Tokyo Governor resigns over money scandal
The man who led the Japanese capital's successful bid to host the 2020 Summer Olympics resigns in shame. Naoki Inose admitted he received money from a scandal-hit hospital chain ahead of an election. The Tokyo mayor described the $500,000 payment as a personal loan from operator Tokushukai. He said he was resigning to avoid damaging the Olympic preparations.
领导日本首都东京成功赢得2020年夏季奥运会举办权的东京都知事羞愧辞职Tokushukai的个人贷款 。他说,为了避免妨碍奥运会的准备工作,他决定辞职 。 。猪濑直树承认选举前接受了一所卷入丑闻的医院的资金 。这位东京市长表示,这笔500,000美元的资金是来自经营者
(SOUNDBITE) (Japanese) TOKYO GOVERNOR, NAOKI INOSE, SAYING: "We should not let metropolitan government work stop over my personal issues especially at this time when Japan has just about come out of a long tunnel of darkness and is about to make a running dash towards (the Summer Olympics) 2020."
东京都知事猪濑直树:“我们不应该让市政府的工作因为我的个人问题而停滞,尤其是在日本在黑暗的隧道中摸索,而且为2020年夏季奥运会进行紧张筹备的时候 。”
It's been a huge fall from grace for Inose. Elected leader of one of the world's biggest cities a year ago, he was considered key in securing Tokyo's bid to hold the 2020 games.
对于猪濑直树来说,简直是从天堂跌落到地狱 。一年前他才当选为世界最大城市之一的领导人,被认为是东京获得2020年奥运会举办权的关键人物 。
United Nations calls for end to excessive electronic spying
The UN calls for an end to excessive electronic surveillance expressing concern at the harm it could have on human rights. The 193-member General Assembly adopted a resolution intended to help ensure people have the same rights to privacy on the internet as they have offline. The move comes after former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden revealed details of a global spying programme by the NSA, sparking international outrage. General Assembly resolutions are non-binding but they can carry significant moral and political weight.
联合国呼吁各国停止过分的电子设备监控,表示担忧这种行为对人权造成的伤害 。拥有193个成员国的联合国大会采纳了一份决议,旨在帮助人们在网络上与在现实中享有同样的隐私权 。此前,美国国家安全局前雇员斯诺登披露了国家安全局全球监控项目的细节,引发国际社会的愤怒 。联合国大会决议没有法律约束力,但是有着重要的道德和政治影响力 。
Saab wins deal to sell 36 fighter jets to Brazil
Brazil announces one of the most valuable deals in emerging markets. It's given Swedish manufacturer Saab a $4.5bn contract to supply 36 fighter jets.
巴西宣布了新兴市场最有价值的交易之一 。他们与瑞典制造商萨博公司签署了价值45亿美元的合同,购买36架战斗机 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Portuguese) MINISTER OF DEFENCE, CELSO AMORIM, SAYING: "The choice, as you know, was the subject of study, careful thought and took into account the performance, effective technology transfer and cost, not just a maintenance deal. The choice was based on the best balance between these three factors."
巴西国防部长阿莫林(Celso Amorim):“你知道,该选择是经过调查,认真思考,并考虑了性能,高端技术转换和成本等一系列因素之后做出的,这并不是一笔简单的交易 。”
Many had expected Boeing or Dassault Aviation to win. But analysts say Boeing's cause was not helped by a recent row between the United States and Brazil over spying allegations. The US National Security Agency has been accused of intercepting messages from President Dilma Rousseff, her aides and the state oil company, Petrobras.
许多人曾经以为波音或达索飞机公司会赢得这份合同 。但是分析人员表示,由于美国和巴西之间的监控案指控争端,波音不可能获得该合同 。美国国家安全局曾被指控拦截总统罗塞夫,她的助手和国家石油公司的通讯信息 。