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经济学人:鸣金收兵 美国公司的利润可能已达到本周期内的最高值

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  • Finance and economics Buttonwood
  • 财经商业 梧桐树专栏
  • Sound the retreat
  • 鸣金收兵
  • Profits in America may have peaked for this cycle
  • 美国公司的利润可能已达到本周期内的最高值
  • ARE corporate profits at last running out of steam?
  • 公司的利润最终失去势头了么?
  • The lead-up to the first-quarter results season on Wall Street was marked by an unusually large number of profit warnings, such as that from Chevron, an oil group.
  • 即将到来的华尔街第一季度财报季中,包括石油集团雪福龙在内的异常多的盈利警告成为了显著特征。
  • According to Morgan Stanley, an investment bank, earnings estimates for S&P 500 companies were revised down by 4.4 percentage points in the first quarter.
  • 根据投行摩根史坦利的说法,第一季度标普500指数成分股公司的盈利预期被调低了4.4个百分点。
  • As is the custom, having lowered the bar, companies will now beat those revised forecasts, allowing Wall Street analysts to proclaim a successful results reason.
  • 按照惯例,各公司降低了标准后,现在能击败了那些调低的预测值,并使得华尔街分析师们纷纷赞扬这个成功的财报季。
  • But when one removes the effect of exceptional items,American profits are now falling, not rising, according to data from MSCI.
  • 但根据来自MSCI的数据,一旦排除掉那些例外事项的影响,美国公司的利润现在正在下滑,而非上升。
  • In a sense, this is about time.
  • 从某种意义上讲,现在确实到时候了。
  • The recovery in American corporate profits since the recession has been remarkable: they are close to a post-war high as a proportion of GDP.
  • 自经济衰退以来,美国公司的利润复苏取得了显著进展:其占GDP的比重已接近了二战之后的最高值。
  • Bulls have a number of arguments why this is a lasting, not cyclical, phenomenon.
  • 对行情持乐观态度的人们有着一大堆的理由来解释为何这是一种持续性现象,而非周期性现象。
  • Economic power has shifted from labour to capital thanks to globalisation, they say; companies can move production to parts of the world where wages are lower.
  • 他们表示,全球化使得经济实力从劳动力转移到了资本;公司可以把生产转移到世界上那些工资更低的地区。
  • But if that effect is so strong, why aren't profits as high elsewhere?
  • 但是,如果这种效应如此强烈,为何其他地区公司的利润没有这么高?
  • In Britain the return on corporate capital is below its post-1997 average.
  • 英国的资本收益率已低于其1997年以后的平均水平。
  • An alternative, but related, line of reasoning is that foreign profits have boosted the earnings of companies in the S&P 500,
  • 另一种与此有关联的推测在于,国外利润提升了标普500指数成分股公司的总体收益,
  • making the relationship with domestic GDP less relevant.
  • 使得后者与国内GDP的相关性更低。
  • America may still be running a trade deficit but its global champions, the argument runs, are raking in the money overseas.
  • 美国可能仍存在贸易赤字,但是如本观点所说,其国际领军企业在海外赚了不少钱。
  • Research by Audit Analytics found that the amount of profits held abroad and not repatriated nearly doubled to 2.1 trillion between 2008 and 2013.
  • Audit Analytics研究发现,2008-2013年间,海外获得且尚未汇回的利润数达到了2.1万亿美元,几乎翻了一番。
  • But where will American multinationals make so much money in future?
  • 但是,将来美国的跨国公司还能从哪儿赚到这么多钱呢?
  • Not in either Europe or Japan, where the economies have barely grown in recent years.
  • 不会是欧洲或是日本,因为近些年它们的经济几乎没有增长。
  • Emerging markets might seem more promising, but their economies have been slowing,
  • 新兴市场可能看上去更有前景,但鉴于诸如饮料生产企业帝亚吉欧和技术元件集团
  • as companies like Diageo, a drinks producer, and Cisco, a tech-components group, have reported.
  • 思科等公司已经发布的数据,它们的经济也已放缓。
  • Several developing economies have seen their currencies fall sharply too.
  • 一些发展中经济体也已目睹了本国货币大幅下降。
  • It seems unlikely that American multinationals are going to get a further spurt of profits from this source.
  • 似乎美国的跨国公司不可能再从这个源头得到进一步的井喷式利润增长。
  • In any case, the global data do not bear out the overseas-profit argument.
  • 无论如何,全球的数据并不支持海外利润理论。
  • Just as in America, there have been regular disappointments.
  • 正如在美国,也已出现了常见的令人失望的结果。
  • In 2012, according to Citibank, global profits growth was just 2%, compared with initial forecasts of 11%.
  • 根据花旗银行结论,2012年全球利润增长率仅为2%,相比之下,初步预测可是到了11%。
  • At the start of 2013 profits were forecast to rise by 12%; the actual increase was 7%.
  • 2013年初,利润预测增长12%,但实际增长仅为7%。
  • The stockmarket has been remarkably resilient in the face of these setbacks.
  • 面临着这些波折时,股市已表现出极强的弹性。
  • In 2012 global equities rose by 13%; last year they managed 24%.
  • 2012年全球股票增长了13%;去年增长了24%。
  • In part, that is due to optimism about the economy's future trajectory.
  • 在某种程度上,这要归因于对经济未来发展轨迹的乐观情绪。
  • The euro-zone crisis has disappeared from the headlines while the American economy has been showing signs of returning to healthy growth.
  • 欧元区金融危机已从新闻头条上消失,同时美国经济也已出现了回归健康增长的迹象。
  • But it is also down to supportive monetary policy.
  • 但它同样是支持性货币政策所起的作用。
  • Short-term interest rates have not budged for the past two years and government-bond yields have been close to historic lows.
  • 过去两年短期利率一直没有变化,政府债券收益率也接近了历史最低水平。
  • Investors have accordingly turned to the stockmarket in search of higher returns.
  • 投资者相应地转向股票市场寻求更高回报。
  • Low interest rates have also played their part in keeping profits high,
  • 低利率通过降低借款成本、鼓励公司使用闲置资金回购股票,
  • by reducing borrowing costs and by encouraging companies to use their spare cash to buy back stock, thereby increasing earnings per share.
  • 在提升利润方面起到了一定作用,也由此提高了每股收益。
  • However, buying back shares suggests a certain lack of imagination on the part of chief executives, or a lack of profitable projects to back.
  • 然而,回购股票表明了首席执行官在一定程度上缺乏前景设想,或公司缺少需要支持的盈利项目。
  • That remains an odd aspect of the profits boom:
  • 利润丰厚的现象中仍存在一个奇怪之处:
  • in theory, if the return on capital is high, one would expect a lot of capital to be invested.
  • 理论上,如果资本收益率很高,人们将期望能拥有大量可供投资的资本,
  • The resulting competition would eventually cause profits to fall.
  • 由此导致的竞争将最终导致利润下滑。
  • The process acts as a natural check on profits growth, but has yet to occur this cycle.
  • 这一过程是对利润增长率的一种自然而然的检验,但本周期内尚未出现。
  • Instead, chief executives are turning to that old device for boosting sluggish profits: takeovers.
  • 相反地,首席执行官们正在转向收购这一陈旧手段来刺激缓慢增长的利润。
  • According to Thomson Reuters, the global value of mergers and acquisitions in the first quarter was 36% higher than in the same period of 2013.
  • 根据汤森路透的结果,第一季度全球的并购价值比2013年同期高出了36%。
  • The right takeover can result in cost cuts through economies of scale—although in the long run, the academic evidence in favour of takeovers is mixed.
  • 适宜的收购能通过规模经济实现成本削减——但是长远来看,支持收购的学术证据比较混杂。
  • A takeover boom is a classic signal of the final stages of a bull market, a sign that financial engineering has taken over from genuine business expansion.
  • 收购热潮是牛市最后阶段的一个典型信号,这一信号表明,金融运作已经接替了真正的业务扩张。
  • And that is hardly a surprise: the current rally is already the fourth-largest and the fifth-longest-running since 1928.
  • 而且这不奇怪:当前这已经是1928年以来第四次最大规模、第五次持续时间最长的反弹了。

扫描二维码进行跟读打分训练 out of 用完;耗尽

Should they run out of battery charge half-way to their destination, what will they do?

It will run out of money this year without fresh cash, and markets are charging punitive rates for borrowing.

2.such as 例如;譬如;诸如

The printers can also create interlocking mechanical parts, such as gears and cogs.

It made money on institutional client services, such as executing trades.

3.according to 根据,按照;据…所说

All firsts in a car, according to gm.

According to weiner, product teams will continue to crank.

4.shift from 转向

Energy efficiency will also suffer as people shift from mass transit.

Regulators are also increasingly pushing insurers to shift from relentless growth to sustainable profitability.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
relevant ['relivənt]


adj. 相关的,切题的,中肯的

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

chevron ['ʃevrən]


n. 山形袖章,回文状雕饰,v形图案

related [ri'leitid]


adj. 相关的,有亲属关系的

initial [i'niʃəl]


n. (词)首字母
adj. 开始的,最初的,

efficiency [i'fiʃənsi]


n. 效率,功率

spare [spɛə]


adj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的

classic ['klæsik]


n. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移

expansion [iks'pænʃən]


n. 扩大,膨胀,扩充





