fattah al-Sisi):“我以上帝的名义宣誓,我将忠于共和体系,尊重宪法,忠于国家,维持国家独立,统一和安全 。”
These Egyptians watched the inauguration from a cafe.
这些埃及人在一个咖啡馆观看了就职仪式 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) CAFE VISITOR, SULTAN, SAYING: "I swear this is happiness, for us and for all Arabs. This represents all Arabs. He will solve a lot, God willing."
咖啡馆顾客SULTAN:“我发誓我们和所有阿拉伯人都很开心 。这代表了所有阿拉伯人 。上帝保佑,他将会解决很多问题 。”
Sisi now faces staggering challenges in a country where street demonstrations have helped to topple two leaders in three years. After the inauguration, people celebrated on the streets of Cairo. One woman says she hopes Sisi will lead Egypt down a prosperous path.
塞西面临难以置信的挑战 。在这个国家,街头示威活动三年内推翻了两位领导人 。宣誓就职后,民众在开罗街头举行了庆祝活动 。一名女子表示,她希望塞西能够带领埃及走向繁荣昌盛的道路 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) MEMBER OF THE CROWD, SANAA DIAB, SAYING: "I pray to God that he is a good and just man. I want him to care for our youth and our country and protect us. He is a slave to God as we all are and I pray to God that he is a good man."
人群中的一员SANAA DIAB:“我向上帝祈祷他是一位善良正直的人 。我希望他能够关照我们的年轻人,我们的国家,能够保护我们 。他是上帝的忠仆,我向上帝祈祷他是一个好人 。”
Sisi's first priority will most likely be the economy. Years of political upheaval have kept both tourists and investors away.
塞西的首要任务将是发展经济 。多年的政治动荡导致游客和投资者望而却步 。