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  • People are complaining about your behavior.
  • 大家对你的行为很不满
  • Okay? And, yeah. About mine?
  • 怎么啦? 没错 有关我的?
  • And your odor.
  • 还有你身上的味道
  • Are you showering like we discussed?
  • 我要你去洗澡 你洗了吗?
  • I'm wearing shoes. You asked me to wear shoes, and I've got them on.
  • 你要我不要打赤脚 我已经照做了,我确实穿上鞋子了
  • That's not part of the deal, Steve.
  • 这不是问题的关键所在 史蒂夫
  • You've gotta learn how to work well with other people.
  • 你得学会跟别人共事
  • I'm just trying to do it right, Al.
  • 我只是想把事情做得好一些
  • I know you are.
  • 我知道
  • Then let me.
  • 那就别管我
  • Listen, Steve!
  • 听着 史蒂夫!
  • You're good. You're damn good.
  • 你很棒 非常棒!
  • But you're an asshole.
  • 但你就是个浑球
  • Well, that...
  • 呃 天哪...
  • Hey. Let me finish.
  • 嘿 让我说完
  • I want you here. I really do.
  • 我想让你待在这里 我真心这样想
  • Something's gotta change.
  • 但你必须改变自己
  • Give me my own project. What?
  • 让我独自做一个项目 什么?
  • Give me my own project.
  • 把我自己的项目交给我做
  • I'll do it on my own.
  • 我独自一人完成
  • And I'll make the best damn game you have ever seen.
  • 我会做一个你从没见过的好游戏
  • You're serious.
  • 你说真的
  • Okay, Steve.
  • 好吧 史蒂夫
  • I need someone to reprogram a troublesome game.
  • 我需要有人重新制作一些有问题的游戏
  • But I'm on a tight deadline.
  • 但是我时间上很紧张
  • So if you can deliver,we'll pay you up to $5,000.
  • 如果你能如期完工,我会付给你5 000美元
  • $5,000? Mmm-hmm. Okay.
  • 5 000美元 呣... 好的
  • And as for your personal issues, I think I may have a solution.
  • 至于你的个人问题 我有办法能解决


  His frustration with Apple was evident when he gave a talk to a Stanford Business School club at the home of a student, who asked him to sign a Macintosh keyboard. Jobs agreed to do so if he could remove the keys that had been added to the Mac after he left. He pulled out his car keys and pried off the four arrow cursor keys, which he had once banned, as well as the top row of F1, F2, F3 . . . function keys. “I’m changing the world one keyboard at a time,” he deadpanned. Then he signed the mutilated keyboard.


  During his 1995 Christmas vacation in Kona Village, Hawaii, Jobs went walking along the beach with his friend Larry Ellison, the irrepressible Oracle chairman. They discussed making a takeover bid for Apple and restoring Jobs as its head. Ellison said he could line up $3 billion in financing: “I will buy Apple, you will get 25% of it right away for being CEO, and we can restore it to its past glory.” But Jobs demurred. “I decided I’m not a hostile-takeover kind of guy,” he explained. “If they had asked me to come back, it might have been different.”


  By 1996 Apple’s share of the market had fallen to 4% from a high of 16% in the late 1980s. Michael Spindler, the German-born chief of Apple’s European operations who had replaced Sculley as CEO in 1993, tried to sell the company to Sun, IBM, and Hewlett-Packard. That failed, and he was ousted in February 1996 and replaced by Gil Amelio, a research engineer who was CEO of National Semiconductor. During his first year the company lost $1 billion, and the stock price, which had been $70 in 1991, fell to $14, even as the tech bubble was pushing other stocks into the stratosphere.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
irrepressible [.iri'presəbl]


adj. 抑制不住的,难以征服的

row [rəu,rau]


n. 排,船游,吵闹
vt. 划船,成排

oracle ['ɔ:rəkl]


n. 神谕,神谕处,预言

glory ['glɔ:ri]


n. 光荣,荣誉,壮丽,赞颂
vi. 为 ..

bubble ['bʌbl]


n. 气泡,泡影
v. 起泡,冒泡

stratosphere ['strætəu,sfiə, 'strei-]


n. [气]同温层;最上层;最高阶段

frustration [frʌs'treiʃən]


n. 挫折,令人沮丧的东西

restore [ri'stɔ:]


vt. 恢复,修复,使复原

financing [fai'nænsiŋ]


n. 融资,资金供应 动词finance的现在分词

odor ['əudə]


n. 气味,名声,气息





