1. one by one
eg. All the applicants were interviewed one by one.
所有的申请者一个接着一个参加面试 。
eg. He shot arrows one by one, but each missed.
他射了一箭又一箭,但都未能射中 。
2. hard-boiled
eg. Each of us was offered hard boiled eggs to eat.
我们每人得到一个水煮蛋 。
eg. Stock your pantry with protein snacks hard - boiled eggs - fat cheese.
在你食品柜中储躲富含蛋白质的零食——熟蛋,瘦肉,和低脂芝士 。
3. thank-you
adj. 感谢的;
eg. He sees the link between the thank-you notes and his business thriving again.
他看到了感谢信和生意再次兴隆起来的联系 。
eg. Smaller groups and organizations will often provide a meal and a small token thank-you gift.
一些很小的团体或者是机构会请你吃饭或送你些小礼物来表示感谢 。
n. 烟囱