Protesters bring Bangkok to a standstill
Another day of massive demonstrations cripple the Thai capital Bangkok Tuesday. Anti-government protesters have blocked roads and intersections bringing the city to a virtual standstill. Demonstrators gathered outside several government offices and forced employees to leave early. Other government offices, including the central bank, were working from remote locations. The protesters want Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to step down. They have rejected snap elections called for early February saying the entire electoral system needs to be reformed. Yingluck spoke to media Tuesday to plead for compromise.
周二,又一天的大规模示威活动导致泰国首都曼谷进入停滞状态 。反政府抗议者堵塞了道路和十字路口,整个城市几乎瘫痪 。示威者们聚集在几座政府办公大楼外,迫使雇员们提早下班 。包括中央银行在内的其他政府办公部门远程办公 。抗议者们希望总理英拉辞职 。他们拒绝了定于2月初举行的临时选举,称整个选举体制需要进行改革 。周二,英拉向媒体发表讲话,请求作出让步 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Thai) THAI PRIME MINISTER YINGLUCK SHINAWATRA SAYING: "I'm asking for cooperation and request all sides to take part in reforms. Whatever needs to be reformed or fixed - be that to get rid of corrupted politicians - it can be a reality. In what they are doing now, the country is at a standstill."
泰国总理英拉(YINGLUCK SHINAWATRA):“我呼吁大家合作,要求各方参与改革 。无论哪些方面需要改革或修正,包括解雇腐败政客,都可以成为现实 。按照他们现在的做法,国家几乎瘫痪 。”
Demonstrators are unlikely to comply. Protest leader Suthep Thuagsuban. In two or three days we'll close all government offices, he told the crowd. We will detain Prime Minister Yingluck and other ministers. The turmoil is the latest chapter in an eight-year conflict pitting the Bangkok-based middle class and royalist establishment against the mostly poorer, rural supporters of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and her brother, former prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.
示威者们不可能服从Suthep Thuagsuban)告诉人群,两三天之内我们将关闭所有政府办公室 。我们将拘留总理英拉和其他部长 。这次混乱是八年来的冲突的最新章节 。以曼谷为中心的中产阶级和贵族与总理英拉和他的兄弟的贫困的乡村支持者之间不断斗争 。 。抗议活动领袖素贴(
Chinese doctor sentenced to death for selling infants
A gynaecologist in northwest China received a suspended death sentence Tuesday (January 14) for her role in selling babies to human traffickers. Chinese media said Zhang Shuxia convinced parents that their newborn babies had congenital defects, and persuaded them to give up the children. She would then sell the infants to a human trafficker. In all, she sold seven babies. Miraculously, six have been recovered and returned to their biological parents. Zhang admitted to the crime during her trial in December. She and five other suspects have been detained in connection with the case.
1月14日,周二,中国西北部一名妇科医生因向人贩子出售婴儿被判死缓 。中国媒体表示,张淑侠告知新生儿父母,孩子有先天缺陷,说服他们放弃孩子 。然后,她把婴儿出售给人贩子 。她总共出售了7名婴儿 。出乎意料的是,其中6名被拐婴儿已经获救,交还亲生父母 。张淑侠在12月份的审判期间承认了罪行 。她和其他5名涉案嫌疑人已被拘留 。
Retired police officer arrested after movie theater shooting
The Pasco County Sheriff's Department has identified the alleged shooter at a Florida movie theater Monday as 71-year-old Curtis Reeves, a retired Tampa police officer. Reeves was arrested and charged with second-degree murder after deputies say he shot a couple sitting in front of him at a showing of 'Lone Survivor ' after a dispute over texting. The man later died. The woman has non-life threatening injuries.
帕斯科郡治安部门确认,周一佛罗里达一家电影院枪击案的嫌疑人为71岁的Curtis Reeves,一名退休的坦帕警察 。在影片“孤独的幸存者”上映期间,由于短信纠纷,他开枪射击了坐在他前面的一对夫妇,因此被捕并被控告二级谋杀罪 。被枪击男子死亡 。女子的伤势并无生命危险 。
(SOUNDBITE) SHERIFF CHRIS NOCCO/PASCO COUNTY "To have a retired police officer. I don't know what he was thinking at the time but I can tell you anybody, over a cell phone, over texting. And to take their life. It's ridiculous."
帕斯科郡治安官:“嫌疑人是一位退休的警察 。我不知道当时他是怎么想的 。但是我可以告诉大家,是由于手机,由于发短信而夺走他人的生命 。非常荒谬 。”
An off-duty deputy inside the theater was able to grab the gun and detain Reeves until deputies arrived.
剧院内一名休班警员夺过手枪,将Reeves制服,直到警察到来 。