n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落
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Section A
Conversation 1
M:Hey, when would you like to go to the new movie with me tonight?
W:I finish work at 6. Then at 7 I'll see my parents. Let's meet at 8.
M:Actually, 8 is not the right time for me. I just remembered I have an appointment.
W:All right. Let's make it tomorrow.
Conversation 2
W:Do you play golf at the club?
M:Never. I don't like it. Tennis is my sport.
W:Really? I used to take tennis lessons at the university once a week. But I was never any good at it.
M:You have to practice it a lot. I play 5 times a week with a group at the community center.
W:I don't have time for that. But I swim at the hotel pool three times a week.
Conversation 3
M:I don't know what to wear today, dear.
W:Why do you care so much about your clothes today?
M:I'm going to have an important interview.
W:Well, I'm sure you'll do well, dear.
M:Thanks. Do you like this suit?
W:Yes. You look very smart in that blue one.
M:How about the tie? Do you think this will match?
W:No, not really. Why don't you wear your new one?
M:Which one?
W:The one the kids gave you for your birthday.
M:That one. I'll get it.
Conversation 4
W:Peter, this is mom. Are you home?
M:Yes, mom. I just got back a while ago.
W:A while ago? But you did not have basketball practice today. Why did you come home so late?
M:Well, we got our physic test back today.
W:And what has that got to do with your coming home late, unless you did poorly and your teacher kept you after school.
M:Oh, no. Mom, why would you think that? I got the highest mark in the class. So my friends and I had a small party in the bar.
W:Why didn't you call to tell me?
M:I did. Your mobile phone was turned off.
W:Oh, yes. I forgot to turn it on after my meeting this morning. How many marks did you get anyway?
W:Wow. Now what do you want to have for dinner?
Conversation 5
M:Welcome to our talk show, Barbara. Please make yourself at home. First, could you please tell me something about where you live?
W:Yes. I was born in France, but I grew up in Switzerland and I recently moved to the UK. Now I live in WeyBridge.
M:What sort of place it that?
W:It's a large busy place with beautiful scenery. It's near London. It has got lots of people and houses. It's typical of London suburb.
M:Is there anything you like best about it?
W:The greatest thing about WeyBridge is the facilities. You've got everything you need. Shops, buses and trains, cinemas, pubs and restaurants, entertainment.
M:I see. Thank you. Now let's move on to your job.
Conversation 6
M:I'm really sorry, Professor Erin. I was ill yesterday.
W:Look, I'm not upset that you couldn't keep the appointment. But you didn't call me. When someone doesn't turn up and doesn't call, it makes someone else wait.
M:You are right. I apologize. I didn't feel well and I guess I just wasn't thinking of calling you at the time.
W:OK. Apology is accepted. Now I suppose you need to set up another appointment.
M:Yes, I do. But I'm really worried about my project. Can you see me now if I wait?
W:No. I can see you at 3 o'clock this afternoon or during my office hour on Tuesday or Thursday or Friday.
M:Great. Your office hour is best. That's 2 o'clock, right?
W:That's right. Which day do you prefer?
W:OK. Be there this time.
M:I will.
Section B
Good morning. Today I'm going to tell you a little about our school library. We regard our library as a pool of resources that you may need. It has a collection of 80 000 books and 90 kinds of newspapers and magazines. The books are in two categories, those for lending and those for reference. They are all located on the 1st floor. For newspapers and magazines, they are available on the second floor. Books for lending can be kept for a month by fulltime students. As for reference books, newspapers and magazines, they cannot be taken out of the library under any circumstances. The library is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year except Christmas day and New Year's Day. However, to gain access to the library, you must have your ID card. No ID card, no entry. Now, any questions?

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