Remains returned to ground zero
A procession through the streets of New York by a convoy of police and firefighter trucks. They're taking the unidentified remains from the 9/11 attacks to Ground Zero, where the World Trade Center building once stood. The September 11 attacks in 2001 killed almost 3,000 people in New York, the Washington DC area and Pennsylvania. But the remains of more than 1,000 people have still not been identified by forensic teams. They were placed in metal boxes covered by the American flag and taken to a repository at the site of the Manhattan attack. They'll be kept underneath the 9/11 Memorial Museum, while experts try to match the tissue fragments to the victims. But as onlookers watched the solemn ceremony, some relatives protested against the move, saying it was wrong to store the remains in what was essentially a site for tourists.
由警车和消防车组成的队伍缓缓通过街道 。他们将9.11恐怖主义袭击身份不明遇难者的遗骸带回归零地,世贸中心大厦原来的位置 。2001年9.11恐怖主义袭击造成纽约,华盛顿特区和宾夕法尼亚州接近3,000人遇难 。但是超过1,000人的身份还未经法证人员确定 。他们的遗骨被安置在覆盖着美国国旗的金属箱里,运往曼哈顿袭击原址存放 。他们将被安置在9.11纪念博物馆,与此同时,专家将比对遇难者的组织碎片 。但是当观众们瞻仰着这个肃穆的仪式时,一些亲属抗议该举动,称把遗骨存放在游客参观的景点是不合适的 。
Two hostages freed from bus in Brazil
A hostage drama captured on live television. Brazilian police negotiate with a man who'd taken two hostages from aboard this bus in Rio de Janeiro. The man had reportedly attempted to rob passengers before he was intercepted by police. All but the driver and one female fled the bus, when it stopped, blocking one of the city's main avenues. It was a tense standoff. Police say he used a pair of scissors to keep his hostages close. But after about four and a half hours they were released unharmed and the man turned himself over to the authorities.
监控录像捕捉到了一起人质劫持事件的状况 。一名男子从里约热内卢一辆公交车上劫持了两名人质,巴西警方与这名男子进行了谈判 。据报道,这名男子试图抢劫公交乘客,随后被警方拦截 。除了司机和一名女性之外,所有乘客都在公交车停驶时逃离,堵塞了这个城市一条主要的道路 。紧张的僵持状态持续了一段时间 。警方表示,他用一副剪刀劫持着两名人质 。但是经过四个半小时后,人质获释,没有受到伤害,嫌疑人自首 。
New York police clamp down on subway dancers
Young people show off their dance moves on the New York City subway. Andrew Saunders and his crew have been doing this for years.
年轻人在地铁上展示舞技Andrew Saunders和他的组员们已经这样做了几年的时间 。 。
SOUNDBITE (English) SUBWAY DANCER, ANDREW "BLUEWAFFLE" SAUNDERS, SAYING: "I dance on the train to stay out of trouble and put money in our pockets." The problem is it's illegal. Police say it endangers the dancers and commuters - and that some feel intimidated into giving money. Dozens of subway dancers have been arrested in recent months, including Damien Morales.
地铁舞者ANDREW "BLUEWAFFLE" SAUNDERS:“我在地铁上跳舞一方面可以平息人们的焦虑,又可以给自己赚点钱 。”问题是,这种行为是非法的 。警方表示,这会危害舞者和乘客——一些人觉得是被迫给钱的 。最近几个月,数十名地铁舞者被逮捕,包括Damien Morales 。
SOUNDBITE (English) SUBWAY DANCER, DAMIEN "LALO" MORALES, SAYING: "It wasn't cool. Nobody should be detained for doing something positive." Commuters have mixed reactions to the performers.
地铁舞者DAMIEN "LALO" MORALES:“这一点都不好 。任何人都不应该因为做了一些积极的事情而被捕 。”乘客对舞者的反应也各不相同 。
SOUNDBITE (English) COMMUTER GRACE CUI SAYING: "It's ok. It's entertainment."
乘客GRACE CUI:“还不错,这也是一种娱乐 。”
乘客CLEM MCINTOSH:“非常具有纽约特色 。”
SOUNDBITE (English) COMMUTER GREG SMITH SAYING: "They're fun to watch but they're irritating."
乘客GREG SMITH:“看起来非常有趣,但是有时非常恼人 。”
SOUNDBITE (English) COMMUTER JARED BROWN SAYING: "I've almost been kicked in the face once or twice."
乘客JARED BROWN:“我有一两次差点被打到脸 。”
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority does hold auditions for dancers to perform off the train, which police say is safer and gives people the option of walking away.
纽约大都会运输局对舞者在地铁下表演举行了试听 。警方表示,在地铁下表演更加安全,也可以让人们有选择走开的权利 。